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Book online «Unseen Emotions by Kylie Richardson (ebook offline reader .TXT) 📖». Author Kylie Richardson

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wraps her arms around me, "Damian, I wouldn’t go back and change it if I could, and I hope you feel the same." I lift her chin with my finger and look into her eyes, "Rebeckah I wouldn’t change it at all." She looks at me, like she’s staring into my soul, I kiss her, passionately and she returns it. We sat on the blanket, are hands entwined, "So Damian, are we together? Or is it a different kind of relationship?" "Rebeckah, I would love to be with you." She lays her head on my chest, and we sit there enjoying the view and each other. I glance at my watch, sighing as I see the time. "What’s wrong Damian?" I show her my watch and she see the time, “I guess we have to go?" I stood up and looked at her, reaching out my hand I answer, “Unfortunately yes, if you want I have time to run you by your house so you can get your car." I’m praying inside my head that she doesn’t want to, so I will have more time with her, "If it's fine I will just ride to school with you." I pull her over and kiss her forehead, "That’s fine with me.” I packed my stuff, as Rebeckah was having 1 last look of the river. I threw the backpack over my shoulder and walked over to Rebeckah," Are you ready to go?" She sighed softly, but loud enough for me hear, "Yeah, lets go." We walked hand in hand back to my car; I walked over to the passenger side and help her in. School usually isn’t something I looked forward to, but I was fine and happy knowing Rebeckah and I were together. It took 10 minutes for us to go to school, it wasn’t as long as I wanted it to be, but being with Rebeckah was enough. We got to school and I pulled in a parking space, I walked over to the passenger side and opened the door for her. “I loved the lake Damian , and I loved being able to see it with you.” She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me,” Thank you.” I smiled at her and look into her beautiful eyes, “anytime Rebeckah”, I kissed her again and we walked into school hand in hand. “Rebeckah, what is your schedule?” “Well I have English, social studies with you, math, science, and then gym.” “Well then, may I walk you to English?” She smiled, “I’d love that.” We walked to her class, “Thank you again Damian for being such a gentleman,” she kissed me on my cheek, “I’ll see you later.” My eyes followed her as she walked through the English room door. I spun away from the room and started walking to my locker; I wasn’t paying much attention and ran into Derrick, “Hey sorry Derrick I guess I wasn’t paying attention, my fault.” He glared at me and walked away, but his mood didn’t disturb me, I felt as though I was floating on clouds. I opened my locker and got my math book, barely making it to my seat on time I pull out my notes and pretend to be focusing on the lesson.

The first half of school passed rather quickly and before I knew, it was lunch time. I walked to meet Rebeckah at the lunch line, but when I arrived there I couldn’t find her. I walked around looking and when I walked around the corner of the vending machine I heard whispering. Listening I heard Rebeckah’s voice. With my “special” hearing I also heard Derrick’s voice and from what I could tell he was pissed. I know it’s wrong to ease drop, but Rebeckah sounded like she was about to cry. So instead of doing the right thing and walking the other direction, I stayed and listened. “Rebeckah, I told you yesterday you can’t be with him. You can’t be with any human! It’s not safe! Do you even care about the safety of our family? What if he found out what we are? Do you think he will like the fact that the lips he kisses are lips that also suck blood? I don’t think so, and besides that it’s just not safe for him.” “Derrick, I love him! There is no way that I could not; he stole my heart if I even have one. You wouldn’t understand, your heart is as cold as our skin to humans.” Vampire? My Rebeckah a vampire? It was impossible; there was no way that she could be. “Rebeckah, do what you want, if you want to date the human date him, but if you jeopardize our safety, no more.” I couldn’t take it anymore, I had to get away, go somewhere. It was just too much to think about, to harsh of a reality. Walking in the other direction I started thinking that maybe it could be true. I was planning on leaving and just going home, but as I was walking out the door Rebeckah came over. “Hey Damian, where are you going; are we going to eat lunch or are you leaving?” Her eyes were so innocent; looking into them I almost forgot the conversation. “Well I was going to go home, but I won’t if you don’t want me to.” I choked the words out, hard to say them because to me it just wasn’t fair. In the same breath I was hiding something wasn’t I? I mean I hadn’t told her I was a werewolf, but how can you just say that? There really isn’t a way to is there? “What ever you want to do Damian, if you want to go to your house we can.” I grabbed her hand and we started walking to the door, “Rebeckah I have to show you something, will you come with me?” She chuckled lightly, “Of course I will Damian, where are we going?” Opening the passenger side door I answer, “Back to the river.” I walk around and open the trunk, grabbing my W.C.U. and hop in. If the drive to school was quiet, the ride to the river was dead silence, no radio and no talking, just thinking. When we pull into the side road I shut the ignition off and grab Rebeckah’s hand. Looking into her eyes I get lost, “Rebeckah what ever happens know that I love you, and yes I know we haven’t known each other that long at all but I truly do love you.” I release her hand and get out, walking ahead of her I can’t believe that I’m actually about to do this, to show her my families secret, to show her the real me. Rebeckah catches up and grabs my hand, “Are you ok Damian?” Sighing I told her to just remember what I said earlier, “Everything is fine.” We walked through the clearing and walked to the spot we sat earlier, “Will you wait here for a second please? And will you promise me that no matter what you see that if you run away you won’t tell anyone what you see and you’ll just forget about this, about me?” “Damian, I promise that I won’t tell anyone but I won’t forget about you. What is this about?” “Stay here, I’ll show you.” I walked into the woods, but before I went in all the way I turned around and just looked at her again. “I love you Damian.” I walked the rest of the way and put my W.C.U. on; before I went out I thought once more about what I was doing and decided it was for the best. I might be jeopardizing the whole reality of my kinds existence, but people do stupid things for love right? With that final thought I phased and standing in my place was now not the Damian everyone knew, it was Damian the werewolf. Nausea swept over me, but I swallowed my stomach and walked a few steps, but before I was out of the woods completely I saw that Rebeckah was still in the same spot that I left her in. Walking out the rest of the way, head down, I heard a sharp inhale. I looked up at Rebeckah; she was terrified, “Back! Back! Damian, help me!” I looked down at the ground, Rebeckah was still screaming but I tuned it out, with a final thought I phased back into my human form. “D-D-D-Damian? That wolf thing was you? You’re a . . . a werewolf?” I looked up and met her eyes, “Rebeckah, I couldn’t keep this from you. I had to tell you, its one of the most important things about me.”

AUTHORS NOTE: This book is not fully done, there is still a lot left to put in. If it isnt good im not writing anymore. Would love opinions and to know if i should continue. This book is mine so no stealing. :) thanks for reading! Imprint

Publication Date: 06-24-2010

All Rights Reserved

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