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Book online «Falling Apart by Whitney Kelley (ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author Whitney Kelley

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She's turns to look behind her and sees the black shadow running after her. She curses under her breath and continues to run. Her pale bare feet cutting up more against the forrest bottom, mud covering her dark purple nail polish. She trips along a tree root and plummets into a shallow mud puddle. She lays there staring at the stars and the red moon in the sky.

"Brooklyn" she hears her name being called in the distance. She forgot the other hunters were with her, including her father. So many times she hunted in these woods alone and has never seen what she saw tonight. She shudders remembering the dark creature with red eyes.

"Brooklyn there you are!" her father says looking over her in the puddle chuckling "I thought you grew out of this phase years ago". Brooklyn sits up in the puddle looking down at her shirt and groans.

"I fell papa. I wasn't watching where I was going and of course I forgot my shoes in the truck." Her father holds out his hand to her and she gladly takes it pulling herself out of the mud pit. She hears giggling behind her and she closes her eyes knowing what was coming.

"What Brookie did you think you were a pig" a squeaky deep voice says from behind her. Brooklyn's face turns red and she fists her hands at her side as she turns around to face the boy.

"Was that a fat joke Tommy?" Tommy chuckles and then soon get tackled to the ground by none other than  Mr. hotstuff of the clan, Jack Styles. Jack was her history professor and he was also Tommy's big brother. Jack was 6"3 while Johnny was 5"9. Jonny had green eyes, green as the leaves. His eyes were brown before his 13th birthday. Jack was always good looking. she had always had a crush on Jack ever since the first time he had babysit her when she was younger.

She rolled her eyes at the boys who never grow up. Jack was 28 and Johnny 16. Johnny was adopted. Jack's parents found him in the woods along with his real mother. She didn't know the whole story just bits and pieces. Him and his mother were taken to Mr and Mrs. Styles place and his mother Cathlina died in their infirmary.

She was bitten in the neck and ripped apart. Jack took Johnny in as his own brother and the two soon became very close. She smiled at the two and shook her head turning back to her father. He look down at his beautiful only daughter.

"Did you feel anything yet?" Her father's asks taking ahold of her shoulders. She looks down at the ground and shakes her head. Her father sighs knowing full well that she might never gain her senses. The only thing that defines her as a wolf would be her ability to hunt so well.

"I'm sorry Papa! I really tried!" she stomps angry at herself. She turns on her feet and starts running ignoring her name being called behind her. Not knowing where she is going she just runs. She thinks about her father's disappointment. She wishes so much that she make him proud. She trains everyday for hours.

She has read every book in the library about wolfs and still nothing. She sighs loudly her feet hitting the ground harder as her energy starts going down. She stops running looking back not seeing the flashlights and she leans up against a tree closing her eyes. She takes a deep breath and slides down the tree and falls asleep.

Chapter 1


She feels her body being swayed back and forth. Opening her eyes slightly she stars into bright red eyes. She realises that there is a man carrying her. She groans and tries open her eyes more but soon falls back to sleep. She awakes again in a dark room. only a small lantern in the corner of the eliminating the place.

A small kitchen to the right. A small sink and bright wood counters with a wood burning stove. A couch to the left. Brooklyn swings her feet over the bed and lifts up out of the bed she was laying in. The soft dark red silk sheets clung to her small form. She tippie toes across the dark wood floor to the man sleeping spralled out on the black couch.

His dark black hair tossled. His chin hair grown out so prickly. His chest bare and only dark fadded blue jean on. Brooklyn reaches out her small pale hand to poke his cheek but a big hand wrapped around her wrist. She looks down at the man. His grey eyes looking her over.

"Where am I?" she asked her voice shakey. He just looked at her blinking. "I would like you to answer my question please!" she says getting agrivated.

He chuckled and let go of her wrist and sits up on the couch."I found you sleeping against a tree. You know its not safe for a girl like your self to be alone in the woods that time of night. You could be killed!"

She stomps her feet and fists her hands at her sides. "Thats not answering my question! Who are you and where have you taken me?" she says starting to get annoyed with the man.

The man stares at her and just blinks back and then a small smile crosses his lips. "I'm Devin. Your in my home."

Brooklyn's stomach rumbles and she looks down as her cheeks turn a light shade of red. "I'm sorry" she says softly.

Devin chuckles and walks to the small kitchen area in the corner. "Do you like steak?" he asks his back still facing her.

Yum steak! She hasn't had steak since her mother passed away well good steak that is. She loved her father but his cooking wasn't very swell. She chuckles to herself remembering the time she walk in on her father trying to cook for the first time. He had the window of the stove open fanning the smoke with a dish towel. He had tried cooking chicken but has the heat to high and he also didn't flip the chicken. We ended up just ordering pizza. The house smelt like burnt chicken for days after.

"hello! child are you okay?" Devin says waving his hand in front of her face trying to get her attention. She blinks looking at him.

"I am not a child!" she states getting agrivated.

He chuckles again looking her over. "your what 17?" he says turning back to the stove.

"I'm 19" she mumbles looking down.

He chuckles not turning around. "Your still a child. the law may say that your an adult but in my book you still a child. Also why don't you smell like a wolf if your 19? You have the mark of the Silver Oak Pack on your left shoulder."

Brooklyn looks down figuring he must be a rogue considering he is out here by himself. Her father always said to never trust a rogue that they were not trust worthy. Only Devin didnt seem to be this horrible person her father made all rogues out to be.

"you gonna stare at your pretty little feet or you going to answer my question?" he continues making food with his back towards her. She blushes looking up at him with a questioning look at her face.

"I haven't gained my senses yet! Okay are you happy! I'm a disapointment to the whole damn wolf species! I might not ever gain my senses!" She screams out tears gathering in her eyes. She looks down so she wouldn't show him her weakness. She hated feeling week!

He sighs and walks over to her and taking her chin between his finger and thumb looking in to her eyes. "I see soo much hurt in your eyes little one. You strive to be better don't you? You work you hardest but it's never enough."

She just stared at him as if he has been through the same pain. He whipes the tear rolling down her cheek.

"No need to cry love. Your father will be wondering where you are. We should get you back home." He walks over to a dresser grabbing a black shirt and putting it on.

She watched him thinking to herself remembering she was wrapped up in the sheet from the bed. She became very embarrassed and she gasped as her face turn a light shade of red. He turned to see what all the ruckus was.When he finally realised that she was embarrassed from her lack of clothing he laughed.

"well of course you need something to wear don't you?" he asked and she nodded.

He chuckled grabbing some shorts and a tank top throwing them at her. He walks to the front door putting his black and white converse on.

"I will wait out here while you change" he says while closing the door behind him.

She lets go of the sheet putting the clothes on. The white tank top she assumed was an undershirt was a little baggy on her but it served its purpose. The blue shorts way to big. She went to the counters in the kitchen searching the drawers finding a rubber band. She smiles and tied the shorts to where they would at least not fall off. She looked around the small home once again but more closely this time. Not a picture to be seen through the whole place.

"Done enough snooping yet?" She jumped from the voice as she turned to see Devin standing in front of the door with his arms crossed.

"I. Well. I. I. Didn't. I didn't mean to snoop. I'm sorry." she says putting her hands in the air. He chuckled and walked towards her.

"I was joking haha but you should know not to snoop in a stranger's house. It's dangerous. Are you ready to go home now?" he holds out his hand to her and she takes it.

"Hold on tight to my back and don't let go even for a second. close your eyes and take a deep breath okay?" he looks down at her as she nods.

He runs out into the night changing into a beautiful black wolf with green eyes. He motions for her to jump on his back. She smiles and gets on his back holding tightly onto his back.

"Remember hold onto my back and dont let go" she hears him say in her head.

Her jaw drops, she has never been able to hear wolves in there form. Does this mean she is gaining some of her senses? What does this mean? She is brought out of the arguement with her brain as Devin takes off. She closes her eyes feeling the wind on her face. She wonders what brought Devin all the way out here. So far from any pack. She is pulled out of her thought as she feels Devin slowing down. She opens her eyes to see an arrow fly past them and into the tree next to them. 'Hunters' she mumbles under her breath.

"Hold on Brooklyn!" she hears Devin speak in her head.

She closes her eyes again holding onto him tightly. She

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