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Book online «Falling Apart by Whitney Kelley (ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author Whitney Kelley

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but you do have to write me a page essay front and back of what the word war means to you."

He walked back to his seat smiling when everyone groaned. He let the kids think that they could get a day off. He had these little essay questions set aside for times like these. He let his gaze wander to where Brooklyn always sat the seat right in front of him. He giggled recalling she would always disrupt his class just to be told to move to the seat. He had finally changed the sitting arrangements and had moved her permanently to the seat. A brunette girl with glasses turned her paper in first.

"Emily can you do me a favor?" he asked pulling her to the side

She nodded very shyly."Yes sir." she whispered

"Could you round up Brooklyn Lawson's homework for me?" He asked holding out a piece of paper with Brooklyn's classes written on it.

Emily just nodded and took the piece of paper turning on her heel and out the door to her destination.

    Soon after Emily's departure more of the students started turning in their papers and when he had everyone's paper he let them talk quietly among themselves. Emily came through the door her arms full of book just as the bell rang. She sat the books on his desk and walked to her desk gathering her things. She turned to walk out of the classroom but then walked to his desk.

"Brooklyn, is she okay?" Emily asks in a whisper.

He just nods wondering how she knew Brooklyn. They never talked to each other. He hated to say it but Emily wasn't very social. Brooklyn did make it to where she would talk to every no matter what but she never knew Emily on a personal level, or so he thought. Emily noded then turned and walked out. Jack sighed leaning back into his chair closing his eyes for a moment.

"Hey there handsome!" Jack heard. He opened his eyes to find Brooklyn sitting on his desk.

"What are you doing here? You need to be in bed!" He said softly

"That's just like you ain't it Jack! To worry about me. Well you don't have to worry about me any longer!" she spit out getting a little upset

He stood from his chair and walked around the desk to her and reached out caressing her cheek.

"I will always worry about you Darling! Now why will I stop?" He looked at her finally getting a good glimpse of her eyes. They were a bright purple. He dropped his hand from her and staggered backwards. She giggled as she walked towards him until he reached a wall. Her fangs grew and she smiled.

"You smell amazing dear ol' Jack. You know I thought about it long and hard. This was the best way. I like it a lot to. Blood just excites me!"she used her strength to pin him to the wall. She licked his neck.

"Jack It's time to go home!" Jack jumped from his chair when he heard his brother yelling at him. Jack looked at his brother, Jack’s heart beating like a race horse, sweat began to appear on his head. Jack looked around the room to only see his brother. It was a dream. Only a dream.

Jack sighs and looks down at his hands that were squeezing the desk. Was it a dream or a flash? He was always able to see bad things that would happen in the future. Did that mean that Brooklyn was going to choose those blood suckers? Jack growled looking at his brother.

"We need go to! We’re going by Brooklyn's first!" He gathered up his things off his desk into his bag. His brother just nodded and started toward Jack's 2014 white corvette convertible with red interior. It was a good car. He loved it! He only wished he had a pretty girl to be able to drive around with. Jack climbing in the car,buckling his seat belt. He started the engine but before he could shift the gear into reverse there was a knock on his window. He turned his head to see the headmaster outside his door. Great! This can’t be good he thought.

"Yes sir?" Jack asked cautiously

"Good job son!" the headmaster replied smiling. His grey hair poking up in places. Wrinkles were forming next to his grey eyes.

Jack just looked at the man, his mouth open. "Good job? What did I do sir? I don’t understand?"

"You my friend are twenty-eight and have the courage to take on high school students, Train to run a pack, and take care of your own. I just thought you needed a good job!" The headmasters smile seemed to become bigger.

Jack smiled and shook his head knowing full well the old man was up to something. He chuckled "What do you need Rick?"

Rick's smile faded and his mouth went into a straight line. "I need you to take care of my granddaughter!"

Jack's smile faded. Gosh dang! He knew he shouldn't have told Johnny. He glared over at Johnny and Johnny just shrugged his shoulders. Jack looked back at Rick. "Who told you I was her mate?"

Rick stumbled back from the car and he sat on the sidewalk. Jack jumped out of the car and leaned near him. "You okay gramps?" Jack asked, worry written all over his face.

Rick looked at Jack

"So it's you! I always knew it was going to be one of you boys! Guess I gotta face the facts. The little girl who used to play in the mud isn't so little anymore."

Jack nodded as a smile spread across his face then soon faded "I'm sorry sir! She doesn't even know yet. I haven't been able to tell her."

Jack walks over to the curb and sits down and rests his head in his hands. "To be honest sir. I don't know how I am going to tell her. Will she accept me that way? We have been close but she is more like a little sister me! And now she is my mate!" Jack nodded then looked up at the old man. "I guess I better get to her then". He stands up, walks to his car, and gets in. He starts the engine and pulls out of the parking lot heading towards Brooklyn's house.

"You know you're going to have to tell her brother." Johnny spoke breaking the silence.

Jack just nodded, keeping his eyes on the road. "I know! I need to her to fall for me first. Once everything passes she will feel it. She will know that I'm here mate. I won't push her. I never thought I could love that little girl more until yesterday night. When I saw her walk out of her room and felt the buzz. My heart aches for her brother!"

Jack let a tear slip down his face. He wasn't one to use such touchy words. He was a hard man, never had let anything get to him.

"I know brother but you need to understand and please don't have hard feelings but if Brooklyn denies you I'm not going to stop going after her. You know my feelings towards her. I love her just like you do probably more. If she does end up not denying you and you hurt her you better know that I won't stop until your dead brother. That girl has been through more than me or you have ever been! She deserves the world!" Johnny didn't look at his brother just looked straight ahead.

When they pulled into Brooklyn's drive way and jack shut the engine off. He looked at his brother closely. He knew his brother's feelings for Brooklyn but not to this extent. Johnny open the door and went to get out but Jack grabbed his elbow.

"Look I know you love her just as much as I do but brother you have to understand that I will do everything in my power to make her happy and if it is her wish to not be with me I will walk away. I will not force her into anything. I will not hurt her. You have my promise little brother!" Jack looks into johnny's eye searching for acceptance.

Johnny nodded and got out of the car walking into Brooklyn's white three story house. Jack let out a breath and leaned his head back against his seat. He was never nervous around her but seeing her for the first time since that night seemed to have his palms sweating. He looked back at the house. The door opened and the man who brought her home last night walked out. Devin looked at Jack in his car and walked towards him, reaching the window that Jack had rolled down.

"She is sleeping. She has been all day. This change is hurting her more than any of us thought. She woke up around three this morning screaming, her legs were red and swollen. Her wolf tried to transform." Devin said leaning over the window

Jack just shakes his head. "That is too early for her wolf to be trying to form. Way to early!"

"It is. We gave her a sedative to calm her down and let her sleep." Devin says

The boys both nodded and stood there in silence. Until Devin spoke up.

"So you're her mate huh?"

Jack nodded still staring at the front door he knew, Devin knew why he ran out last night. Devin looked at the sun sitting in the distance and so did Jack.

"You're her brother huh?" Jack looked back at the house then up to her room.

Devin just looked at him shocked. "How'd you know?"

Jack chuckled "Brooklyn's mom wasn't the perfect mother they paint her out to be. I know she had a son before Brooklyn. Your father is a man with a lot of power. You look like Andrea. You didn't tell her did you?"

"No I didn't tell her, she can't handle it. Don't tell Paul either he really doesn't need to know his wife had another child before him and never told him." David looked up just as the white door opened to reveal Brooklyn.

Jack took a deep breath and got out of the car. He watched Brooklyn as she walked towards him swaying a little like she was intoxicated. She stumbled over her own feet and Jack caught her before she hit the ground. He looked down at her, she was still asleep. She was sleep walking.

"Brooklyn hun can you hear me?" Jack asked looking into her eyes.

She didn't move, just laid there limp in his arms. Jack laid her onto the soft ground. He reached two fingers up to her throat to check her pulse. It was racing like she had ran a marathon. Her wolf was fighting the vamp in her system. Her wolf was overtaking. This was the hard part. If they didn't get this under control quick then she was going to die. She would have a heart attack at the age of 19. Jack picked her up and cradled her in his arms and took her to her room. Devin opening the door for them as Jack walked. Paul walked out of his office when Jack started up the stairs.

"Jack I need to talk to you when you get her settled please" Paul acted as if his only daughter, who was once his whole world, was some monster. He couldn't even look at her.

Jack nodded and climbed the stairs. When getting up to her room, he laid her in her bed. He pulled the covers over her shoulder and bent down next to her bed, petting her head "You have to come through this Brooklyn! It's not the same without you. You're strong enough to fight this! Don't give up on me pretty girl!"

Jack stood wiping a tear that had escaped down his cheek. He turned and walked out shutting the door behind him.

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