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Book online «Unseen Emotions by Kylie Richardson (ebook offline reader .TXT) 📖». Author Kylie Richardson

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I try with all my might to catch up to him, when all of a sudden he stops dead in his tracks. Its takes no time at all to realize why, 10 feet away from Aaron is the most hideous creature imaginable. It’s got the head of an eagle, wings of a dragon, a fox’s body, and a huge tail covered in spikes. Aaron tries retreating a little from the beast but it keeps coming towards him. I am almost to them when something catches my eye. I look over to where the light came from. It’s Rebeckah; she is imprisoned in a cage the size of a small shed. I release a low whine then look back towards the beast. He is still following Aaron. "Aaron, you have to get away from him. There is no way that we can beat him." "I’m trying, but there is no way out unless I want to be squashed. What is this?" "I don’t know Aaron but you have to get away now!" The beast lets out a horrible scream. Aaron whines and stops retreating. "Aaron get out of there!" He doesn’t even glance at me. He is staring at the monster as if he can’t look away. The monster advances on Aaron, but instead of retreating Aaron continues to stare at it. I hear a scream and turn towards the cage. Coming out of the woods is another beast, and he is heading towards Rebeckah. I start towards the cage but, then I remember Aaron. If I don’t help Aaron but save Rebeckah, Aaron will die. But if I don’t help Rebeckah and save Aaron, Rebeckah will die. Looking back and forth from Rebeckah to Aaron, I figure if I hurry I can save both. I start running towards the cage. I am 5 feet away when I hear Aaron scream in pain. The beast had Aaron in his hands and was squeezing him to death. The beast that was near Rebeckah’s cage returned back to the forest... I run towards Aaron but they keep getting farther and farther away. "Aaron fight back. Please Aaron do something." Aaron is screaming from the pain. I try harder and harder to reach him, but they’re gone. “Aaron please come back." Its no use, the hideous beast has killed my brother. The beast lets out a horrifying laugh and throws Aaron away like he’s trash. He is starting towards me; I turn and run to Rebeckah. Instead of being happy someone can save her she starts hollering at me, telling me to leave her alone. I try to understand why and I remember I’m in wolf form. The only way to save her is to show her the real me, Damian the werewolf. I think for a quick second and decide it’s not worth her dying to keep a secret, so I turn back to my human self. "Damian? What... What is going on? What are you?" "Rebeckah I’m..." and then the beast that went back into the woods picks up Rebeckah from her cage and starts strangling her as it did Aaron.”Rebeckah!"

Something started beeping I look around trying to recognize the noise and realize I’m dreaming, it’s just a dream. I wake up sweating and panting. Looking at my alarm clock I see its 4 o’clock. I shut off the annoying alarm and get up. "At least it was just a dream." I grab my clothes and go upstairs to take a shower, but before I get to the bathroom though I check on Aaron. I can hear him snoring from outside the door. I let out a sigh of relief and get in the shower. 15 minutes later feeling fully awake and relaxed I get dressed and go to wake up Cameron and Aaron. I knock on Cameron's door and quietly say, "Cameron are you up?" "Yeah Damian I’m up, getting dressed be out in 5." "Ok just making sure." "Thanks." I proceed to Aaron's room and he is still snoring. I open the door and walk over to him. He doesn’t even budge. I walk to the end of the bed and jump on him. "Wake up Aaron!" "Damian what the hell? Did you have to do that?" "You shouldn’t still be sleeping, get up you’re going to be late to school." I get off of him and he sits up, "I’m going to get you back Damian." "Yeah sure you are how many times have you said that?" I chuckle and leave the room. Walking towards the kitchen, I hear that everyone is up. Mom is cooking breakfast, Cameron is making the table, and Dad is sitting in a chair reading the newspaper with his morning cup of coffee. I go to the fridge and grab bottled water. "Cameron who are you going to school with? If you are going with me I’m leaving now. “Why are you leaving so early Damian?" Dad looks up from his paper," Damian stay away from that mountain. I don’t want you 10 miles from it understand?" “Yes sir I’m not going there though, if you guys must know I’m going to the library."I`ll go to school with Aaron, give you time to study or whatever you are doing." "Ok, see you guys later." I walked over gave my mom a kiss on the cheek and gave my dad a hug. I went down stairs grabbed my W.C.U. just in case and went out the basement door. I got to my car when my cell phone went off, it was a text. "Hey Damian are you up?" It was Rebeckah; I quickly hit reply and told her I was. I turned on the ignition and pulled out of the drive way. 2 minutes later I got another text from Rebeckah "Are you going to be at school today?" Instead of texting back I called her; I had to hear her voice. The phone only rang twice before she picked up, "Hey Damian." "Hey Rebeckah, how was your evening?" I secretly wondered if she was going to ignore the fact we kissed or not, my thought was answered quickly, "Before or after we kissed?" My spirit lightened up and I quickly responded, "After." "It was good; I couldn’t fall asleep for a while." "Ha I couldn’t either; hey do you want to go get some coffee or something before school?" I really didn’t like coffee that much but I was dying to see her. "Well I don’t really like coffee." I chuckled a little, "What’s so funny Damian?" "Well to be truthful I really don’t like coffee either, I just wanted to come pick you up and hang out a little before school." I held my breath waiting for a response, "Oh ok well you can come pick me up if you want to, I don’t mind. You should’ve just said so." She laughed a little; her laugh was so light and sweet, "Ok I’ll be there in 5 minutes." You live 15 miles from me, how are you going to be here in 5?" "Well again to be truthful I was already on my way to your house, I thought you would like to come, I hope that’s ok." "Yeah that’s fine; I'll see you when you get here. Bye Damian." "See ya." I guess the thought never occurred to Rebeckah that I didn’t know where she lived. Lucky for me all I needed to know what subdivision she lived in, she had a certain scent or aroma that was hard to miss. I pulled onto her street and saw her sitting on the porch of the fifth house.

I pull in and she stood up collecting her things, she looks beautiful today, as she does every day. I get out walk to her side and open the door, "Good morning Rebeckah." "Good morning Damian." She slides in and I shut the door. "Thank you Damian." "Anytime Rebeckah." I pulled out of the drive way and go down the street. "So where are we going?" I think and realize I really don’t know what there is to do in this town, "I don’t know we have an hour before school. Where do you want to go?" "Well I, I really don’t know." She looked down and blushed, she was nervous, why I don’t know. That didn’t bother me though; I thought for a second and then remembered the river. It was beautiful and calming, I thought she would love it. "Ok I got a place." "Where are we going Damian?" "It’s a surprise but I’m sure you'll love it." The river was about 8 miles from Rebeckah's house. It’s a pretty quiet ride, minus the radio. Rebeckah seems tired and doesn’t talk that much, but I take no offense to it, I mean we have known each other for a day and a morning. I pull over into the trees and park the car, "Damian this is just the woods, are we going to sit here?" I chuckle, "No we have to walk a little to get there, and I hope you don’t mind." "No its fine." I get out and open her door for her, and help her out of the car. "Have you always been like this Damian?" "Like what?" "Gentlemen like this, opening car doors helping me out?" "Yeah a little I picked it up from my dad; it’s sort of become a habit now." She laughs and starts walking; her laugh is beautiful, so innocent and sweet. I follow behind her into the forest, glad that she didn’t where flip flops. "Damian where are we going? Are we going deep into the woods?" "Why are you scared to be out here? I'd protect you from anything Rebeckah, and we only have to walk about 5 minutes." "I'm not afraid I was just curious." She looks at me and I stare into her blue eyes, so deep so beautiful. She laughs and starts walking again. I get the bag out of the car, then run and catch up and grab her hand, hoping I’m not going too fast. She doesn’t seem to mind though so I’m not worried at all. The forest is amazing, and with the added presence of Rebeckah it seems perfect. Not that much of a distance left between us and the river, I cover Rebeckah’s eyes. "Is this really necessary Damian?" "Trust me Rebeckah." "I do." I lead her through the last of the trees and uncover her eyes. "Oh Damian, it’s beautiful." We're standing a little higher than the river on an overlook. The water is so still, just the currents moving it. With the sun on it, the water is sparkling, as bright as Rebeckah's eyes. "Yeah, you are." She looks at me, confusion yet happiness is written across her face. I unzip the bag and pull out a blanket. Setting it down on the rock, I sit down and find peace. Rebeckah seems to be in a trance with the beauty of the river, eyes never leaving it. She is too beautiful, making me feel as if I am dreaming; I pinched myself to make sure I wasn’t. When I realized I wasn’t, I was still in awe. I reached back in my bag and grabbed a camera, standing up I take a picture of the river. Rebeckah is looking at me, "May I?" She looks confused so I hold up the camera, her cheeks turn pink, "Sure I guess." I take a picture of her against the river, "Beautiful." She blushes again, "Damian this has to be the best view in the world, the river, the cliffs, the sun, and you here with me." She looks away, embarrassed I’m sure, but the statement she said is exactly what I’m thinking except she is the main focus. "Rebeckah, about the other day, I want to apologize, I reacted wrong and I’m sorry." She walks over to me,
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