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unstable corridor wall she slowly breathed trieing to recover from the shock. Elizita when upstairs to see if her screams had woken Metoria and Birue. On her way she passed a door that was slightly ajar and... Curiusity! She had to open it. What more was this house hiding from her. Secrets that didn't make sence needed to be reasoned out. She opened, now it with a light heart full of cuiosity. Though it soon sunk as it revieled a dark, dark, stair case, strewn with cracks and brocken wooden steps. It stared back at her with extream, focus, intimidation and thought. She slowly closed the door and continued her search.

Metoria and Birue were no where to be seen. Like ghost they had just vanished. Their beds were freshly made from the last time they woke in them, in their life. So Elizita back in her room, still thirsty and curios, took to the window to peer across the village. The houses, though it was dark still kept some of their romantic colour. A devastated and half destroyed village never looked so wonderful to Elizita. Then they came. They rose from the desert dirt. About onehundred of them, all over. Their heads slowly rising above the grond followed by the rest f their bodies. Hollow and transparend. Black, that ever so slowly flutterd in a non existant breaze. The moon light on such a clear night seemed to illuminate them, a pale blue, with smething cold and yet warm to the eye. They then followed each other, in perfect timing to the edge of the village, and Elizita just watched, creeped out, and now enormaously curious.

They all whent past her window and she quickly ran across the house her shoes hitting the floor with exitement, to anther bedroom to see what happened next.

All of them wonderd into the desert. With little stubby legs and arms that formaed to the ruoght shape of a human, yet they had no faces on their heads. In the desert they stood spaced out as though they didn't know each other and they all looked down at the sand and dirt and they all began to weep. As crystal silver tears landed on the desert floor they dissapeared into it and illuminated it. Each tear that was drped made the transparent shape less vissible, untill one by one they dissapeared into the lifeless sand. And when the moon began so sink into the horizon the sand lost its luminessence.

In the morning Elizita was still ever so thirsty. After a breakfast of imaginary porridge, and a litte hat amongst mainly Metoria and Birue about the state of Mrs Bansil's house, Elizita brought up the subject of home. "So, how am I going to get home then?"
"Oh, of course, we forgot all about that!" Said Metoria surprised.
"Well, there is a train that can take you from Ebbston. I hear that it can take you quite far." said Birue. "Ebbston is just a miles walk from here. It's south south west. You will see a darling little village, qiute new actualy, and that should be it. The peole there I hear are quite friendly, so you just ask around and they should help you."
"How will I know which way is west? I could end up walking in circles." Said Elizita worried. "I have a compass, my father though that it would be useful out in the middle of nowhere. Though I never thought so, and I have no use for it. You can have it Elizita." Offerd Metoria.

So Metoria set off to look for the compass. While she was preocupied, Elizita looked at the book again. Yellow pages that smelt of must, held a curious story. Elizita had never had a real story book. Unlike the other books in her possesion this one did not start of with an introductery page, or a contents page or a phrase simular to "There are many types of..." or "Research has shone that a majority of..." or even "To properly make a...". It started of with "Grass had stained her dress as she fell on her way to Mrs Gralad's house. Her new shoes had done it. What ever was he thinking when she begged her farther for them..." Elizita read. The first page had a writing style so unfamiliar that it almost took her attension away from the story.

A few minutes later she came into the room, with the black little compass. "I am so glad that it still works. A lot f things in this house seem to malfunction whenever they want to." Elizita smiled grimly, they didn't know they were dead and yet their whole existance now is death and they can't even reolise it.

When the time came for Elizita to leave she had a good send off. As she stood at the door, Metoria and Birue whished her farwell, "Oh, good bye Elizita. You have been ever so helpful returning my shoe and mirror. I feel as though I should give you something in return so, you can have my book." Said Metoria, quite emotionaly. "Wow, thanks!" Said Eilzita as Metria unreiled the book from behind her massive dress. "Do be careful in the desert this time Elizita." Said Birue wraping a motheaten, woolen showl around her even though it was a hot deser day, with the sun gleaming in through out the warn desert air. Though it was a thoughtful gesture. "And, Elizita, darling, anytime you want you can visit us. You are very good company to keep." Said Metoria, and Elizita knew what she ment, beig a ghost must be pretty lonely even if you are unaware. "We'll be looking out fr you as you walk across the desert said Metria, sadly smiling at Elizita.

And so she set off, with the book under her, quite inconvinient showl. South south west was quit tricky with such an old cumpass as the glass was coerd in dirt and dust. Looking back she saw the faint and now quite frightening, ghostly faces of Metoria and Birue behind the age-beaten glass windows. They were still and motionless from the outside.

Red sand kicked at her red shoes. Then she rememberd the ordeal, and her mood sunk. She would just like to forget about it.

After an hour of daydreaming and keeping a close eye on the compass, her thoughts swung round to it again and she reolised that since she cold not take off her shoes she would not be allowed to forget about it. Tears appeard abuve her usualy pale cheeks now red with frustration and the desert heat. Her body sunk into a slupm on the desert floor. At least she was comforted by Metoria and Birue's gifts. After half an hour of sulking she got up and decided to try ut flying again to see if there was any worth to it at all. She floated slowly above the desert sand, and yet again stoped short of 3 meters. She tried to go forward, but this was vey difficult. Sideways was still difficult but a bit easier. But when she tried to go backwards she just ended up tiping over. Not at all impressive.

There was no worth.

Ebbston seemed like an older, browner, bigger, noisier version of Chimray. The streets and layout were more planed and the houses paced out, un like the gapless rows in Chimray. People walked about. It was still a village but quite a large village. Though one thing about desert village life is that everyone seems to have dodgy fasion sence. Though Elizita was wering something she considerd ok; a red T-shirt, brown skirt, and knee high white socks. Though she sore a young, brounette woman in a rather oddly stylish taylord suite. Pink skirt and jaket with some maby unnecicary shoulder pads, some matching shiny pink heels and a light turquoise blouse. "Excuse me madam, but I really need some help." Elizita said to her sounding a bit awkward and shy. "Oh, well, it is my duty to help all in this town." She said in kind and confident voice. "Well what is the mater." She said enthasising an imatirnt but still kind tone. "I'm lost. I come from Chimray and I need to use your towns train to get home."
"Ah. So your not from here. Well first things first. I'm the mayor, Mayor Alit. Now whats your name." Elizita couldn't believe that of all the people she had just happened to talk to the mayor. If anyone could help her then it would be the mayor, and she seemed kind enouth to do so. "I'm Elizita Militaf."
"Well Elizita, I'm sorry to say but there hasn't been a train in this village for 680 years."
"Oh..." Said Elizita sounding very defeated.
"Now, don't get miffed. I can help you. You did say Chimray didn't you?"
"Yes, and I know it's far away but..." Elizita trailing off, not knowing what to say. "Yes, it is very far away and I can't even begin to imagine how you got here, alone on foot." She paused, waiting to see if Elizita would corect her. "But we have an export of steel to sent to Chimray this afternoon. You are more than welcome to hitch a ride in the truck if you like. Wanda will be ablec to spare some room in her house for you until then, since yu must be quite tired." Elizita happily nodded.

Mayor Alit lead Elizita through the village. They had what looked like a new water fountain in the middle of the village and this remided Elizita of how thirsty she was. Shiny water leaped out of the stone water-birds mouth dramaticly and into the oasis like pool. Peolple sat around the small fountain chatting. They arrived at a small house on the outscirts, that held a massive garrage. It was open and Elizita could see all the curious little tools and spare parts. From behind a lime green truck came a very yung womand in scruffy overalls and very messy, tightly curled brown hair. Imprint

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