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Book online «Amythest Moon by Amber Krammes (highly illogical behavior txt) 📖». Author Amber Krammes

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of cool night air, feeling the dew on my skin as we all moved up the mountain side. It was peaceful here in the woods, I could hear the crickets singing in the distance, hear an owl every few moments. I could smell the sap that seeped out of the pine trees, the salt of the ocean that lye in front of us as we maze though the forest. Breaking through the maze of trees onto the cliff, the moon was high in the sky, the most magnificent red that I had ever seen, the blood red moon. The stars shown down from the heavens and seemed to twinkle down at us. The cliff itself moved out into a point over the ocean below, I could hear the waves pounding up against the base of the cliff. The wind turning and blowing pushed my cloak back behind me as I stood on the cliff taking in my destination. Cole moving to the very tip of the point he stood, with his face up at the moon. He was beautiful, his hair whipping in the breeze, I could see his muscles dance along his shoulders. Standing taken in the moon that would join him and I together. Turning my head from where Cole stood captive by the moon, all the other vampires stood at the base of the point, they themselves looking toward the moon and amongst them, a lone werewolf. This was the first time I had ever seen a werewolf, chuckling to myself, just a week ago I didn't know any of this was real. Still astonished by her, the way her brown fur moved and fell with wind. Jen in this form was very intimidating, if she stood on her hind legs she would tower over Cole, reaching probably about 7" tall. But her eyes were the same, as she looked over at me then. I smiled at her, she opened her mouth to look like a smile, kind of. It was kind of unnerving coming from that massive creature that could tear me apart in seconds. Looking from me to Leo her tongue came out. Really Jen, even though we are here that is all she can thing about, but Leo didn't seem to mind smiling a sheepish smile back at the werewolf that was the same size as he was. Gees, rolling my eyes at the two, turning my head back to where Cole was poised. He was in front of me then not at the point like before, yelping stumbling back a step he grabbed my hands. "It is time Tess." His eyes glowed brilliant emerald green with a gentle smile resting on his face. Taking a deep breath to calm myself I nodded smiling back at him. We moved up the tip to the point of the cliff hand in hand, stopping mid way Cole turned to me, still grasping my hands. "Are you ready my love." Shaking from my nerves getting the better of me, my heart rate accelerated in high gear. I am ready, I made this choice to be with him, I want to be with him forever. Why was I freaking out now? Closing my eyes taking about three calming breaths in through my nose and out through my mouth steadying my self in front of him, opening my eyes."Yes, I am ready." I was proud of myself, my voice wasn't full of fear, but it was full of revaluation and certainty . Smiling from ear to ear Cole turned me to place me in front of him with my back to him. With one arm wrapping itself around my waist pulling me as close as he could without breaking me to him. He stared nuzzling and kissing my neck, heat assumed my body with love I let out a little moan, closing my eyes from the pleasure of his kisses. Then he bit my neck. A gasp of pain shoot through my body as I shuttered from the pain, my eyes flew open. Before me was Cole's wrist with a slit dripping blood. He moved his wrist closer to my mouth wanting me to drink the blood that was oozing from the hole. Panic filled me as realizing that he did really want me drink from his wrist, struggling to move away, his other arm pinned me to him holding my arms to my side. "Drink" it was a whisper coming from behind me. Reid stepped up into my view, his eyes glowing from the site of blood. "Drink, my lady." gesturing for me to drink from Cole's wrist. Eying him with uncertainty, he smiled a reassuring smile. Swallowing hard reaching out with my mouth as Cole moved his arm closer to me. Opening my mouth up and wrapping my lips onto the wound, I began to suck at the opening. Gagging a bit from the warmth of the fluid that was moving down my throat. I Have always heard that blood had a metallic taste to it but, Cole's tasted sweet like syrup and it had about the same consistence of it. My body started to go numb, first feeling my arms then no longer able to tell that they was there. It moved up my back to my neck than my head. Than moving down my legs as my legs gave away Cole held me in the air. I could still move my eyes like Reid said that I would and I could smell and hear what was going on around me, but that was it I couldn't move. Cole moving me down to the earth laying me on my back looking me in my eyes. Moving next to my ear he whispered "It won't be long love and you will be released and be able to move." Sitting back on his chins he watched me. It wasn't a very great feeling not being able to move any of my limbs. I have always been claustrophobic to a degree, but this made my heart race and the sweat pop out from my forehead. I was panicking, I knew that I shouldn't but I could not stand not being able to move. Closing my eyes concentrating on my breathing and my heart to calm myself down. Taking deep breaths in though my nose and out through my mouth that was open slightly, my heart started falling at a more rhythmically speed. The panic subsided and I was left looking at the moon. In a distance I could finally see the comet coming toward it. If I was able to move I would have held my thumb up to the comet like I do to the moon at times to block it out and move my thumb back over to still see it hanging in the sky. Silly I know but it is just something that I like to do. The moon is huge and the thought that I can block it by my thumb is amazing to me. The comet that was racing toward the moon was about half the size of the moon. As I lay there watching the comet's rapid approach to the moon I could make out the fire that burned on the comet and the debris that made up the tail. I blinked because I shouldn't be able to make out that much of the comet from here. Only using a telescope would I be able to see half that. My mind raced and I could hold so much information it was like I could think about one thing while I was analyzing something else. I was doing just that. and still no believing it with another part of my brain. Then below I could hear the ocean hitting the cliff at the base I could make out the little drips the splashes that misted out after the wave hit the base. I could hear the vampires breathing behind me and I could make out soft paws of the werewolf that stood behind me anxiously waiting for the comet to pass. I could smell Cole sitting next to me his sweet smell a mixture of lilac, leather and I could smell the wild on him. The other vampires had about the smell,but slightly different extremes of the lilac smell all wild smells you could identify that smell off of any predator. Curiously I wondered why they all had a flower smell to them. "It is our way of being able to recognize that we are vampires." Cole smiled down at me answering my question that he heard me speak in my mind. Oh I thought I guess that makes sense. Then a smell that wrinkled my nose came creeping up. Smelled like a wet dog! Laughing Cole turned to look at Jen, whining she moved forward a few steps to make sure that I was okay. "Oh she's fine, but she just realized why Leo wanted you to get a bath." She let out a low growl and huffed and laid down on the earth behind me. All the vampires let out a little laugh over my thoughts that they could not hear that Cole was telling them, I was getting annoyed with him telling my thoughts to everyone around us. "Sorry,Love. I won't do it again." Thank you I thought, I won't be worried about the others knowing what I am thinking. it was frustrating enough with Cole knowing everything. Cole's head turned toward the entrance to the point and I could hear what he could. Sounded like a stampede running through the forest straight for us.Cole let out a low hiss through his teeth and his fangs ran long out of his mouth.It was the wolves they was coming I could feel the vibration under my body, I could make out their paws of them as they hit the ground, counting to myself I made a rough estimate of about 15 wolves. Running as hard as they could toward us. Cole jumped over me laying on the cliff still not able to move in a protective crouch. I could barely make out the forest beside me, but I noticed that all the vampires eyes glowing red and fangs extended from my peripheral view. All crouched in their attack stances and Jen growling saliva dripping down her jaws as they waited for them to make it to them. The hair rose on my arms and the back of my neck as I heard the wolves growls and paws hitting the ground as they covered the distance to us. Glancing back to the comet with my eyes, it was right next to the moon and the color started to change from blood red to amethyst before my eyes. Amethyst Moon

Chapter 3

Amethyst Moon

Hearing the paws from the wolves slow to a steady gallop my eyes fixed on the forest. Hearing them panting and the growls as they stopped just outside of the entrance to the cliff still out of view. What was they waiting on, why didn't they bust out of the forest? Concentrating on the sounds coming from the forest I heard a man walking steadily through the trees making his way toward us.

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