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Book online «Cloud Foot by rose l. (popular novels .TXT) 📖». Author rose l.

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/> "What could you possibly want for it?" She looked at him blankly. "What ever you want I can give you it, in exchange for that nice little trinket." He said putting down the gun. "What can you give me?"
"What do you want, a new chair?" He said looking at the heap of wood behind her. As she looked as well something came to her mind. "I want to be able to fly"
"I was expecting gold, but a deal's a deal."
"You'll really give me the ability to fly?"
"As I said, in exchange for that trinket."
"A deal's a deal."

He looked at her foot and made a quick judgement before placeing his right paw over the burn on his left rist. Beneath his eye lids flashed blue and yellow violently as beams of blue magic seeped from the burn and into her feet quickly and hazardly. Once he had stopped he held out his right paw which now seemed badly burnt and said "The trinket." She handed it over to him without a thought."Enjoy." He said, gesturing at her feet.

She looked down at her red, shiny, buckled shoes. 'What has he done?' She thought to her self and she soon found out. The whole desert looked at her with awe as her little red shoes raised from it's red sand. The shoes picked her up as she was so shocked that she did'nt even have breath to gasp. Rising she finaly found the wind to stutter " it th...the shoes?"
"No, it's your feet." He replied proudly.
"I ca...can ac...actualy fly?" She said even more than amazed.
"Yes, it's nothing else, just you, and my mag..." He paused realising something and then he carried on "My magic."

Flying was unbeleavable for Elizita. It was the one thing that she wanted most in the world, apart from her parents. "How do I get down?"
"Why would you want to get down? Go up!" He said looking up at the sky anxiously. She flew to about 3 meters in the air and then stopped. Elizita tried harder to fly higher but couldn't. It felt as though something was hanging on to her and trying to drag her down, like the sand of the desert was still gripping her ankles. She didn't know that there could be icicles in the desert as it was so hot, but it felt like icicles were piercing her guts. "Why can't I go any higher?" She turned to look at the cat and saw the rope he was climbing to the giant metal air ship.

It looked like a sort of blimp coverd in blue/gray rusting and rotting metal. Massive bolts covered its weak points where one metal sheet ended and another began. On top was a propeller with razor sharp blades designed with the intension of threat. In some ways it also resembled a rocket with rocket engines. However the blades weren't spinning and the engines were dead silent. It was some giant metal body without a soul, creeping through someones nightmare and into Elizita's world.

The cat replied "I don't know, ask the ten men of the moon." As he desended up the rope and into the pressence of the ship. She looked up at him with a hate that she didn't even feel when he had the gun pointed at her head. The ship slowly crept backwards into the world from which it came as it litteraly faided into the sky. She was once again standed and alone in the desert.

Chapter 3

Walking through the desert in any direction was her only plan. In the sky a dust cloud gatherd, this one was particularly orange and polluted. She walked in the direction that it was coming from as the dusty orange devoured the tranquillant blue. Her temper was definatly much higher than she could fly. Her face definatly was sour milk that had been left in the desert sun for too long. Her steps beat the desert like punishement. The only thing she reflected upon was that stupid remark the cat had given her. "What an insulting thing to say." She thought. "It was such a rude joke. And what such a strange little creature that cat is with it's silver chains strewn across it's body."

After an hour of walking Elizita began to think about where she was going. It would take days to walk back to the village so she was better off looking for some where else. She figured that heading in the same direction as the dust cloud would be a good idea since the midday sun is only just visable through it so she can use that to help her. The sun should be heading west and the village might be back east.

She came accross the strangest things in the desert. Mainly it was junk such as old, brocken peices of wood and metal. She also came accross a brocken hand mirror with the metal frame rusted. She decided that being in the desert anything was useful to her and so she picked it up. Past the red rust the mirror was quite handson with the metal in pretty little patterns, of what looked like daisys and leaves. Another odd little item was a shoe. Faided, bright lilac. It was quite pretty with an undun darker ribon on it like a balleina pump. Strangely she picked it up, purly out of amusement and curiousity. As she sat in the sand for a rest from walking she decided to try on the shoe. A slight horror over came her when she tried to undo her buckle. It was the magic, and she knew. It wouldn't come undun no matter how much she tried. She tried and tried again but the metal slid past her frantic fingers. The same problem with the other shoe. With her little might she tried to pull off her shoes, but yet again her fingers slid past the red leather. With the handle of the brocken mirror she tried again but the shoes would'nt come off. She laided in the desert, her eyes half closed. Hopeless.

In her anxiety she ran, kiking up red sand like her feet were on fire. Tears in her eyes were too precious to waste in her situation. Then through her tears she could see something in the distance. Little coulorful dots all in a row against the barron horizon grew like flowers. Then she could see that they were houses. Running faster with exitement, they became much clearer. Grand, wooden houses, painted in pastel coulors. When Elizita came closer to the sleeping village she saw that they were old and decayed, the wood weaping with rott, the light colours hiding the lonely darkness with seeped through growing cracks and into Elizita's imagination, forgotten pieces of shatterd glass which had jump out of the windows long ago gave the parched dirt it's own diamonds. Elizita came to a halt on the outskirts of an ancient village dead beyond man's might. Houses of what was imense style and expence, stood in a himble and silent row as she walked past.

A sweetly disturbing blue house, with wite window shutters which had heart shaped holes and a stunning balcany seemed so romantic to Elizita until it wisperd something. "Come in child." Frozen to the spot, her shoulders hunched, Elizitas bloodshot eyes slowly creeped to the still silouette of a woman behind the heart. This lovely and warm house now seemed dark and disturbing. "What's the matter?" creeked the dead house. The fright in Elizita came out as she gasped. "Come and sit, please my dear." Elizita slowly, and holding her fear and anxiety walked in. As she reached for the handle to the door, a deep creaking sound came from within the wooden, blue nightmare. She wimperd and put her hand to her mouth and carried on. The door cried as she opened it to reveal an empty hall way, destroyed by time, and then decorated with spiders webs which too were dead like every thing else in the desert. Broken splinterd pieces of wood poked out of walls like rotten teeth. This revealed the intense sun light that produced strips of almost white on the black floor.

Everyhing in the house was black and dead, stained dark with age. She walked into the room while floor boards groaned with old age, where she saw the dark silouette. Completely empty, but very dark she felt uneasy but safe. There sat a white chair, empty and facing the little heart shaped hole in the window. Placing the mirror and shoe on the side table Elizita saw a little book resting. "The tale of the four bonnets" in baby blue letters on the white backgroud of the leather book stood above a picture of four girls playing. Mold and stains filled it's pages and spread to the dusty front cover.

"It's a lovely book!" She said stood in the door way. Elizita gasped and turned to look at the lady. Her dress was the same light blue as the house and it was in a style like the georgion style. Immensly decorated with ribbons and beads, it was absolutely georgeus, like something out of a fairy tale. The walking porclin doll also had a huge georgian wig on, that was powder wite and decorated with ribbons and feathers of such grandure. Infront of Elizita stood a woman dressed in the most money Elizita had ever seen. Yet it was old money that was stained, moldy and ragged. The womans smile was huge and red, beneith two green eyes on a white face. "I'm sorry, I just herd someone asking me to come in and..." gabbled Elizita.
"Your welcome to stay." said the lady warmly. Elizita looked around quite nervously and then the woman spoke again. "I'm Metoria Xenjirca, and was my home. What is your name?"
"My name is Elizita, I'm lost, and I just came in from the desert."
"But why?"
"Because I invited her." Said a dark silouette in the dark, unseen corner of the room.

A woman in a powder green dress like the other also wore a georgian wig. Her eyes were bright lilac and her face just as wite as the other's. Together they both looked like something out of a creepy fairy tale hiding out in a rotting house, in the middle of nowhere. "She was lost, and wandering." said the woman. "My name is Birue Wirtam, and I lived her with my dear fried Metoria. Now then dear, why are you lost?" Elizita stood there silent for a minute. It would be strange to try to explain everything to them, but she wanted to. They seemed to kind and they might be able to help. Elizita opened her moth to speak, knowing that she might regret it. "Hehehe, cat got your tongue. It's alwright, children come asray to this village all the time. Normally from Ebbston. Is that what happened. I'm sure your parents won't be that mad." Said Metoria

"Aw, she looks quite frightned. Would you like a cup of tea dear?"
"Er, yes please, if it's no trouble." said Elizita quit timidly. She had just notced the slimmy tricle of blood running down the wig of Birue. At the side of her head there was a bloody, pulpy mess of a wound, that was most definately fatal. Fractures glass stuck out like rows of teath, gnowing on her brain and craked skull. The site was frighteningly disturbing and greusome, so much so that Elizita had lost her function for words and screams .Out of stress and panic had begun pulling at and fiddling with a loose peice of thread of of her top. Elizita reolised that these women were ghosts. Gosts who were making her
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