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Book online «The Elf by Drakent Arrow (e book reader free .TXT) 📖». Author Drakent Arrow

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down there long endure.

Captain also had realized. He ordered half of its

Sentinels to come down to secure the door, while the best shooters

remained on the battlements. Eilai Anthor saw Captain said something.

This nodded. Then, the Sentinel turned to her.

- Stay here, 'he said. I will not be.

Eilai wanted to call, but the signal came back and had to shoot

again with the other archers. This time there were more fortunate, and

that some of the werewolves had risen to its feet

rear to attack the door, leaving bare chest.

Fell two more.

Eilai loaded the bow again, but his sharp eyes saw something elven

moving westward in the dark. His momentary Distractions

prevented while shooting others. He put a new arrow

on the rope, shook her head and bit her lower lip in indecision. The

shadows were gone, but she knew that had


Down in the tunnel between the two gates of the fortress, the Sentinels

had problems. When Anthor and the others arrived, his companions

were pushing what was left of the door leading to the outside, but

the fight seemed to have opted for the other side. Huge and

terrifying claws poking out the gaps that had opened in the

heavy wooden door, and across the growling of werewolves

were loaded with hate, death and madness.

- We can not hold much more! Someone shouted.

Just had to say when the door finally gave way and

two huge wolves leapt into the stronghold, in a cloud of

chips. One of them was thrown on the elf next. His companions

heard him scream a moment, and then ...

The other wolf, however, was to meet his death at the hands of a

Sentry fired point-blank at the last moment. At that

distance could not miss: the arrow stuck in the heart of the creature.

Elves charged the first wolf, but there was more going on

the opening. Anthor shot an arrow that pierced the neck of one of

them, the werewolf shook it off and kept running. Throwing

a curse under his breath, Anthor left the bow aside and drew a dagger

from his belt.

- I wish he muttered to work getting ready to defend himself,

as the wolf lunged at him.

With a savage war cry Anthor raised the knife high and, when

huge wolf body fell on him, he plunged the dagger into his chest.

And, although he did not hit in the heart, the wolf howled in pain;

Anthor saw the blade of his dagger was eating the flesh of the creature,

smoking causing him injury, like an acid burn.

He pulled the gun body to sink wolf and back again, this time in

the heart.

He shook off the body of the man-wolf, who returned to

metamorphose into man, and watched his dagger in surprise.

- So, it was true! He muttered to himself.

He saw that his companions had problems. They were still trying to

defend the door. Fortunately, the werewolves could only get two in

two but were formidable foes lay dead and several elves close

entry. Brandishing his dagger, Anthor prepared to meet with the

resistant, when someone grabbed his arm.

- Eilai! Cried the elf to recognize. What are you doing here?

- I saw something from the battlements, Anthor. The herd has

split. A group is westbound. I think they will try to get

in the forest across the river at the ford.

Anthor shook his head in disbelief.

- A red herring? There are so smart.

Eilai's face was now stone.

- That's what I said when I told Captain, but I know very

well what I've seen. And gave me the feeling that these three knew

exactly where they were going.

Anthor frowned. Another werewolf had just entered the

opening, and the elf loaded his bow and shot several arrows followed. Eilai it


- Are you suggesting that we should go to ford? Anthor said when the

werewolf finally fell, struck down by an arrow from Eilai. It is here

where we have problems!

- Do not you understand? All the southern border Sentinels

we are focused on this place! The others have lost access


- But we can not go to the ford! That would disobey

Captain's orders!

- He has not seen how the three were separated from the group! I do not think

allowed to cross the border, Anthor. I'm going to defend the ford, I

no matter what happens next.

Eilai fired a few more arrows and retreated to the door

gave the Kingdom of the Elves, and that the werewolves had not yet

achieved. Anthor again raised his dagger, but saw from the corner of the eye

how Eilai bulwark slid off, leaving behind the terrible battle

death was proceeding there, between elves and beasts.

Anthor hesitated. Finally, swore under his breath and followed.

He caught up and in the woods, but did not try to stop it. He knew that

Eilai intuitions used to be successful, so that was at her

sullenly hand and led her through the thicket toward the


The couple came to the river for a while after and hid among the trees.

They prepared their bows and waited with tense muscles. Yes

indeed, the werewolves tried to enter there, although the two

elves were excellent shooters, maybe just have a chance of

take them by surprise and hit them in the heart.

Before long they distinguish three pairs of eyes glowing in the

darkness, across the river. Eilai rope tightened his bow, but Anthor

I motioned him to wait a little longer.

Three big wolves came out of the trees and headed for the

shore. The larger, black and starting with one ear, seemed to be the

leader. He stepped forward and sniffed at the air, but the two elves had

sure placed so that the breeze from blowing toward them, and the

Wolf did not notice the smell. He groaned and leaned satisfied to drink. His two

companions should have him much respect, since it came

to drink until the black wolf was over.

Eilai Anthor and pointed to the two largest. The leader went into

ford and lifted his head.

Anthor dropped a little bow and frowned.

The black wolf seemed to be looking in his direction.

He had discovered.

- Eilai, no! He whispered, but it was too late.

The arrow shot out, whistling crossed the river and went to dig into the

side of one of the wolves, which fell with a groan, as his

body began to change rapidly. Eilai had given in the


Anthor shot his even knowing it would fail, the werewolf

starting the ear saw it coming, so dodged, leaping aside

with a bark angrily. The elves charged again and shot bows

a second arrow. Eilai wolf hit the third leg, but this

just seemed to feel the impact, and ran towards them, following his

leader. The black wolf had also received a crush, but continued

forward as if I had not noticed. I knew exactly where

were and ran across the ford, with a twinkle in his murderous madness

look. Eilai and his partner fired more arrows, trying to strike him down.

They are all locked on the target, but that did not stop the creature.

The wolf jumped and disappeared into the thicket. The two elves

and joined back to back, looked around restlessly

with bolts placed in their bows and tense muscles. Both are

had realized they faced a formidable enemy and more

intelligent than usual.

- Where is he? Anthor whispered.

Eilai was asking the same question.

There was a whisper and shadow of a wolf leaped toward them from the

bushes. The two elves turned with the speed of lightning and

fired simultaneously. They heard a yelp and the sound of a body falling.

Anthor ran for the kill. Eilai followed.

The creature had been transformed into a naked man hair

dark, dirty and disheveled, and crafty face, now frozen for

always in a grimace of pain and surprise. He was dead, but Anthor

leaned over him to make sure. He discovered that he still had an arrow

sunk in the leg, apart from that which had just hit the

heart. Anthor frowned. They had nailed many other arrows

while crossing the ford. His gaze lingered on her small,

rounded ears and the blood froze in my veins.

Both were whole.

He jumped up and turned to Eilai to warn.

Too late. With a yelp of triumph, the huge black wolf

starting ear jumped on her from the darkness. The elf launched a

exclamation of surprise and instinctively raised his arms to protect themselves.

The creature fell heavily on her and her jaw closed over the

Eilai right forearm, which screamed in pain. They rolled on the ground.

Wolf's Fangs now hovered over the neck of the Sentinel.

Anthor ran toward them, had the bow ready and, although it was

easy to hit a moving target, shot. The arrow stuck in

the hindquarters of the creature, but that's not even distracted. Eilai managed

throw a jab with his hunting knife, but his wounded arm and

not struck him in the heart. Anthor swore softly, pulled out his own knife

and, with a wild cry, threw himself on the wolf. He managed to plunge the dagger in his

back, and this time the werewolf threw a horrible scream of pain and

elf shook the top, trying to push away the weapon that

seared his flesh like fire even could do. Anthor

immediately stood up and turned to him, holding his knife in

high. The wolf growled menacingly, but turned away from Eilai, which

also wielded his knife ready to use, and not to fail in this


Before disappearing into the thicket, the werewolf stuck in Anthor

a look of hate, too intelligent to be animal

too wild to be human.

Anthor not move. He had been paralyzed momentarily

by that look and knew, for sure, would never achieve


In other circumstances would have gone after werewolf up

kill him, but Eilai was hurt, and both knew very well what it


The two stood motionless, but the wolf did not return. Anthor breath


- They're disgusting she said, avoiding looking at the body of the werewolf

had been lying on the ground.

Eilai said nothing. Anthor helped her up.

- Let me see that dagger she whispered, when handed Anthor, Eilai

examined in the light of the full moon. It is silver. Where did you


- An old family heirloom.

- So it's true what tradition says ... Silver makes them


- Now is not the time to think about it, Eilai. 're Hurt.

She nodded, pale, and both were launched, back to

South Pass. On the way they heard the horns announcing victory and

knew that the attack had been repulsed. But neither smiled.

- With a little luck, the warlock will have reached Anthor murmured,


The witch living deep in the forest, but it certainly had

heard the warning horn, which also revealed the nature of the


Finally reached the fort, but Captain blocked their way. Its

face was a mask of stone.

- Said demand an explanation only.

Both stood at attention. Anthor went to answer, but it Eilai


- It was my fault, Captain. I watched from the battlements to the herd

divided. I thought the group would try to enter through the ford and convinced

Anthor accompany me. I take full responsibility.

- Killed two and we run the third-Anthor added.

The Captain said nothing, but her almond eyes narrowed.

He had discovered that she was hurt Sentinel.

- She's been bitten, sir, 'said Anthor.

The Captain, without saying a word, he turned and started toward

the bulwark, aware that time was running out. Eilai Anthor and what


At the foot of the tower was waiting for an elf white hair, more

lower than the others. He covered her body with a blanket of green and

leaning on a cane from which hung various beads. His eyes

reddish dug into the bloody arm of Eilai, and frowned


The elf was taken to a room on the second floor. The sorcerer came

with her and the door closed to others.

Anthor waited outside for a long time. The wait seemed to him eternal

but when he began to fear the worst, the warlock left the room and


- You're her husband, right?

- Yes.

Anthor blushed slightly. They had been married a short time and

had not yet been used. The witch gave him a strange look.

- Enter.

Restless, Anthor followed him inside the room. Eilai slept

on a cot. His arm had been carefully bandaged, and the

gauze brownish stain could be seen, a product without doubt

the witch ointment was applied to the wound. Blonde Hair

Sentinel, now loose, fell in waves on the pillow. His face was

pale and covered in sweat, but his expression was calm.

- Do not lose the arm said the sorcerer. Although it will take years to

fire again as before. Still ...

He paused and looked at him gravely.

- What is it? Anthor asked nervously. Not going to tell

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