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Unseen Emotions by Kylie Richardson

Chapter 1: New town, New People.

First day in a new town going to a new school, very exciting, I am taking my sister to school due to the fact that she is 15 and can’t legally drive yet. Has that stopped her? No. She drives any time she gets the chance to, but my dad decided that we didn’t need to get a ticket our first week in town, so I have to drive her. My brother on the other hand is 17 as am I. Well we’re not really 17. We are actually 25, born in 1981, but since we are werewolves and have the gene in us, we still look like we are 17.Aaron could have drove Cameron, but he didn’t want her to "cramp his style", as he put it. Aaron can be a little rude sometimes but when he wants to he can be very loyal and caring. I wouldn’t consider my family "rich" but we all have very nice cars. My mom is the head journalist for a huge magazine, and then my dad is a carpenter. So all-in-all we have it pretty well. I don’t really like the look of the old muscle cars so my parents bought me a 2007 Chevy Corvette. My brother on the other hand builds cars and he refurbished a 1969 Ford Mustang, and it’s pretty sweet for an older model. We live about 10 miles away from Fox Hill High, and personally I wanted to walk to school but dad wouldn’t let me because it’s usually a long hike for humans. My dad, Aaron and I are full werewolves, the gene passed down from his dad and so on. We are different from the story book werewolves; we don’t need a full moon to phase. My mom and sister are half-werewolves. My mom gets the gene from her father, but the gene doesn’t pass fully to females, so they can’t phase. They just don’t age like the rest of us. It really works out to, despite the fact that every 3 or 4 years we have to move. My family just moved from Virginia to Oregon , and I’m beginning to believe that I can deal with it.

We are about 5 miles outside of the town when my mom calls. I ask Cameron to turn the radio down and pick up, “Hi mom." "Hi Damian, I was just calling to make sure you guys were grabbed everything you needed for school." "Yeah mom, we have all the supplies, map of the school, all we are missing is our schedules which we will get when we get to school.” "Ok Damian, I was just making sure. How is your sister? Tell her I said that it is ok to be nervous; just don’t let it get to you." "Yeah mom, she says she isn’t really nervous at all, it will all be fine mom." "Ok mom, no worries, we’ve done this enough to know how it works. Everything will be perfect, but I got to go we are pulling into the school parking lot." "Ok I love you Damian. Tell Cameron and Aaron I love them to." "Ok mom. Bye." "Bye." We pull into the school parking lot, and I’m having second thoughts about whether I should have brought my car or Cameron’s.

Everyone in the parking lot is staring at us. I pull into the open space next to Aaron and quickly comb my hair. Cameron chuckles under her breath. "What’s so funny Cameron?" "Nothing is funny Damian. Nothing at all...” And she starts laughing again. I nudge her arm and hop out. "Hey Aaron wait up.” Cameron and I hurry up to Aaron and go into the school. We walk around till we find the main office and get our schedule. “Cameron do you want us to walk you to class?" "No Damian I have it under control but thanks anyway." "No problems meet me at my car by 2:30, and if you’re not there then you’ll have to walk home. Ok?" "Yeah I’ll be there bye." "So Aaron what’s your schedule?" "Well I have English, science, math, lunch, gym, and then social studies. What do you have?" "Well I have math, social studies, English, lunch, gym, and then science. So this year we have 1 class together, fine by me." "Yeah I get enough of you at home. One class is enough." RING! "See you later Aaron." I run down the hall till I find room 133 the math classroom. I slip in right as she calls my name for attendance. "Mr. Damian Wolfe?" "Here" "Ah Mr. Wolfe I hope you don’t make becoming tardy a regular thing." "Sorry I had to make sure my sister found her class. It won’t happen again." "Very well Mr. Wolfe. Please take your seat." And with that she points to an empty seat in the back of the classroom. I hurry over and sit down. The rest of the class slowly drags on. I got called on one time throughout the whole hour. I was praying that the rest of the day would go by a little quicker. The bell rung and everyone hurried out of the classroom. I found my locker and to my surprise I had to share a locker. I was thinking great I get to share a locker with a jock. How wrong I was. When my "locker-mate" came he was just a little bit preppy. He reminded me of Aaron. He had black spiky hair, he was wearing some baggy jeans with a black rocker shirt, and he was kind of pale. He opened our locker and there were pictures of skateboarders and of famous rock groups. I was thinking this is really cool he is a skateboarder and so am I. So I walked over and cleared my throat. The guy spun around and said in a voice that sounded like he was annoyed "Yes?" "Hi I’m Damian. I just moved here from Virginia and apparently we are sharing a locker." I stuck my hand out and he shook it. "Hi my name is Derrick. Sorry if I sounded kind of rude just people are kind of annoying me today." "Oh it’s cool. So do you skate?" "Yeah, why do you?" "Actually my brother and I both do. Maybe we could skate with you sometime." "Yeah that would be cool. But I got to go. Peace." "Yeah, bye." Well that didn’t go as bad as it could have.

I looked at the clock and there was 2 minutes left till class, so I went and found room 215 social studies. I went in and gave the teacher the slip and he pointed me to a desk that was 3 seats away from the last row. I sat down and got out my book. The bell rang and the teacher shut the door. As he was calling roll a girl came in and apologized for being tardy. There was something about her that made it so my eyes couldn’t look away. Finally she glanced over and saw me. I quickly forced my attention back to the front of the room. I couldn’t help but glance at her again. She looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and then the teacher called on me. "Mr. Wolfe, the answer?" "I’m sorry what the question was?" "Next time Mr. Wolfe please pay attention." "Yes sir." The girl gave a very faint chuckle, "Rebeckah that means you to." Rebeckah, so that was her name. “Sorry Mr. Walker it won’t happen again." She looked at me and whispered sorry then looked back at the teacher. There was something about her that kept me thinking of her. Was it her pale skin? Her blonde hair? Or was it her crystal blue eyes? Whatever it was she was on my mind till the bell rung. I got up and walked out of the room, and there she was waiting for me. "Sorry about that. I didn’t mean to get you in trouble." "It’s cool. No harm no foul." "I’m Rebeckah. Rebeckah Smith." She stuck her hand out and I gladly shook it. “Hi I’m Damian. Damian Wolfe." "Wolfe? That’s a strange last name. No offense." "None taken I get that a lot. You kind of look like the guy I share a locker with. His name is Derrick." "Yes I do suppose I would look like him. He is my brother." "Oh that’s cool. He seemed like a nice guy." "Yeah he is, but I have to go or I’m going to be late. I’ll see you later Damian." "Yeah see you later Rebeckah." I went to English and I have to say it was the most boring out of the classes I have had. The teacher had this really monotone voice that made sure nothing could get you excited. Finally the bell rang and everyone went to the cafeteria.

I met up with Aaron and Cameron right before getting in line. "So Cameron how has your day been so far," "Actually Damian it’s been good. In 1st hour I met this girl and she was very nice and kind, I’m sitting with her at lunch." "Well that’s awesome Cameron. How was your day Aaron?" "My day has been very boring and dry. I can’t wait to get home so I can skate." "Oh that reminds me my locker-mate is a pretty cool dude and he skateboards. I thought we could eat lunch with him." "Yeah that sounds cool D." So we go through the line and as we are paying Rebeckah walks up. "Hey Cameron, Are you planning to eat lunch with me? We could always make room for your brothers." "Yeah Rebeckah that sounds fine, Aaron, Damian meet..." "Rebeckah Smith." "Oh so you already know her Damian?" "Yeah she got me in a little bit of trouble in social studies." "Oh I soooo did not get you in trouble you got me in trouble. You were the one that was staring at me. Not the other way around." "I was not staring I was looking around the room and noticed you looking at me." "Whatever. So are you guys eating with us or not?" "I will. What about you Damian because I know Cameron will?" "Yeah that would be great."

We follow Rebeckah over to her lunch table and I see her brother. "What’s up Derrick? This is my brother Aaron." "Hi Damian, hi Aaron; Are you guys eating with us?" "Yeah if it’s cool with you." "I’m fine with it. So Aaron can you can skate?" "Yeah I was the second best skater in Virginia, right behind Damian." "Oh that’s really cool." Aaron and Derrick start talking about skateboarding, and it seems that Rebeckah understood everything they said. She looks up and smiles at me. I start to say something but then her brother looks in her direction. She quickly looks away and starts to eat. I don’t know if that was a warning glance or what but for the rest of the lunch period Rebeckah’s eyes never leave her tray. The bell rings and we all get up and start heading for class.

I have gym next with Aaron, so I’m kind of looking forward to it. In gym we are playing basketball. Me and Aaron partner up and start shooting baskets. Everyone else is looking at us like we are from another planet. I really could care less though, and I’m guessing Aaron feels the same way because he was in a chipper mood all through class. We go change back into our regular clothes and wait by the door

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