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Book online «Falling Apart by Whitney Kelley (ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author Whitney Kelley

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feels Devin run. She can hear his heart racing as he ran faster and faster. She felt her own heart racing as she smelt the hunters. woah! Wait she smelt the hunters? She could smell the hunters? Then all of a sudden her whole body hurt all over. She let go and fell off of Devin screaming. She rolled back and forth on the forest floor her whole burning.

"it burns! it burns!" she screamed.

Devin changed into his human form picking her up and started running.

"This can't happen here! We have to get you home fast!" Devin says running as fast as he can in his human form.

Trees blur past them as he runs. Sweat gathering on her forehead. Devin makes it to a neighborhood.

"I traced your sent to here. Your house is protected! which one is it brooklyn?" he says franticly.

She slowly sits up in his arms and points at the yellow house on the hill. He swears under his breath and starts running towards the house. He ran right the front door not bothering knocking. Her dad and Jack coming running from the kitchen to the front door.

"Brooklyn!" she heard Jack shout before she was consumed by darkness.

Chapter 2


"She is changing. Slowly. I've never saw anything like it Paul. Her eyes were purple before she blacked out. The only way that could ever happen is if she had ancient blood in her veins. Paul can this mean that she is?"

"No! There is no way my daughter could be one of those monsters!" She heard her father talking to Devin outside the door.

"What if she is paul? It explains everything. why it has taken her so long to." Jack is cut off by her opening the bedroom door.

"Papa" she says groggily.

"Yes sweetheart." He looked up at her looking into her now blue eyes.

He smiled at her knowing full well she was fully changed. From his right he heard Jack choke then run out of the house. He looked at Devin. Devin shrugged and looked at Brooklyn. She looked drained as if the life was taken out of her. Her face was pale and dark circles began to appear around her eyes.

Paul grabbed her hand. It was cold as ice. He sighed to himself. Devin was right she was. He let go of her hand and turned his back toward her and walked to his study slamming the door. How could this happen to his own daughter!

He sat in his chair and bowed his head holding it in his hands he sighs. She had to make a big decision to make. She is about to face the worse pain she has ever felt as the vampire fights with her wolf. The few that this happens to which is 5% of the wolf population. Only 1% survive. She has to have will and courage. He sighs again. He picks up his phone calling the only person he knows that can help.

She jumped as she heard her father slam the door to his office. Tears gather in her eyes. She turns to Devin.

"Whats wrong with me." she whispered.

He grabbed her into a hug. She rested her head on his chest.

"Nothing is wrong Brooklyn. Your father just needs time to think about things." He sighed.

"what things? Devin he just turned his back on me literally! What am I?" She screamed the tears flowing down her face. Devin shook his head.

"i can't tell you hun. It's not my place. Just know i will be here through all of this. Your father offered me a room here." he said rubbing his hand on her back.

She yawned and closed her eyes. "I feel tired" she mumbles.

"It's the change. It takes a big toll on you." He says picking her up bridal style and taking her to her room.

He lays her in her bed pulling the black and purple covers up and over her.

"Sleep tight" he whispers as turns and before he could walk away she reached out and grabbed his wrist.

"lay with me." she mumbles sleeply.

He nodded kicking off his shoes and laying beside her. She rolled over resting her head on his chest. She closes her eyes and soon falls into a deep slumber. Devin watches her. He smiles to himself. All these years he has been searching and he found her.

She or her father could never know who he was to her. They could never know who he is. Every blood moon he turns into some creature that he can't control. He left his brother, father, and the whole pack behind. When he found out that his father's wife was in fact not his birth mother he searched for his real mother. When he found his mother in this small town he waited for the time to be right.

He found the abandoned cabin in the woods and made it into his now home of three years. When he saw Brooklyn's mother Andrea had passed away from an animal attack. He knew full well that it was not some animal attack. Vampires hated their kind. He sneaked into the police station looking at her case. Her throat and her limbs were ripped apart.

Her arms and legs scattered all over the place. He wasn't a man to cry but seeing his own flesh and blood ripped apart like that by the enemy he has hated so much. There were some vampires that he could stand. The ones who fought along side him and the pack he left behind. Those vampire were called nomads. He could trust them.

He sighed looking at his sister in his arms. He was happy he could protect her. She could never find out that her mother had a child with another man before she was ever born. Brooklyn mumbled in her sleep. He brushed her bangs off her head and smiled. She was a sight believe it or not but she had alot of fire in her. Devin's eyes started to drift shut and soon he was consumed in a light sleep.


Chapter 3


"Where is Brooklyn?" a girl says coming up to Jack's desk. He sighed thinking about last night. He stormed out of her house like it was on fire, Brooklyn didn't feel the buzz when she looked at him but when he met her eyes he felt the buzz.

"Mr. Styles?" the girl asked looking at him more closely.

"Yes, sorry! My mind is just wondering. Brooklyn, she is fine just a little ill. I expect her to be here in a few days." He told the short blonde girl.

The girl nodded and walked out of his classroom and into the hall of chaos. Students were running and jumping, slamming lockers and yelling. Some students were starting to get a little heated. Jack had too much on his mind to realise. He ducked his head and rested his head in his hands, closing his eyes. No way in hell could he be the mate to a child! She only nineteen, and one of his student! He used to babysit the girl for crying out loud!

"Brother are you okay?" Jonny asks leaning on the door jam to Jack's classroom. Jack answered with a shrug. Johnny looked at Jack curiously.

"You know you came home from Brooklyn's last night awfully fast. Did something happen? I heard some man found her? Did he hurt her Jack? Is she okay?"

"Hush!" Jack growled not looking up at Johnny.

"Sorry" johnny whispered.

"No i'm sorry! John i'm going to tell you something but you can't tell anyone not even ma and pa okay?" Jack says sitting back in his chair.

Johnny nodded and sat in the chair at the side of Jack's desk.

Jack sighed "Brooklyn is my mate."

Johnny stood up faster than the speed of light and looked into Jack's eyes for any hint of joking. Once Johnny realised that Jack was certainly telling the truth

"She doesn't know does she?" Jack shook his head sighing.

"Brother you have to tell her" Johnny said matter of factly.

Jack just shook his head again "No I want her to feel it. I am not going to force her to be with me. Once her wolf senses come in strong then she'll start to feel it. If her wolf senses come in."

Johnny looked at him his mouth sit in a straight line "what do you mean if? Does Brooklyn have?"

"Yes Brooklyn has ancient blood in her veins." Jack replied.

"Great!" Johnny state's walking out of the classroom.

Johnny and Brooklyn were close. They grew up together. Jack would have ran after Johnny but he knew that Johnny needed to time to think just like him himself did. Brooklyn touched the hearts of many in this school. Hell in this town. If she doesn’t make it though this change he didn't know how he would survive.

Losing a mate is one thing but losing a mate and your best friend is another. Jack sighed then smiled to himself remembering one time when he was watching Brooklyn while her parents had gone out on some business. He was cooking dinner while she played outside in the back yard. His parents decided to take Johnny out for a little bit cause it was close to the anniversary of his mother's death. He was just about to drain the noodles when he heard a scream. He had ran outside his heart racing.

All he could think was she has been with me an hour and she is already hurt. What will ma and pop do if they found out. Ah crap! He smiled when he came to the front door seeing that the scream was not her being hurt but her being muddy. The six year old had found the only mud puddle in the back yard. Jack had cleaned her up and gave her one of his too small t-shirts to wear while her clothes were being washed. They ate and watched movies all night until her parents came to get her.

Giggling brought Jack out of his memory. He looked up to see his class filled with students. He picked up his large history teachers textbook and walked to his podium at the front of the class. A small pale hand raises in the air.

"Yes Ms. Heath?" he asked looking at the blonde hair blue eyes spoiled child.

"Mr.Style you see Daddy says I need to take a break considering I had that scare last week. Can we not do anything today?"

The rest of the class chipped in pleading him not to give a lesson. He held his hand up palm out to silence the students.

"Fine no lesson

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