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Book online «Fire & Ice by Tohru Natsumi & Elliot Cross (free e books to read online .txt) 📖». Author Tohru Natsumi & Elliot Cross

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He coughed a little, "sorry I was just wondering.” Tohru backed up a little. Elliot and the headmaster both saw this. The headmaster then cleared his throat. "I understand that my son had turned you...Tohru. Is that so?" He asked looking at her up and down. "Well, I was told I was turned into a 'half' vampire." She said shyly. Elliot flinched at this. The headmaster got up and walked over to Tohru and circled her as if checking her out. Then he put a hand on her shoulder and leaned in real close. "You know you’re very lucky... If you were a full vampire, there would be dire consequences for you and for my son." He said with a seductive smile. Tohru looked up at him with widened eyes. The headmaster took his hand off his shoulder and walked over to Elliot. "But that's not the case with you now is it?" He turned to Elliot. Elliot shuddered at what he said, "What do you mean?" he didn't face the new headmaster at all. Headmaster Matsuri then went in front of him, Elliot then looked down, "you should look at your new Headmaster in the eyes when he is talking to you" he said in a stern voice. Elliot's anger grew. When he looked up he had yellowed eyes. "Yes, Headmaster." Elliot said viciously. Tohru yet again as the idiot she is ran in between them. "You both need to stop this madness!" "Elliot we are guardians, Headmaster, you are in control of the school, but you do not own the students!" She stated. "But I own you!" He said grabbing her by her wrists. "You most certainly do not!" She said, she could control her own strength and pushed the headmaster so hard he flew back. Tohru's heart beat fastened. "Headmaster! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean..." The headmaster said nothing but glared up at her. "It is fine, just watch yourself young one." He said propping himself up on his desk. Elliot couldn't help but snicker, but he hid it so no one would see. The headmaster, now looking straight at him said. "Elliot..." Elliot paused, "yes" he looked at him, "I need to talk to you, alone Tohru you may go" he shooed her away. Tohru went out of the door, but did not move from the spot out door. The Headmaster then sat in the chair from his desk, "what Night did was completely irresponsible" he said calmly. Elliot cringed at this, "no offense headmaster, but he saved my life. Yes I hate how I am now, but it just means I can kill whoever killed my father" Noticing what he just said out loud quieted him. The new headmaster let out a small laugh, "you're quite blood thirsty, and this is why Night is going to be punished besides you were not his to claim" he said very seriously. Elliot backed away a little, "I'm not his property and what the hell do you mean" He couldn't help, but yell at him. The headmaster looked did not budge from fright, "Do not yell young man at me, Elliot you are new to being a filthy wolf, but there are things that may happen that will be very dangerous" He walked toward him. Elliot stepped back. "But that is to come, for now you and Tohru will be in charge of both classes. Here is your weapon." He said pulling out a sterling silver gun. Elliot took it and it burned his hands. "What the?" Elliot said startled. "Whoops," said the headmaster. "I forgot. Werewolves can't touch silver. How foolish of me." He said. Elliot knew he did it on purpose. "You will have to deal with out a weapon I suppose, Ahhh, no. Here..." He said handing him a stick. "A stick!!!" Elliot said getting mad. The headmaster laughed. He pressed a button on it and it opened into a crossbow. "Oh." Elliot said impressed. "Ammo?" He asked. "It has a special type of ammo that does not need reloading, so you’re good." He said impressed. "And this is for Tohru." He pulled out a katana. "Yea, she's already dangerous with nothing, let's not add to that." Elliot said sarcastically. "But this only harms night creatures." said the headmaster. Elliot took hold of it, "well get out of my office mutt" he laughed and patted his head. Elliot pushed his hand off he then started to leave, "Oh and Elliot you're father I'm quite sorry we were friends back in the day, before he meet your mother" Elliot glared at him when he mentioned his mother. Then slammed the door on his way out surprised to see Tohru standing right there; he jumped a bit. "What the hell are you doing right here" he asked, she looked at him and laughed a bit. Elliot pushed the weapon toward her, "that’s yours" he looked in her eyes, "you have to do something about them" he pointed out. Tohru looked confused, " people are going to notice your eyes are red now, let’s go see Night he might have contacts you can use" she pointed at something before they started to walk. "Why do you have a stick, oh wait I know" she grabbed and threw it, "fetch" she laughed. Elliot looked at how far it was thrown, and slumped a bit. When he looked back at her she was smiling, "Dammit" Elliot cursed under his breath. He proceeded to get it and come back, "don't do that again" Tohru wasn't listening she was laughing so hard, "it worked though!" she held her stomach. "I'm sorry, that just made my day!" She wiped a tear from her eye, from laughing so hard, and asked. "Why did he give you a sick?" He walked over to her and whacked her over the head with it. "To do that!" He said laughing at his own joke. "We need to go see Night." He repeated. "Okay." Tohru said rubbing her head. As they were walking, Tohru became aware all of a sudden and got out her katana. Standing behind her was Night. "Jeez Man! Don't do that!!!" She said. "I could've killed you!!" "Yea..." He said moving the blade away from him. "Elliot what did I tell you!" He yelled. "Hey, we don't have a choice the new headmaster, aka Akaito's father, assigned us to guardian duty." He said shrugging his shoulders in a lazy attitude. "Any way got any contacts for her" he pointed at Tohru, Night looked at Tohru. Night went to the door, "yeah I should, Tohru come in; Elliot stay outside" he glared. Looking down at what was in his hand, "Elliot I know I call you mutt, but why do you have a stick?" he looked confused. "Shut it" he hit Night on the head with it, the two proceeded in the room both rubbing their heads. Night looked in the cabinets; "I swear I get no respect from him, Tohru do happen to know why his hand was burnt a little?" it came out worriedly. "That's what that smell is?" She asked looking at Elliot's hand. Elliot pulled back. "The headmaster ''accidentally gave me a silver gun. It burnt a little, no big." He said looking away from them and out the window. "That ass!" Said Night! "Who is he by the way?" Asked Night, who was still rummaging in the cabinets. "We told you already!" Elliot said raising his voice. "Akaito's father." Tohru said. "Oh! That's right." He said hitting his forehead. "Ahhh! Here we are!" He pulled out a box of green eyed contacts. "This should be good enough." He said handing it to Tohru. "Thanks!!" I had to avoid looking at everybody today!!" She said with a laugh. She put them in. "How does it look?" She asked looking at them cutely. Elliot laughed, "fix the the left one you didn't put it on right" Tohru sighed a little then asked again. Night looked at the two, "all right you both off you go I have other students to help" they both looked at the empty room. "Seriously I didn't even know you really worked" they both laughed, "out!" he growled. Tohru and Elliot walked toward the door laughing a bit, Tohru walked out first; Night grabbed Elliot's shoulder, "just because you have to work together doesn’t mean you can still be friendly with her, I'm going to see if I can get the headmaster to change his mind" he stated. Elliot looked away and walked out of the nurse's office. Tohru turned around. "I heard that!!" She said glaring at Night. "Just because Akaito told you to do something does not mean I have to avoid Elliot or Vice versa!" Something weird started to happen the contacts fell out and her eyes were bright red. Fire emitted around her and it was hot!!! Akaito then appeared out of nowhere and grabbed Tohru. The fire immediately disappeared. "Whoa!" Tohru exclaimed. "That was kewl!!!" She said to Akaito. Night just looked at her than at Akaito and turned into his office, shut the door and left everybody there in silence. "Holy crap! You could've burn the whole school down!" Elliot said. "Well, I didn't know I could do that!" She said back with an apology. Akaito let go of her. "You’re not supposed to be able to do that." He said. The headmaster appeared just like Akaito. "No she is not." He said with a smirk. Tohru and Elliot looked at each other they knew something bad was about to happen “all right explain it to us" he told them confused as hell, Elliot coughed again. Tohru looked at him. Akaito glared at Elliot, "what are you still here for" Akaito's fathers put his hand on his shoulder. "They are assigned to guardian duty" Akaito looked ready to tear his father’s head off. "Hey let's not forget that I'm not going to listen to you!" She pointed at Akaito. "Elliot is my friend and I choose to talk to him you do not choose for me!!" She said with a humph! "The headmaster looked at Akaito's stoned expression. "Well, you have a stubborn one, don't you?" He said half laughing. Akaito really wanted to kill his dad know for pointing out the obvious! "I know! She won't submit!" Akaito walked over to Tohru and leaned in to her. "Your eyes would change back to normal color if you would just drink from me." He said seductively. "In your dreams!!" She said backing away and hiding behind Elliot. Akaito sighed. "Well Father, What am I to do? She refuses to drink from me." He looked up at his father hoping he would have an answer. "Well, she could always... drink from me." He said taking a step towards her. "Like Hell she is!" Elliot and Akaito both said teaming up on the headmaster. "Just saying." Said the headmaster. "What are we going to do with you? Tohru." Akaito asked. But when Elliot turned around she was gone. "What the HELL?!? Where'd she go?" Said Elliot. Elliot kept looking for where she disappeared, Akaito looked at him, "you have to be kidding me" he then started to look. The headmaster began to laugh, Elliot and Akaito looked at him, "Help us Look!" they said at the same time. They both looked at each other and yelled. "Stop copying me! No You! AGH!!!" The headmaster laughed some more. "Tee hee!" Tohru laughed as she ran. She stopped when she reached the outside. "I hate being in uncomfortable situations!" Just then a loud crack came from the woods. Tohru whipped out her katana. Now this is a weapon. She thought. "You There! Come Out!" She said. "Put that thing away..." Said an unfamiliar voice. Elliot and Akaito were searching frantically from classroom to classroom. "Where could she be?" Elliot asked aloud. Just as he said that they were passing a hall where you could see
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