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Book online «Cloud Foot by rose l. (popular novels .TXT) 📖». Author rose l.

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didn't you say anything?" Said Ameta half annoyed, half exited. "Can I come to the festival?" Asked Shelo shyly.
"We've got to go and tell Midara and Cora and Formi and everyone else!" Ameta went rushing off down the hall.
"Aren't you comming Elizita?" said Shelo.
"No, I've got to go return books to the library." She said woefuly.
"Bye then." Shelo ran off after Ameta.

Shelo was a very pretty girl who was very sweet and inteligent though rather shy. She had light brown hair that was very long and shiny. She wore rather big glasses over her brown eyes. Her features were quite small.

Elizita walked down the silent corridor. Her foot steps ehcoed and her reflection in the floor mirrored her steps. Next to her chest she carried the library books. She herd someone from behind her and spun round to see who they were but no body was there. Although there was a corner in the distance. She looked hard to see if anyone could be hiding there. She looked harder and saw a shadow, then she called out "Who's there? I know your hiding there I can see your shadow." There was slight fear in her voice. When she looked again there was no shadow. As she carried on walking she held her books tighter. It must have been her imagination.

She carried on walking, absolute silence filled the corridor. If a pin droped she would be able to hear it. The silence was so extreem that she heard the faintest of sounds. The flapping of wings, tiny wings, millions of wings, wings that belonged to moths. It stopped. She ignored it and carried on. The sound came back once she had become used to the silence. Yet again it stopped after a while. She carried on walking down the corridor, now she became slightly worried and scared. The eerie silence seemed worse than the sound, she knew that it would come back again but it was taking it's sweet time. It came back again. She carried on walking down the corridor. It wouldn't go away, she picked up her pace, it got louder and closer. She broke out into a run and sped down the corridor but the sound was louder, closer, stronger and faster.

She kept running but the sound caught up with her and devoured her. A small army of moths surrounded her, she tried throwing books at them but she leaped and landed face down on the floor. The moths seemed viciously angry if it was possible. Threw the flapping of wings she could hear foot steps. She called out "Who's there?" as she protected her head with her arms. They replied "It's me." in a dark, calm voice. The moths seemed to clear slightly as she turned around and tried to sit up. There was a tall, cruel figure above her. He had dark green hair and even darker green eyes. He was in his late teens. He stood there with his arms folded and a melicious grin on his face. When she looked closely she noticed that he was lavetating on the moths. "This is a warning." He said in a dark tone. The moths went wild and she covered her eyes. She felt them pass her by and she heard them slowly fade away into the distance. When she looked up they were gone.

Elizita got to her feet and gathered the library books. She tried to make sense
of it all as she carried on walking down the corridor.

Outside on the grass she was sat with Formi and Cora. It was a beautiful day as the sun was shining and it was quite warm. They sat in the shade of a big oak tree that stood quite differently from all the rest, as though it knew something they didn't. As though it somehow knew what Elizita was thinking and this alone was enought to set it apart. It's branches were thick with age and the leaves were green and fresh. Formi had dark brown shortish hair and was black.Formi was a very sensible black girl with her dark hair tied back in a neat plait. She was extremly intelligent and spent most of her time reading novels and books from centuries ago. Cora had gingery blond wavy hair that was just above shoulder lengh. She was very kind and quit brave, she had wonderful lilac eyes. her smile was a massive smile that was enthusiasticly contagious. However her temper was short and easy to snap. When she got angry the whole world threw it's self into passive silence to please her. She also had a keen intrest in history.

They were having a rather general conversation but Elizita had completely blanked out. She was thinking about the moths and the dark figure, "What could they mean, what did he mean when he said..."
"What did you say Elizita?" Said Formi.
"I didn't was really nothing...I was just daydreaming."
"Well anyway have you heard about the celebration for Raygo, Formi?" said Cora. "Yes I have, I would love to go if it's ok with my parents." She said with sudden inthusiasm."Elizita aren't you exited?" Said Cora.
"Yeah..." She sighed again.
"Chimray celebrations are the best, they always do crazy stuff. Last time they tried to make a hot air balloon out of hankerchiefs with a basket made out of knives and forks. They've got this new insane mayor called mayor Tabaline." exlaimed Cora. "Shibot's festivals are grand and expensive, but Chimrays are just extra- ordinary. I've always wanted to go to one." expressed Formi
"Well this year's activity is a surprise, I heard my Grandmother and the mayor talking about it." Elizita said with a cheery smile. "It'll include a fl...actualy I shouldn't tell you, it will ruin the surprise." She had suddenly become disheartened.

"Well, have you herd about the new book" Said Cora changing the subject.
"Oh, I have, It's called "Miradi and The Shiini River". As soon as I herd about it I just had to get it to see what all the fuss was about." said Formi rather exitedly. "I haven't been able to get it just yet since it's so expensive, I have to save up a while first. Do you have the book Elizita?"
"No, we don't really get shipments of books in Chimray, and I've never even heard of it before." said Elizita still quite low in spirits.
"Anyway, I've only read the first few chapters but I've already found that it really is quite amazing. The story is so original and its told in a really unique way." explained Formi. "And the river Shiini is really a real river in Triboue, and its decribed so well with the dense, vivid green jungle and water that's so clear and even reflect the shades of the sun." Elizita felt like an outsider on the conversation, she knew that she would never get to read that book. As she listened in to the description of the river she reolised that that's where she wants to go; somewhere that's the complete oposite of the desert with plants and water, though she knew that just like reading the book she would never get to go there. The desert didn't just isolate her phisicaly it isolated her mentaly as well.

After school Elizita and Ameta were walking down the narrow crooked streets of Chimray. They were walking down a dusty street with no road but only a path in the older and more poorly built and crooked part of the village. The pathwas a short cut to the douleg stables on the ouscirts of the village and was rarely uses by anyone who didn't own a douleg so it was empty, though most of the time the entire village seems empty. It had been a hot day but it was getting cold and the evening wasn't far away.

"ELIZITA!" Ameta shouted.
"What!" Said Elizita shocked.
"You were 1500 miles away in the clouds." She said angrily.
"Sorry. I was just thinking." She said quietly.
"Today you've been so distant. Whats on your mind?"
"Whatever it is you can tell me, unless you said you were attacked by a bunch of flying pigs."
"Something like that." She mumbled to her self.
"Nothing, really."
"So anywhay, did you hear about Midara's older sister Cosalm?"
"No, tell me."
"This boy that knew Cosalm really well, really liked her so he bought her an expensive..."
"Did you hear that?" Said Elizita like a cat springing to life.
"There was a noise." Elizita said anxiously. "It came from the roof."
"You're just imagining things, or it was probubaly a cat or something." Elizita looked around slightly nervous. "Anyway, he bought her a really expensive broach, it had precious gems on it, like emerald and jade. It shone so brightly". Elizita gave her a wierd look, this was not at all like Ameta."Don't you think that that was really thoughtful?" Said Ameta trying to defend herself.

"It was thoughtful but I don't like jewelry or expensive gifts. If a boy gave me somrthing like a broach I'd throw it back in his face."
A voice came from behind them "I hope you don't throw this back in my face."

Elizita froze. She listened to the voice. It was calm and sophisticated, beautiful and dark. But it sounded familiar.

As she tuned around a boy was stood in front of her with his arm outstretched and his palm flat. A broach was in his hand and he was offering it to Elizita. She was stunned and dismayed. She could not belive what she saw. The boy looked just like that dark figure. He wasn't though. He looked a bit younger than the boy with the moths and a bit older than Elizita. He had Black hair and blue/green eyes.

Still speechless she took the broach from his hand. She died of shock when she saw the broach closely. It was a broach of a gray moth. "I know it's not as exquisite as emerald or jade but it's more rare." She looked up at him and quietly said "Why are you giving me this?"
"It will be safe with you."
"Who are you?" asked Ameta. He looked at her and didn't say anything. Then he held Elizita's hand, which was holding the broach and leaned toward her with a serious look. "Look after this, don't let anyone have it!" She nodded with the same serious look. Then he let go of her hand and stepped back, he reached into the pocket of the wierd dark green robe he was wearing over normal clothes. He puled out a moulded twig and it transformed into a staff, he braced himself and then said "By the way, have you seen any moths today?" She looked at Ameta and then looked at him.
"Yes, I have."
"Well, you won't anymore."

He hit the staff hard against the ground and then he leapt up but never touched the ground. He flew onto the roof and then repeated this hitting the roof. He began to fly and took off into the air. He jumped onto the staff and rode it like a board threw the air but in an elegant mannor. Elizita looked at the braoche again and then to him shouting "Thankyou!" He looked back at them and smiled and waved as though he were an old friend.

Ameta slowly tuned to Elizita with the most perplexed look on her face. "What. No seriously, what just happened?"
"Well, I know as much as you."
"What about this moth then, why didn't you tell me if it was so important a random guy had to jump off a roof just to ask you about it?" She
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