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Book online «Cloud Foot by rose l. (popular novels .TXT) 📖». Author rose l.

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They all waited in antisipation as Raygo swiftly glided on his staff to the dirt of the desert. He stood up perfectly straight on his staff with an elagant look of arrogance on his face. His mear presence seemed awe inspiring to the people of Chimray. As he walked into the village the mayor, with such a smug look on his face, declared. "Hear is the infamous Red Tips the wizard who put Chimray on the map." The village still silent as Raygo walked threw the gates, stared with amazement and then he spoke "So I'm back in the dusty, old, decrepid village of Chimney." The village was still staring with amazement but a different kind. "Welcome home dear." said his grandmother calmly as she walked ove to him, a sweet smile on her face as she was one of the only people who expected Raygo and his ego. "What's for lunch?" he demanded cassualy.
"Well, the village has prepared a special festival for you so there's a buffet."
"Urgh. What else?" he said arrogantly
"I could bake you some cookies"
"I guess that's good enough" he said, walking off. As he went past Elizita he said. "I'm glad to see your sour milk face as well" sarcasticly. The village was absolutey shocked and if Elizita wasn't so restraint she would have attacked him for his imperdinence.

Quick to act in such an emergency the mayor and his rediculous monstrosity of a stool stepped in the way of Raygo. Incidently the wooden contraption swung roud wildly almost tipping over. "Would you like to see what marvelous contraption the village has prepared for your arrival?" put forth the Mayor. "What on earth could you possibly mean by "marvelous contraption"?"
"Well this year we have followed the Chimray tradition of building a grand flying contraption. It has been kept every 10 years ever since the building of the grand moth, a replica of... well details don't really matter when there's such a surprise waiting for you just round the corner." Elizita froze, she knew that it was just the mention of the word moth and that it was purley co-insidental but with all that had happened 3 days ago the word was a wierd little reminder.

The entire contents of the village gatherd round a beige dusty warn sheet that was conceling something enormous. Elizita finaly realised why the mayor was sat on that rediculous stool; it was so he could reach to unveil what "marvelous contraption" the village had build this year. When He threw back the sheet the whole village was shocked to see what was basicaly a massive flying pinyata.

It's feathers were white and gray paper, the bones of it's wings wood, and it's eyes tanterns. It was a douleg. "A giant paper douleg?" said Cora confused.
"It's a pinyata." Said Lyler
"No, a pinyata can't fly." said Elizita half worried, half couldn't care less.
"Are you saying that this thing is going to fly?" asked Ameta
"If by fly you mean crash and burn then yeah." grumbled Berant. Shelo, Cora, Lyler, Formi and Ameta turned to look at Elizita, expecting an explanation. She replied "I overheard my grandmother and the Mayor talking about it
a few days ago over cookies. This decade's flying machine in a giant douleg pinyata."

The Mayor stood over the pinyata proudly and declared "The exaordinary flying douleg will carry the village across the desert a few times in the best (only) Chimray tradition, which has been carried out for 80 years in celebration of the founding of this village." The mad half of the village (including the mayor) thought this was the best idea since man decided to rub two sticks together to get fire, while the other half thought this was the worst idea since man desided to stick his hand in the fire. And then there was Raygo who took one look at the poorly constructed monstrosity and said "Don't expect me to visit your funerals." in such a monotone voice.
"No, you'll be the first to fly the douleg." requested the mayor. Raygo, now utterly insulted, replied. "Why not, I mean it looks safe and all with that strong frame of half rotten, spare parts of wood hastily put together with rusted nails."
"That's wonderfull, I was so worried that you might be cautious about it." What Raygo had just said had completely flown over the Mayors moon struck head.

"Can it even fly?" came from the crowd.
"Well, lets see shall we" the Mayor said beckoning people from the crowd to help him get it started. A few moments later while they were trying to get the equivalant of a giant paper airoplane off the ground, some problems arose. Firstly it wasn't a jet engine, secondly it wasn't a blimp, thirdly it wasn't a helicopter, and forthly it wan't a hot air ballon. Then Elizita's grandma stepped in to help. They pushed the wings of the bird to try and make it go forward, while Raygo mutterd things like "Well, this is going well." as he stood with his arms folded. After 15 minutes of struggling there was a sudden and sharp gust of wind which pushed with great and unexpected strengh the bird forward. The Mayor cried out with laughter and joy "It's working, my douleg is working!" while trying to keep his stylish purple top hat on. Elizita looked up and murmerd "I can't belive it." and Raygo astonished only said

The bird soared forward while people went chasing after it in amazement. The bird some how threw it's self into the air and flew across the desert. Across the sunet it's white feathers created a black silouette and the people chasing it cast long shadows in the dusty red desert.

It's eyes were as bright as the sun set it flew against. In it's eyes there seemed to be a soul with a burning passion to fly. In it's passion the whole bird set alight with the very flames of it's eyes against the sunset. The people just stopped, and watched in a glorious disapointment as others came to watch, the bonfire.The lanterns had set the bird on fire, and it crashed and burned.

For the buffeit the whole village brought out dining room tables, wooden with a simple carved design if they were luky, to the main road. End to end they were coverd in table cloths, with chairs neatly arranged by the sides. The Mayor and his feionce took thier seats, and Elizita's Grandmother slickly stole the seats oppsite, her opposite the mayor, Raygo reluctantly sitting next to her and Elizita sat opposite the Mayor's feince. "Ah, Nira, Raygo and Elizita." He exclaimed. "This is my wife to be, Irma." She was dressed in a modest gray dress, with her long dark blond hair tied back, to show her pretty face with femonine features. "Oh hello, I've herd quite a bit about you." She said so cooly. Though Elizita's grandmother didn't waste any time or egenda hiding. "Thats nice dear, now er Tabaline, this years celebrations were a little unrehersed. Maby next year I could get invlved. And you know it wouldn't do harm t celebrate Raygo passing his exams, as they are so important."

Ameta spotted Elizita but could'nt get a spare seat, so she gestured, amoungt the crowd still not settled, to sit with her and their other friends. Elizta wanted to, but curiousity again! She shuck her head after subconsiously getting out of her seat. Ameta steped forwards and gestued again, puting more enthasis as though Elizita missunderstood. Elizita sat back down in her seat and shuck her head again. Ameta marched forward to stand a yad away from her and half shouted, "Come and sit with us Elizita. Come on." in a demandindg and calm tone. Elizita got out of her seat and followed her to another section of the massive table. "Elizita, what were you doing?" Asked Ameta calmly yet with some anxiety in her throat. "I whanted t sit with my grandmother and Raygo." She said, suddenly reolising how pathetic of a reason it sounded.

Sat at the table surrounded by her friends Ameta felt content and so did Elizita.

People became settled and they each found a seat at the enormouse table which seated the whole village as the food was brought out and Lylers pie sat in the middle of all the friends. There were aranad salad, mej, quigar, mera mera, doplins, toeroes, siquadas, jera drei morcha, kimkirs, droclis and chin chins. Everything leid on the table was so rare for the village and so brightly colord, includind bright fruit for deserts, bright vegatables, and even bright meats and breads. The snazzle berrys in the pie were brght violet and the ruemids a lime greenwith range tinge.

Kindhearted Lyler went t offer Elizitas Grandmother some and reported back that Raygo tried some, and that the mayor liked it. Elizita sat there stunned, "Did Raygo say anything about it?" She said expecting him to have hated it. "No he seemed to be enjyng it too much." giggled Lyler proudly. "Wow, you must be a really good cook. He rejects so many dishes."
"Have you tried some?"
"Not, yet, I'm still eating my toeroes."
"Well try some Elizita." Said Ameta picking up a peice for her and offering her a clean fork. Elizita Thought the pie was lovely and the rest of the children agreed as they tucked in to the rest of the meal.

A few days after the bonfire Raygo was deep in study for his wizard exams that he would be sitting in just 2 months time. He had to learn spells, potions, magical creatures and a lot of history. This meant that is head was a couldren of fustration, overbubling and spilling onto all his study papers. Actualy one of the things he had to specificaly study was the effects of potion spilling, though the relentless effects of stress was'nt something he needed to study to know about. When Elizita walked passed his study room she was amazed. There in the middle of the room sat Raygo in his chair, surrounded by his papers for study. Except he was floating in the middle of the room and so were his papers, flying all around him. His chair was enchanted to fly, and so were his papers, so he could study many things at once and not be bound to searching the room for some lost sheet, or sit at a desk piled high with books. Elizita had always been fasinated by magic, especialy the magic of flying. She had always been very jealous of Raygo who was born with magic, and she had olways wished that she could have at least one magical power. (Thwack!) The door slammed in her face. Raygo liked his privacy.

Her grandmothers Kitchen was small and clutterd, with dust and cob webs and grease everywhere, yet it was a very warm inviting room, with very simplistic, worn wooden furniture. Later on in the evening and Elizita and her grandmother were sat at the kitchen table with a tray of cookies, they were waiting for Raygo, whose favorite food was cookies. "You know I always keep the cookies on the tray for Raygo, I don't know why but he likes to eat them off the tray better. I think that he like to feel as though he's first to eat them. When he was little he would always grab them off the tray when they were still hot." gabbled on her grandmother as Elizita imagined a little Rago with the same big head running into the kitchen to grab cookies, and using a newly learnt spell t cool them down. When Raygo came down from study he took one look at
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