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Book online «Unseen Emotions by Kylie Richardson (ebook offline reader .TXT) 📖». Author Kylie Richardson

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till the bell rings. “So Aaron are you going to skate with Derrick after school?" "Yeah he knows where this awesome skate park is and we’re going there right after school. You can come if you want." "Nah I have too much stuff to do. But thanks anyways." "No problem." The bell rings and it’s time for the last class of the day. I go to room 157 and give the teacher the slip. This time I have to sit at the first lab table in the left corner of the room. This is great right up front, I truly despise sitting in the front. I get called on more in the front. For the rest of the class I am barely paying attention to the teacher. My mind is more focused on Rebeckah. Why did her brother give her that look at lunch? Was it because of me or Aaron? Or was it a family thing? Whatever it was it was weird.

The bell rings and I go wait by my car for Cameron. Finally she comes out and guess who is walking with her, Rebeckah. "Hey Damian I was wondering if you could drop me and Rebeckah off at the mall." "Yeah that would be fine Cam ." "Ok thanks, Rebeckah do you want front seat?" "Yeah that would be fine Cameron, as long as it’s ok with Damian." "Go ahead Rebeckah. I don’t really care as long as we can leave soon." "Ok and thanks for driving us there Damian. That’s really sweet." "It’s fine by me." I pull out of the parking lot and start heading for the mall. It’s a pretty quiet ride. I turned on the radio and Cameron and Rebeckah start singing to every song that comes on. Rebeckah has an amazing voice. I was just listening when Cameron hollered, "Damian you just missed the turn." "Geez Cameron calm down. I’m sorry I was just distracted." Rebeckah laughs a little bit as I turn around. "Don’t worry Damian; Rebeckah said her mom can take me home." "Ok I wasn’t worrying. That takes some stress off of me. Thank you Rebeckah." "It’s really no problem Damian. My mom will adore Cameron." "Yeah cause who doesn’t adore an annoying little sister." "Hey! I am not annoying. I’m just a little outspoken." "I know Cameron. I was just kidding around. Do you have a car Rebeckah?" "Yeah I do it’s just that I rode to school with Derrick today and I didn’t want to ask him. I hope that’s ok." "Yeah that was fine. Anytime you need a ride you can just call me." "Ok thank you Damian." "Hey was your brother ok today at lunch?" "Yeah he was fine. Why do you ask?" "Well it’s just I saw him give you a look so I was just wondering." "Oh you saw that. Yeah he’s fine he’s just a little over protective. He doesn’t want me to get hurt." "Why is he being over protective? I didn’t see anything today that would give him a reason to be like that." "Well to be completely honest he was being over protective because of you. He saw how you looked at me and how I looked at you and I don’t know I guess he thinks something." "Well like I said if you ever need anything you can just call me. Do you have a cell phone?" "Yeah, what’s your number I will put it in. "314-588-0162 you can call anytime. I get up really early, but I stay up kind of late so yeah." "Thank you very much Damian. You ready to go Cameron?" "Yeah I’m ready. See you later Damian." “Bye." I turn the car around and start to head home, when all of a sudden my phone rings. I turn the radio down and answer, “Hello?" "Hi Damian, are you going home? Why don’t you come in?" "Who is this?" "It’s Rebeckah. Come inside. They have a skate park. Please?" "You really want me to come in?" "Well no I don’t want you to, but uh Cameron really wants you to come in." "Well then tell Cameron that I have to go home and unpack boxes." "Oh ok I will tell her. I guess I’ll talk to you later Damian. Bye." “See ya." By now I am about 6 miles from my house. I’m going to go into the woods and explore in my wolf form.

I pull in the driveway and notice neither of my parents cars are there. Oh well that just means we get to refrain from the "how was school questions." I go through the garage and get bottled water from the fridge. My room is in the basement. Not because my parents don’t like me I requested that room. I like my privacy. I hurry down the steps and turn on the light. My room is covered with boxes ceiling high. I decide that I’m going to put away my stuff before going out. It doesn’t really take that long when you’re jamming to your favorite music. I get done in about 40 minutes. I pull out my werewolf cover up or W.C.U. for short and throw it on. When werewolves phase we keep none of our clothes so when we turn back to our human form we are naked. Our special scientists decided something had to be done so they made the W.C.U. Now when we phase back to our human form we aren’t naked. I finish my water and hurry out of the basement door. I head towards the woods and in a flash I go from being human to a black wolf. Most fairytales say that werewolves are huge and walk on hind legs, those stories are completely bogus. When we phase we are just a little bit bigger than a normal wolf. Another cool thing is when we are in wolf forms we can still communicate with our "pack". I run through the woods catching every little movement from the forest around. It’s so different than just walking through the woods. You can hear every little sound, smell every different odor, and see even the smallest details.

I’m 3 miles away from our house when I hear a high pitched noise. I guess my dad’s home. When we go out in our wolf form, if our family needs us our dad just whistles. It’s amazing the sounds you can hear. I turn around and start heading home. I catch sight of my mom and quickly phase back. "Damian it’s time to come in dinner is ready." "Ok mom just let me change and I will be right up." I run through the door and change into a casual outfit. When I make it upstairs everyone is there including Rebeckah. "Hey Damian I hope you don’t mind I invited Rebeckah over for dinner." "Oh it’s no problem Cameron. Did you guys enjoy yourselves?" "Yeah we had a blast me and Cameron went in every store. I got a new outfit and a CD that I have been wanting. How was your day?" "It was pretty boring. I finished straightening up my room then I went on a short hike." "Oh that sounds fun." "Oh yeah it was a blast." We finish dinner and Rebeckah calls her mom to come pick her up. While we are waiting for her mom Cameron gives Rebeckah a tour of the house. I go downstairs to finish my homework but it’s a little difficult when a girl that you like is upstairs hanging out with your family. Finally I hear Rebeckah’s mom pull up. Rebeckah tells everyone bye then comes down stairs. She gently knocks on my door, "Damian?" "Hey Rebeckah." "Hey I just came down to say goodnight. Thanks for having me over." "No problem Rebeckah anytime." "Ok well I guess I will see you at school tomorrow." "Hold on I will walk you out." "Oh you don’t have to." "Your right I don’t, but I want to." I slide my shoes on and lead her out the back door. I walk over to the passenger side and open the door for her. "Thank you Damian." "Anytime Rebeckah." Instead of getting in she just looks at me. I stare into her crystal blue eyes and without thinking I kiss her. It last for about a minute then I pull away. "I’m sorry Rebeckah I should not have done that." Instead of saying anything she kisses me again. This time the only thing that broke the kiss was the sound of the front door opening. Rebeckah blushes and quickly gets in the car. "Goodnight Rebeckah." And with that I shut the door.

I go back into the house and look at the time. Its 9:30. I go down stairs and grab my phone off of my nightstand. Searching through my contacts I find Rebeckah`s name. Trying to decide whether or not I should call, I hear my brother holler for me. I hurry up the stairs and walk to Aaron’s room. If I thought my room was messy then Aaron’s would be considered a junk yard. He has no boxes in his room but his stuff is all over the floor. "Aaron don’t you think you should at least make a path from your bed to the door?" "No my room is fine for now. Lets go." "Go where? Every store in town is probably closed." "I don’t want to go to a store I want to go on a hike. Are you coming or not?" "Yeah I’ll go. I just have to go get my W.C.U." "Ok I’ll come down stairs with you. We can go out the back door." We run down stairs and I quickly thrown my W.C.U. on. When I get outside there are 2 brown wolves wrestling. I phase into my wolf form and join in the fight. "Aaron you didn’t tell me dad was coming. Now it will take us twice as long just to make it to the river." The darker of the brown wolves gives a low growl. "Oh come on Dad you know I’m just messing with you." "And who says I’m mad? I’m just warning you to watch before I do get mad." "Ok you two let’s get going, unless you guys want to sit here and chat the night away." And with that being stated we all dart off. Each of us has a certain talent. I am the fastest and by a little the strongest, Dad is the most skilled fighter (but only from experience), and Aaron well we a still trying to figure out his skill. We make it to the river in 10 minutes. While Aaron and Dad get a drink I look at the mountain. It’s about 5 miles away, but it looks huge. "Dad, look at the mountain." The dark wolf glances up from the river. "No Damian, we need to get home." "But dad cant we stay out a little longer?" "No Aaron, it’s late enough. I’m sorry; we will go out again in a couple days. Now let’s go." Something’s not right. Usually dad will let us stay out for hours at a time. The darker wolf starts running towards the house. Aaron and I follow after, but before the mountain is out of view I turn and look at it once more. In 15 minutes we are back at the house. I quickly phase back and go in through the basement door. I take off the W.C.U. and throw on some boxers and a shirt. I climb into bed, but before falling asleep I check my phone. 0 missed calls. I let out a little sigh then roll over. I cut out the light and within 5 minutes I’m dreaming.

Chapter 2: Just a Dream

"Aaron, wait stop!" It’s no use, the faster I run the farther away he gets.
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