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Book online «Falling Apart by Whitney Kelley (ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author Whitney Kelley

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Chapter 4


"You have to complete the mate process! If she has a werewolf mate they won't want her! They will lose interest!" Paul pleaded with Jack.

"I can't complete it! I won't unless she agrees! I won't force her Paul! She deserves better than that and you know it!" Jack tried keeping some of his anger hidden.

"Jack you have to! I'm begging you please! Save my daughter from becoming one of those things! I want that blood out of her veins today! It makes me sick to think she become something so horrid! I might as well shoot her in the head!"

Jack shot straight up from his seat and slammed his fist on Paul's desk "listen here! You touch her and I will kill you! Father or not! I won't hold back!"

Paul shrugs "It would save you the heartache and me the time. I'm not saying it would hurt losing her but I'd rather my daughter be dead than become one of those things! Ask her when she comes to! If she chooses vampire then I'm shooting her in the head right then, I'll pay the price I don't care!"

Jack takes Paul by the collar of his shirt "I swear Paul whether or not she chooses them, if you lay one finger on her or hurt her you will be done! You'll be dead to this pack you hear!"

Paul chuckles "Your parents will never let that happen! I'm too much of a value to this pack!"

Jack lets go of Paul growling. "You see my parents won't be in command for much longer! Meaning you will answer to me not them!"

Devin knocked on the door frame. "There is some girl at the door. Paul, she is looking for Brooklyn."

Jack and Paul both growled and headed to the door. Jack looked out the window beside the door to see a short blonde girl standing waiting patiently. Jack looked back at Paul and nodded answering their worst fear. They came to collect.

Paul opened the door."Yes?"

The girl held out a small pale hand for him to shake. "I'm Courtney! I assume you are Brooklyn's father."

Paul ignored the hand she held out to him and after a minute she dropped it. "Yes I am. What do you need my daughter for?"

Courtney smiled, It was obvious she was one of those creatures, her fangs showed. She must of fed not long before she got there. Meaning she was expecting some sort of fight. She will surely not be disappointed.

"Your daughter is much value to my kind. She is very powerful. Just standing outside your home I can feel her power." She looks into Paul's eyes.

Jack growls "Go back to your people and tell them she isn't interested! She has a werewolf mate and he won't be giving her up!"

She giggles " You must be this so called mate, am I correct? If so you don't scare me hunny! You sure are cute though! Too bad they wasted you on werewolf blood!"

He growls "For one I was born not bitten! Second I'm stronger than your pale blood sucking ass! Third Brooklyn is Silver Oak she has the mark! She was also born not bitten!"

Paul held Jack back as Devin walked out to the now smirking vampire. Devin looked at the girl. "You're no longer welcome here! Leave!"

Courtney took a step towards Devin "I'm not going anywhere, I have orders! You're little whore of a sister is going with me when I do leave. You want it the easy way or the hard way?"

Paul just stared at Devin not blinking. Devin turned towards Paul. Paul looked mad enough to spit bullets. Paul spun on his heel and walked into the house and as he did Devin followed.

"How did you know who he was to her?" Jack spoke up to the girl.

She just shrugged. "It's a gift I can tell the relation of a family. Mostly the ones I am ordered to guard."

"So you knew all along without me telling you I was her mate?"


"Why does she need to be guarded? What is she to your kind?"

Courtney smirked "She is the Emperor's mate!"

Jack cursed under his breath. He should have known she would have two mates! It wasn't the fact she had two mates that was bothering him. More like the fact she was mated to the Emperor. If she chose to go with him she would become the second most powerful vampire in the world and make him more stronger than he already is. Brooklyn has always wanted power. She talked to Jack about it all the time. What she would do with it. Who she would find.

"You tell the Emperor that she is my mate! She is staying here!"

Courtney smiles, her fang showing. "Then we must fight for her! I will not stop unless I am dead or she comes with me!"

Jack smiles and steps towards her "Then today is your last day my friend!"

Courtney launched herself at Jack going for his neck. Jack stepped to the side and spun facing the blonde on the ground. "You're a poor excuse for a fight! This will be easy!"

She lifted up from the ground and with her fast speed she made it to him grabbing him by the throat. "I am not weak! Just had to warm up that's all!"

Jack closed his eyes trying to breath around the hand on his throat. She was strong but not stronger than him. He spun on his heel catching her wrist in his mouth and ripping a chunk from her wrist. Blood splashed up onto his face. Courtney held onto her wrist blood seeping through her hand and onto the ground. Jack turning into his wolf form jumping on the small girl, ripping the artery in her neck out. Jack stood as the blood drained from the blonde girl and she turned a grey color then poofed into ashes. Johnny came walking from behind the house. He must have went to the pond in the back. Johnny looked up at Jack and saw blood covering his face and some of his shirt.

Johnny started running towards Jack "Brother are you hurt? Are you okay? What happened?"

Jack just held a hand up stopping Johnny's panic. "I'm fine! Not my blood!"

Johnny looked at Jack closely and noticed that Jack's pack mark was glowing a bright gold. That could only mean one thing.

"Brother, who did you kill?"

"Some girl wanting to take Brooklyn,why?"

"Brother you're in for it! She must have been a descendant of the Vampire ancients! Your mark is glowing!"

Jack swore under his breath. He knew what that meant. Her family, whoever they were will come to revenge their kin's death. He would have to cover her scent. Shoot he had to get Brooklyn and her dad out of here before they came to collect. They shoot first and ask questions later. He felt a pain in his shoulder where his mark was. The three marks that looks like a wolf clawed him, started glowing brighter and his knees buckled and he fell to the ground in pain. He heard his brother scream his name before everything went black.

Chapter 5


"Where is my son?" Todd panicked, his wife not far behind him, worry in her eyes.

Paul held his hands up "Relax Todd, he is resting. We put him beside Brooklyn, we thought that it would be for the best. He killed an ancient in cold blood and when the power transferred to him, it was too much. He passed out. I'm sure once the transfer completes he will be back to normal. He is awake and he talking to us barely but right now he needs rest."

Todd let out the breath he had been holding and turned to his wife. His wife looked up at him tears threatening to spill out. Todd took his wife in a tight embrace as a tear left her eye and rolled down her cheek.

Devin came around the corner from the kitchen into the living room where everyone stood. They all turned to him at once. Ah crap! The alpha and luna of Silver Oak were in the living room crap, crap! Devin went to turn on his heel.

"This is Brooklyn's big brother Devin" Paul announced proudly, which made Devin stop and turn around.

Devin stuck his hand out to the couple. "Hi, nice to meet you."

Todd and Mary look at each other then back at Devin. After a while devin put his hand down and the couple just stared at him.

Todd was the first to speak. "Your father is very powerful son"

Devin just nodded, he didn't say a word knowing that everyone around these parts knew his father, What they didn't know was he was in line for the alpha position and had ten times the amount of power his father would ever have. That he was the one everyone called the shadow wolf because no one has even seen him up close before or anyone that had ended up dead. He was the one that killed at the darkest hour of the darkest night. His problem is, the full moon.

"Excuse me sir, ma'am." Devin turned on his heel and up the stairs.

He passed Brooklyn's room, seeing that the door was open he walked backwards to peek inside. There laid Brooklyn with her head on Jack's chest and Jack's arms wrapped around her. They both looked so peaceful. Devin sighed to himself. When Brooklyn woke she was going to freak. Suddenly she had a mate and a brother. If that won't kill her, he didn't know what would. Devin leaned against the door jam watching the couple. Jack who had just been paler than a ghost, now had color back into his face and the once glowing mark had returned to normal. Brooklyn who was so close to death hours ago, had the life brought back into her. Her breathing was back to normal and he could hear the pulse which was still racing but not as fast as it was before. Devin turned and closed the door softly behind him. He walked down to his temporary bedroom. He had brought in some clothes and a few other things from his house in the woods to try to make the place feel more like home. A few pictures on the nightstand by the queen sized bed. A dark blue comfort spread out perfectly on the bed. Devin sat on the bed and rested his head in his hands. He almost killed Brooklyn that night, but only he couldn't. It was like she had some kind of protection barrier. No one in the Silver Oak pack is strong enough to hold one, hell he isn't even strong enough to hold one. Something

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