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Book online «Cloud Foot by rose l. (popular novels .TXT) 📖». Author rose l.

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the tray and "Why haven't you put them on a plate?" he said moodily. Then he took one look at Elizita's face and said "Nosy!" He had seen the massive bruise the door had left on her nose. Yet again this was one of those times when she felt like starting a sibling argument to end all sibling arguments and Raygo's face.

"So, you've been so buisy studying that you haven't had a chance to tell us what it was like traveling the world." Hinted his grandmother.
"I've had the chance." He rudely remarked.
"I'll give you a chance to die in a minute." Mumbled Elizita.
"So where did you go?" asked his grandmother.
"Ajecttala, Vengo, Yoilla, Parinmack, Droganwray and Civshadow." He sighed
"What was it like?" His grandmother said, sounding intriged to start a conversation. "Better than this..." WHACK! His grandmothers walking stick hit the table right infront of him "Watch your language!" She screetched. "So, what did you do?" She said as sweetly as ever so sudenly.
"I visited some blessed sites, some cursed sites and some sacred sites." He sighed yet again. Then Elizita broke the 'conversation' with "You should stop being so ungreatful, at least you get to wonder beyond the village gate!"
"Temper!" Her grandmother snapped as she hit her on the arm with her walking stick. "Go to your room and don't you dare come out untill you've learnt to say more than sour words!" She yelled at Elizita as she climbed the creaking stairs.

Elizita sulked in her room for the rest of the long drery evening.

The next day Elizita was sat in her room thumbling with the broach. It's black eyes glared at her as though they'd seen her before. She was thinking about the whole thing so much it drove her insane. She was grounded, her grandmother had gone out and her brother was asleep (at 2 o'clock in the afternoon). She was so bored that the only thing to do was go insane with boredom, but she had already gone insane so she just sat pondering over the broach.

She found her self wondering into Raygo's study room.That is what happens when you have time to kill and no knife. You just wander about in your daydreams while your feet look for somewhere to go, or you wander about the room while your imagination looks for somewhere to go.

The broom in the corner cought her eye and like always she started to day dream. This time it was about grotesque, warty, evil witches who flew across the midnight sky in search of new souls to devour. She thought about what it would be like to fly and how the mysterious wizard could so easily jump on a staff and fly where ever he wanted. She also thought about the world which Raygo had just traveled and how she would give anything to do the same. Then her eyes fell on the chair and she had an idea. Maybe anyone could use the chair to fly. She sat on the chair and waited. Nothing happened. She tryed chanting made up words. Nothing happened. She even tried to consentrate super hard but yet again nothing happened.

She gave up and sighed "I'm just not a wizard and I can't fly." She so wondered what it would be like to fly. To soar through the desert with the sky a rare blue and the red dirt far below her and the small village far behind her. And then the chair started to wobble and it rose so slightly off the ground. She was shocked and froze grabbing the sides of the chair. It fell back to the earth and she looked around. Know one had made that happen, she (or the chair) had made that happen. She tryed it again, she thought of flying and the old splintered wooden chair unsteadily rose again. She could not belive it. She (well the chair) had done something magic. Continuing to rise she saw her feet dangling above the ground. Leaning from side to side she navigated her way around the small clutterd room. She was so unsteady, and she had never flew before.

Crookedly swirving, she crashed into a ceiling high pile of coursework and textbooks, head and shoulder first. The old parchement and yellowing paper flew everywhere and covered her as she sat on the floor in the massive new mess she had just made. The crash had made quite a noise and so she worried if it had woken up Raygo. Holding her breath, Elizita sneeked into his room to check. He was layed on his bed covered in paper and books. His room was so much more bigger and better than hers and he had a study room, she never saw that as fair. His eyes were partly open and he was slightly restless. Frozen in the corridor Elizita waited for any signs of him being awake. Papers fell as he rolled over in his sleep. Her hand came to her mouth as she waited in a dark cold silence. To her relief he was too busy studying in his dreams (nightmares) to bother about waking up.

The door of the study room rest ajar. The chair was still there. Elizita was too curious about whether or not she could get away with it to not try. This time she opened the window, it was quite small but large enough for her and the chair. Once again she sat in it and saw herself flying, the next minute she really was flying. Careful not to crash into anything else she attempted to fly through the window, but she was nervous and because of this the chair suddenly accelerated far past the window in one explosion of magic and chaos. As splinters of mangled wood flew (like Elizita) in all directions the frame battered and scratched saw off Elizita and her chair. Screaming with joy and fear the red haired little girl flew into the vast red desert.

Realising that she could not slow down the chair Elizita paniced and tryed to get off the chair before realising that she was severil 100 feet off the ground. Confused she ended up kneeling on the chair backwards as she paniced and almost fell to her red dusty grave in the grim, dry, lifeless desert, 5 days from anyone finding her missplaced and mangled body. Her startled screem could be heard for miles away but the village was now further than that.

Soon Elizita gained control of the chair, but she never realised that such an old worn out block of wood could harber so much magic. She found her feet, or well her chair, and was far above the red dirt and far away from the village. Whats more the sky today really was a marvelous and much rare blue. It even seemed to be in the wind as the blue parted her ginger hair in mini torrents of fresh desert wind. Her brother's magic must be very stable and strong for she could control the chair very easily now that she had become used to flying.

Far out in the desert and an old forgotten lullabye came back to her as she saw it right in front of her. Elizita could recall her grandmother singing it to her as a child. Back then her voice was much more sweet and soft "In the dusty desert they fly, when the dust storms pass you can see them up high,
too far out and you may die, be warned they rule the sky." A moth in her face, with the shock she recieved plucked her right out of the sky. She was falling at an angle to the desert floor now miles below her. She pulled the back of the chair so tight to try and lift her out of the dive. Her eyelids were just as tight as she winced in anticipation for the last sound she'd ever hear, a massive thud on the ground.

The next sound she herd was the scraping of the chair and the sand as slowly the pile of wood breaking her fall collapsed with exhuastion. Somehow she had got away with it. After the terror Elizita awoke in a cloud of dust sat on top of a shatterd pile of wood. Relief was too short a word for what she was feeling. The appropriate word was amazement.

Curious was the next word for what she was feeling as the settling dust revealed something very curious. The lost remains of some undescoverd beast lie infront of the lost and very curious little girl. She stood there bewilderd by the dead structure before her. It was a skeleton of an ancient creature half burried in red desert sand which replaced it's spilt red blood as Elizita could see a metal javelin jolting out of the sun scorched ground. It's guts which have long rotted away with the chance of finding out what it ever was, have been replaced by the empty void of the desert.

Bones of it's collosel ribcage grew out of the barron desert sand. Yellowing at the bottom and bleached white at the top. The javelin was silver and bejewled with many stones of such radient beauty, she forgot that she was looking at an instrument of death. Curiousley she wonderd around the frame of the beast. She was miles from home and she only had a rough idea of where it was. Just like the kill she was lost in the desert. She had no idea of what to do next, if ever she did return home she would be in serious trouble. However she didn't know what she would be in more trouble for, breaking the chair or going in the desert, either way she'd rather be yelled at than stranded in the desert.

Silently it fell from the sky. Like an automme leaf it appeard to have no wait. Delicatly the gray furry bag of bones fell to the dirt of the ground with a strangely silent thud as desert dust gatherd from all corners of the endless desert. Silver chains were clung tightly around silvery gray fur. It sat up and looked around before struggling to walk across the sand as it had lost some balance. Cat-like paws clung to the rib cage as it gasped for some clean air. The desert dust obscured it's image as Elizita strained her eyes to see what it was. The space-cat immerged from the cloud of dust as curious as she was. Elizita took one look at the cat and yelped "Who are you?" The cat replied;
"Why you?" in a fed up, exousteed tone.
"What did you say? Are you lost or something?"
"Why you? Why do you have it? How could you possibly get it?"
"What do you mean?"
"Why you? I can't shoot you, you're just a young girl"
"Excuse me?" She suddenly saw the silver gun in his hand, and in the other a burn from a hot iron. "Hand it over!" he demanded
"What can I possibly hand over?" She said frightened.
"The moth!" He said impatiantly
"You mean this?" She said slightly arragontly showing him the moth broach.
"Yes I mean that, now hand it over!" He said very impatiantly.
"Why, what do you want it for?"
"Do you even know what it is?" He said the gun now pointed at her head, point blank range. "No" She half whimperd.
"Good, now hand it over."
"No" She said
"Tell me what it is?" She said with slight arrogancy.
"I will shoot you, right here, right now, with this gun!"
"But you can't! I haven't done anything." she said in her defence
"I have to shoot you so I will shoot you"
"What could you possibly want with it?"
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