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want to wake up. You don’t want to stay here. You want so desperately for the pain to go away, and it will. All you have to do it wake up. Wake up, and it will all be over.” I promised, and as I said these things, I stared right into her eyes, burning them into her brain, her subconscious, so that she had no choice but to obey . . .


        I was yanked back to the dining room with such fierceness that for a moment my head spun sickeningly. I blinked a few times, looked down, and saw Circa’s eyelids fluttering, and heard her groan of pain. 

Chapter 12

“Circa”, I said in a firm voice, my strength returning immediately, “it’s time to get up.”


She stared at me wide-eyed, and without question managed a feeble nod. I turned to see William coming to, without even the need for my help. I was glad, for it took a lot of my energy to do what I had just done with Circa. I hadn’t used my power like that in such a long time. My muscles felt sore, strained. Like I had worked them too hard, and there was a faint throbbing in my temples. But I ignored this as I looked down at William.


“Let’s go upstairs.” I commanded, and as Chelsea helped Circa to her feet, Alexander and I stood William upright, with one of his arms slung around each of our shoulders. As we headed for the staircase, Alexander spoke.


“So, that’s your power huh?” He asked me as we trudged up a stair.


“Yes.” I grunted. He nodded, a small smile on his face.


“Pretty fucking strong. And effective.” He said. I looked at him, a scowl on my face, but with helping William up the steps along with Circa, there was no other time for more questions.

Chapter 13

At the top of the landing, I paused, listening intently for any sign of movement. I peered down the hallway, grateful that all the doors were shut. I turned back to see Chelsea, who was supporting a half conscious Circa. Chelsea’s face was bright pink from the strength she was exerting trying to hold up the small girl, and I looked at William, whose face was ashen and breathing shallow. And as my eyes traveled down his body I caught sight of his stomach, at the dark substance slowly beginning to soak through his shirt. I swallowed, the small bit of food I had eaten coming up and lodging in my throat. I took a breath and motioned with my one arm down the hall.


“Follow me. My room’s just down here.” I whispered.


Alexander nodded, and I turned to make sure Chelsea understood. She nodded as well, hiking Circa up higher, who was too groggy to notice. As we trudged down the hall to my room which was right in the middle, a door burst open at the end. We all froze for a moment, and before the person could come out, I released William and hurried everyone into the room, then I jumped in and locked the door behind me.


I leaned against my door, my heart pounding in my chest. I looked over to see Alexander and Chelsea setting Circa and William on the bed. I came over and observed their conditions. Circa’s eyes were only half open, and she was lying limp on the bed. William was the exact opposite. His shirt was completely soaked through with his blood, and the scent of it hung thickly in the air. He was sweating profusely, and shivering as if he was cold.


“Goddammit.” I muttered, reaching over and lifting up William’s shirt to expose the wound.


I stiffened at the sight of it. It looked like someone had stabbed him, over and over again, leaving his flesh open and rapidly bleeding.


“Fuck”, Alexander said quietly, looking at William, his face stern and set with concern. “What can we do?” He asked me, his eyes locking on my face.


I looked at him. I don’t know what the fuck to do. I’m not cut out for this shit. I heard him say, and I bristled. “Well Jesus, why don’t you just go then?” I snapped.


Alexander blinked a few times, momentarily stunned before he stared at me in confusion. “What?” He asked. I shook my head.


“Nothing.” I said, realizing that he actually hadn’t spoken out loud.


I had looked into his eyes and tuned into him, which was a big mistake. It also didn’t help that he was paying attention to me instead of focusing on the problem at hand, trying to help William and Circa.


“Chelsea, in the top drawer of my dresser there are bandages, get them. I’ll also need the little box under all my clothes in the bottom drawer.” I instructed.


Chelsea nodded and went to the dresser immediately, coming out with the large white bandages and the box at once. She handed them to me, and I began unraveling the gauze.


“What happened to them?” Chelsea asked, horror-struck as she stared down at two of the people she had arrived here with. I shook my head, snapping one of the bandages in half.


“Circa’s been electrocuted. She’s barely moved at all since Eliot used his power on her. I got a good description of her pain when I read her mind. It’s bad, well, excruciating would actually be a better word. Here”, I handed Alexander the box and he scowled.


“What’s this for?” He asked. I rolled my eyes.


“There are pain meds in there and smelling salts. Get them out and wake her up.” I ordered. “Chelsea, help me hold up William.” I said.


She moved forward as we gently grabbed his shoulders and propped William up. He let out a low moan of pain and shut his eyes tight. I hesitated, worried that my trying to help him we were causing more damage.


“Here, hold him while I get his shirt off.” I directed Chelsea, who shakily held up his shoulders while I rolled his shirt up and over his head. Chelsea’s eyes bulged at the sight of his wound, and I could see her turning a light shade of green.


“Here”, I handed the roll of gauze to Chelsea and began wrapping one thick strand around William’s waist, shaking my head as I did. Chelsea’s lip was quivering and her hands shaking as she held up William. I looked at his pale face, at his eyes opening and staring at me, watching me double his gauze.


“Why did he do this to us?” William asked, managing only a slight whisper. I sighed, finished with his bandages.


“It’s his gift. It’s what he does.” I said simply, turning to Alexander who had the box opened and was observing the smelling salts oddly, as if he had never seen anything like them before.


“Alexander.” I snapped. “What are you waiting for?” I asked.


“Um”, he looked up at me, scowling. “What am I supposed to do?” He asked. I nearly groaned in outrage.


“Break them in half and wave them under her nose.” I instructed slowly, as if I was speaking to a dimwitted child.


Alexander did so, carefully snapping one of the salts and hastily holding it under Circa’s nostrils. Her eyes fluttered, until she rubbed her eyes and groaned.


“That shit smells awful. What the hell is that?” She asked, looking to see Alexander quickly withdrawing the salt. “What the fuck?” She asked angrily, definitely frustrated that we had woken her from her nap.


“Circa”, I moved forward and carefully sat down on the edge of the bed. “How do you feel?” I asked, which was probably an idiotic question but it was important how she felt. With a groan, Circa began to sit up, wincing as she did.


“Everything hurts, my legs, my arms, my head, everything.” She moaned, as Chelsea moved her arms behind Circa and supported her. I shook my head, looking at Alexander who was absently putting away the salts and bandages.


“Keep those out”, I stopped him, “we’re going to need them for William later.” I said.


He looked at me, nodded, and removed the gauze. I turned my attention back to Circa, who was cringing in pain.


“Oh god, it all hurts. What the hell did that bastard do to me?” She said through gritted teeth. I sighed.


“Well, I believe he caused you pain similar to being electrocuted. And William here, he gave him the sensation of being stabbed.” I explained. Circa looked at me, her lip curled.


“So basically he electrocuted me without the electricity, and he stabbed William without a knife?” She asked. I nodded.


“Yeah, you summed it up pretty good.” I said, because she had.


“We have to do something about him.” Circa grumbled, still struggling to sit up while Chelsea held her.


I shook my head. â€śYou don’t think some of us haven’t tried? You’d get yourself killed trying, and punished just for talking about.”


“But”, Chelsea cut in. “We’re talking about it right now.” She said in a shaky voice, clearly terrified of Eliot and the power he wields. I shook my head once more.


“He won’t attack someone like that again for a while. This was his big opening act, nowhere near the finale.” I said, knowing Eliot’s finales all too well.


When he wanted to embarrass and hurt you, he did it in front of everyone, like tonight, however he somehow finds a way to make it worse. That’s his finale, and then he waits to put on another show for the next group of kids. Circa looked at me, her golden eyes burning with fury.


“What’s the main event?” She asked, almost growled.


I sighed. “Us.”

Chapter 14

“Our actions play a big part in Eliot’s enjoyment. As long as we put ourselves out in the open and attempt to help one another as we just have, then the more Eliot enjoys punishing us.” I explained. Circa’s pixie-like

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