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Book online «Amythest Moon by Amber Krammes (highly illogical behavior txt) 📖». Author Amber Krammes

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absolutely amazing. I drank it down in two huge gulps. Breathing heavily, I wiped my mouth with the back of my palm and sat the cup down on the coffee table.
"I guess I did forget that you drank the were dry, I guess maybe a whole cup wouldn't have hurt to give you."
Looking back at Cole with his eyes wide, the memories of that night with Chase. My heart went into over drive as I thought of losing Cole all over again and the pain that coursed through me as it hit like a ton of bricks. I never want to feel that again. The part of ripping Chase's heart out and drinking the blood well that was just the anger that moved through me so powerfully I acted before I thought and realized about what I was doing.
Tears formed in my eyes and slowly feel over my cheeks to be caught by Cole.
"Oh my love, you don't ever have to feel like that again I am never going to go anywhere."
Pulling me tightly to his chest and hugging me.I melted into him, I loved the way he smelt and the way we molded to each other.
"Well what we having for breakfast!"
Jumping nearly out of my skin Leo and Jen came through the door.
Stopping in mid step Leo smiled, "Oh are we interrupting, cause we could go back out side and do something. Like maybe some exercising."
With a broad smile with all his perfect teeth gleaming and winked at Jen.
"Oh move out of my way Leo." elbowing him as she passed she came to my side.
"Are you okay?" Worry written all over her face she took my hand as she sat down next to me.
"Yea I am fine Jen, just thinking about last night." wiping the remainder of my tears off my cheeks and sniffling a few times.
" Don't be mad at yourself Tess. Don't you dare! Don't you cry for that ass."
Jen turned two shades darker as she thought of her late Alpha.
"He was an ass that didn't deserve to walk this Earth. You are a good person that never asked for any of this stupid shit to happen to you and I do not want you to beat yourself over him. You hear me?"
"I mean it Tess."
"I said that I got it and that isn't why I was upset anyways. I was thinking about almost losing Cole."
Now my face darkened I was didn't like being talked to like I was five. She might be my friend but, damn-it she isn't going to talk to me like that either.
"Oh." Realization hit her then and Jen's face went from being ticked to sympathy. "I'm sorry Tess. I thought that you was beating yourself up over Chase." shaking her head chuckling a bit."I understand now. No I know before you say anything it isn't funny that he almost died of well we thought that he did. But your face when I was talking to you. You was getting ticked." A smile was plastered to her face like a stupid clown.
"Maybe you won't let people push you around anymore now that you are a vampire." Still smiling like a freaking clown.
"Yea the main person meaning you." I was so ready to knock that clown smile right off her face. She still beaming like a clown as she stood up off the couch and took a couple steps back from me.
"Well bring it you big bad blood sucker!"
What! I am not a blood sucker, I didn't suck any ones blood, well take that back Chase but that was cause I was mad. I am not like Dracula or anything.
Standing at that thought."Well bring it you big over sized dog!"
That did it the clown face was gone, Jen was mad and glaring at me like a parasite that climbed into her shoe and was giving her a blister that had to be removed.
"What did you call me?"
Now I was the one wearing the clown smile at the thought of getting under her skin.
Taunting with the clown smile "DOG! Woof Woof!"
I was on the floor in a second flat with Jen on top of me "I can't believe you just barked at me!"
"Well you shouldn't have called me a blood sucker!"
Rolling over and over both of us trying to get the advantage over the other I heard in the background Leo laughing and Cole yelling at us to stop. It was great I could listen to them and keep full attention on what I was doing at the same time.
"Hey man, you have any popcorn cause this is awesome!" Leo laughed
"Shut up Leo they are going to kill each other help me tear them apart."
"Oh no man I am not getting in between them too. They are out for blood."
"Chicken." Cole breathed out as he went outside the doors. I guess he is the bigger chicken he won't even stay in the house with us.
In the next second from ripping a handful of Jen's hair out ice cold water hit us. Screaming we both jumped up and was trying to get away from the spray of ice cold water hitting us in the face.
"That's it man keep it up they are letting go of each other!" Leo cheered in the background.
"Okay!!! Cole stop we are done I promise quit!" screaming at him at the top of my lungs.
"You swear it?"
"No keep it up Cole as soon as you stop they are going to go right back at it."
"Shut up Leo or I swear I am going to bite you when the moon is full and take a chunk out of you!" Jen yelled through the water.
"Okay Cole maybe they have had enough with the water." Leo was backtracking and putting his foot in his mouth now.
"That's what I thought." Jen breathed as she stood up looking down at me rolling her eyes. "Men I swear can't kill them, though I wish that we could sometimes." glaring at Cole and Leo at the opposite of the room.
Looking from her death glare to the guys, Leo seemed to wilt under her gaze as Cole just stood there looking care free. She huffed one good time and went down the hall.
"Well that was interesting" standing up facing Cole as Leo smiled and took off after Jen.
"I think that I would leave her alone for a while Leo, cause I don't think that she wants to talk to any of us right now."
"Awe she'll get over it" With a big smile and wink he vanished down the hall after her.
Rolling my eyes I flopped on the couch putting my arm over my eyes letting out a deep breath.

That was one of the best baths I think that I have ever experienced in my whole life. Well it was the very first as a vampire, but still it was awesome. I could have stayed in the tub for hours if Cole hadn't came and knocked on the door wanting to know if he was going to see my today or not. With a heavy sigh I climbed out of the tub.
I still couldn't get used to how everything was heightened, my smell, touch, taste, every sense that I knew that I had has been multiplied by 100 maybe even more. It was marvelous! Hearing people in the other room that was just whispering, I knew that Jen and Leo had made up even though they were outside. I could hear there conversation and then I could hear Cole in the bedroom flipping through T.V channels. The beach sounded like I was standing with my feet in the surf watching the tides roll in and out. The smells. OMG the smells, I could smell everything! The strawberry scent of the shampoo that I washed my hair with the salt from the ocean, the fish that swam close to shore I could smell and knew what they were.
It was all just amazing.


Publication Date: 03-20-2011

All Rights Reserved

This is for my daughter, without her I would have never attempted to do this.

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