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Book online «Char Resurrected by Char Steel (novels to read in english TXT) 📖». Author Char Steel

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needed to launch operation Creep Through The Cute  Wolf Bombs. Or I could be late to school and be in bad standing.

I slowly slid from under the covers and put my foot down slowly before tiptoeing across the floor. I lifted my foot up and over a little black wolf and was about to put it down when it's head shot up and it blinked at me with wide eyes.

It opened it's stupid mouth with a smirk and yowled and howled to it's other buddies. In two seconds they all stood up and rushed over themselves tripping over each other. I tried to get out of the way but I was hopping around wildly with one foot. A little black sneaky wolf bumped against my balanced foot and I fell, face planting onto the floor.

I realized that the yips and yaps were not screams of despair which I hoped it was but instead they were playful yips of joy and laughter.

Still the door flew open and there stood the angry mama of the wolf that was on my chest.

I could tell it was her by the markings and the eyes. One was brown and the other blue. I gulped as she landed in front of me and bared her teeth. My eyes closed as she reached forward with a wide mouth full of razor sharp teeth.

My scream must have been heard for miles cause I didn't feel any teeth on my throat instead I heard pounding footsteps as 50 people rushed up the stairs and into my room. My entire room became packed as everyone crowded in to see what was happening.

I opened my eyes in time to see Cole and Charles shoulder their way from the crowd and into the little circle I was in.

Cole crouched down by me concern written all over his face. " Are you okay Char?"

" Yeah I'm fine." I said as I grabbed Cole's hand and he pulled me up while his dad got the crowd to go away.

Charles steered me to the bed and sat me down. " What happened?" He said.

" Well I got up and all these little wolves were laying around and in my room. They wouldn't let me get up so I had to do my best to tiptoe around them when this little black wolf starts up this ruckus that makes all the other wolves go crazy. That same little black wolf then intentionally tripped me just as the mama of the wolf that was on my chest came in. She was about to rip my throat out. I just wanted to go to school. Which reminds me that I need to hurry my butt to school." I said ranting and waving my hands around.

But by the time I finished they were all crying and laughing. I glared at them and got up stalking over to the clock only to see it was 12:00.

" What!" I screeched and went over to Cole as I grabbed him by the front of his shirt and started shaking him. " Cole! Why didn't you wake me up! We're gonna be super late to school! I even promised Sarah that I would be in school today!"

I shook him harder as he just laughed some more. " Why aren't you responding you stupid wolf!?"

He grabbed my arms to stop the shaking. " It's Saturday Char. That means no school. And the wolves were just playing a trick on you."

I let go of him and groaned as I left slamming the door. I tromped downstairs and glared at the the little wolves as they happily got crispy bacon from that same exact mom. Who was standing there cooking and throwing the bacon over her shoulder.

She turned around and raised an eyebrow at me as I shrunk back in fear. " I'm sorry if I scared you. I was just retrieving my pup."

I just crossed my arms across my chest and sat down as I scraped together my dignity. " Oh no I wasn't scared. I was a little disturbed that's all."

She smirked at me and flipped another piece over her shoulder. " Sure didn't look like it."

I scowled and caught a piece of bacon that was headed for the little black wolf. He turned around and huffed as he saw me eating his piece. But then his lips turned up in a smile.

The woman turned around. " My name is Lara by the way."

I nodded. " I'm Char." I said my mouth full of bacon.

She nodded and looked at me again frowning. " Where did you get that bacon?"

I shrugged and swallowed it. " I caught it from you."

She turned white and rushed forward as she started slapping me on the back. " Oh my god I'm so dead. Charles is gonna be pissed that you ate poison."

" Poison?" I spluttered.

She nodded. " Wolf's Bane is poisonous to humans and werewolves."

I shrieked and rushed over to the trashcan as I tried to hack it out. " Why were you feeding them poison then?!"

" We are trying to build their tolerance up that way wolf's bane does not affect them. That's also why we have those silver necklaces around their necks."

Now that she said it I noticed the fine silver lines around their necks. I hacked and hacked until I remembered a trick that Merny would do if he got too drunk and his stomach felt squeamish.

I stuck my hand down my throat to the werewolves surprise and dug around with my finger until I hit the back of my throat and tickled it.

I jerk my hand back as all the contents in my stomach spewed forth into the trash. I heaved and heaved until I got it all out. I finished and accepted the wet towel from Lara's outstretched hand.

I was finished wiping and trying to look respectable when Charlie wafted into the kitchen with Cole. I smiled and tried not to look like I had not been spewing contents in their trash.

They smiled back and sat down as Lara got them their breakfast. My stomach protested as the smells drifted to my nose. I could feel the contents of more food trying to come up my throat. I gulped and tried to hold it down as Charlie gave me a strange look.

" You okay Char?" He said as he slowly slid a poisonous piece of crispy bacon into his mouth slowly.

That was the last straw for me as I opened my mouth and heaved whatever was left into the trashcan.

He stood up and rushed over to me. " What's wrong?" He said just as he noticed the green slime in the trash.

He whirled around and looked at a guilty looking Lara. " Lara why is she vomiting Wolf's Bane?"

" Well she accidentally caught a piece of bacon that I was feeding the youngsters."

He sighed and waited for me to finish before handing me another wet towel. I cleaned up while he rummaged around in a cabinet. I glared at Cole as he sat there eating and not giving a thought to my health.

Finally Charlie turned around with a small glass bottle. It had glittering sparkling blue water in it swirling around. He presented it to me so I took it and uncapped it.

" What is it?" I asked as I watched it swirl around.

" It's a fairy potion that will clean the effects from your system. You'll feel better in not time at all. It's the best stuff around. It has been used by all manners of creatures. That's one thing that the fairy's are good at."

I nodded as he rambled on and tipped up the bottle as I drained it down to the last drop.

" In fact" he continued " the only thing that you don't want to do is drink too much of it. Usually one or two drops will do for a common ailment."

I gulped and looked at the now empty bottle. " So... what happens if you drink more than necessary?"

He shrugged and continued eating. " You start to fly a little. Also you get real glittery."

Cole looked up and nodded then froze. He looked at me and pointed. I shrugged and felt my face for whatever he was pointing at. I took my hand away and looked at the silver glitter now decorating my face. I looked down and noticed I was a good three feet off the floor.

I also noticed that his dad was still rambling on.

" It's not like you'll grow wings or anything but you will be able to use magic for a little.The effects will go away in a day or so. But it's not like you need to know this stuff since nobody is stupid enough to drink that much."

Cole and I looked at each other as his dad looked up as he noticed silver glitter drifting into his eggs.

" What the heck?" He said as he grabbed some glitter and inspected it. " Why is fairy glitter going around the room?"

He looked up at me and stared for a full minute before he started laughing. Cole too. I crossed my arms and scowled which only made more dust go flying.

" This is not funny." I said exaggerating every word as I pointed to myself.

" Yeah it kinda is." Cole said.

" Yup." Charlie said. " The last time someone drank it all was back in my grandmother days."

I turned red. Great. Not only was I stupid but the last time it had happened was back before he was born. I tried to huff and stomp off but instead I just huffed and drifted off.

I wondered if possibly I could go any faster and just as I did I suddenly zoomed forward. I nearly crashed into a tree. I managed to avoid it and the other things that came flying my way. I couldn't avoid the flapping chicken however so I caught it as I went through some trees and into the front door.

I groaned as I slid down the unopened door just as it opened and a handsome face peered out.

" Need any help?" He said.

I narrowed my eyes at the black haired green eyed boy that looked just like his brother Cole. I realized that this was the mischievous black pup that had caused all this trouble. Apparently he was maintaining a innocent expression on his face that way I wouldn't recognize him.

I smiled and maintained a cheerful expression as I stood up or actually floated up dropping the chicken as it squawked and fell down. Probably terrorized for life, it sure didn't look like it was going to be making anymore eggs. I then brushed myself off.

" Oh hey uh actually I drank too much fairy potion so now I'm like a fairy." I said and laughed as I drifted closer to him.

He raised and eyebrow. " My name is Drake. And yeah I heard that last time that happened it was back in my great grandmother days."

I laughed nervously and tried to wave it off, inwardly cringing. Did everyone know about that?

" Yeah so I heard."

" Yeah one day my grandmother had a bad cold and so..."

I drifted closer to him as he recited the story my mind on other things. Closer and closer I drifted until I was half a foot from him. With a yell I reached for him and brought him down much to his surprise. Actually he was down and I was still in the air above him.

" Hey! What are you doing?" He said as he tried to fight me off.

" You little rodent! You were the one that made me get up and get attacked by your mom! Also you had me eat Wolf's Bane and now I'm a freakin fairy!" I yowled and thumped him against the floor as he protested.

" Hey! No that wasn't me! I swear I didn't do it!"

I continued bashing him against the floor until my sharp ears picked up faint laughing. I

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