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Book online «Falling Apart by Whitney Kelley (ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author Whitney Kelley

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else was out there that night and it's been nagging at him ever since. Something that was stronger than anything. Devin laid back onto his bed, closing his eyes. A loud crash comes from the workout room next to his room. Opening one eye he sighed and got up jogging into the huge room seeing a girl laying on the floor bleeding. He walked over to her cautiously.

The girls blonde hair matted and stained red. Blood started gathering in a large puddle under her body. Her hair was covering her face so he moved the large mass of hair from out of her face and saw her fangs protruding but there was another feeling inside him. Like when your foot's asleep but it's your whole body. She was his mate. This strange vampire.

A note was attached to her leg. He untied it and it read. "This is Charlie. She has a device inside her attached to the main artery in her neck. I know how your pack is to killing innocent and this innocent child will be killed if i do not get Brooklyn in my possession in the matter of 3 days. Have a good day, Emperor Thomas."

Devin crumbled the note in his hand and took the girl into his arms not caring about the blood running onto his body. He took charlie to the bathroom and laid her in the tub. She was beaten he could tell by the rope burns on her wrists and the old scars down her arms and face. The young girl moaned and her blackened eyes slowly opened revealing the most beautiful eyes he has ever seen.

"I'm going to take your clothes off now okay? Don't be alarmed" Devin said being gentle.

Charlie looked alarmed and flinched from his touch. Devin flinched from her as she flinched from him. Tears started to gather in her eyes and one finally escaped. Devin slowly reached up to wipe the tear away. Charlie fliched a little then realised that he was not going to hurt her she leaned into his hand. She closed her eyes scared of what he might do.

"Shh its okay I won't hurt you" he says gently looking at her.

"Devin!" someone knocked on the bathroom door heavily. "There is blood in the weight room! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine just go get Paul and tell him to come in slowly!"

He heard footsteps as the person walked away. He couldn't recognize the voice and he looked down at the fragile girl in his arms. Her big blue eyes looking up at him watching his every move like he was going to hurt her.

"W-w-where am I?" she asks her voice shaking.

"At the Lawson house. Where are you from child?" his eyes never left hers

"I don't remember mister. I was with the Emperor he said that he needed me for something special." her breathing started to come more rapidly.

"Wait y-y-you're my mate?" she started huffing like she couldn't catch her breath.

"Breath Charlie breath hun!" he sit her up and sat behind her and held her rubbing her back.

She shook her head from side to side, closing her eyes shut tight. David put his hands over her nose and mouth like a tent.

"Breath into my hands dear. It's okay just take a deep breath." He said softly.

She looked up at him and took a deep breath.

"That's it! Good girl!" He smiled looking down at her.

Paul opened the door freezing when he saw Devin.

"Who is she?" Paul asked grim.

Devin threw the crumpled up note to Paul. Paul caught it and uncrumpled it and then started to read it. Paul growled and walked out the door slamming it. Charlie let her tears escape from all the commotion Devin didn't realise that he had his thigh pressed up against the large wound on her back sending pain up through he body. Devin got out from behind her and picked her up taking her to his room. He laid her on his bed and turned around going back to the bathroom.

He grabbed a bowl from under the sink and filled it with lukewarm water with some soap. He grabbed a rag from the closet next to the door. He took the bowl and rag with him to his room. Charlie was lying as still as can be trying not to make any sudden movements. He couldn't blame her, it probably hurt. He leaned down next to putting the bowl on the ground next to him. He took off the rest of her torn shirt off.

She flinches away and then tenses from his touch. He sighed knowing she's been through hell. She has a long road ahead of her. He dipped the rag into the water.

"This might sting a little but trust me. It will be worth it in the end." He tried to comfort her.

Her small hands grabbed his pillow, preparing for the pain that he was going to cause. He gently pressed the soaked rag to her back washing the blood away from the cut. He heard he suck in air and knew that it hurt her. He sighed knowing that it was him causing this pain. He knew that it was for her own good but she had been through enough pain. He traced the wounds on her back washing all the blood off her.

He put the rag back into the bowl. He stood and grabbed some bandages from his kit under his bed and wrapped her wound in a bandage. He went to his dresser grabbing a green t-shirt. He walked back to the bed slipping the large shirt over Charlie careful not to touch her back. She had by now falling fast asleep. He began to remove her torn black leggings off seeing more cuts and scars.

He washed and bandages those as well. She has scars around her ankles like they had been binded together for a long period of time. He sighed and stood up once again and pulled back the covers on his bed and put her legs under them. Covering her up he walked to the chair next to the bed and sat closing his eyes. Letting sleep consume him.


Text: All contient in this book belongs to the author, Whitney K.
Publication Date: 11-01-2015

All Rights Reserved

To Justin for keeping me afloat during hard times!

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