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Book online «Char Resurrected by Char Steel (novels to read in english TXT) 📖». Author Char Steel

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red as a tomato with his ruler in his left hand. " Are you talking Mister Walker?"

Ryan stood his ground in front of the you should never ever ever get angry dwarf. " I am. Trying to right, right from wrong."

" DETENTION FOR A WEEK!" Zorenn bellowed as little wisps of smoke filtered out his nostrils.

Ryan's face fell as he faced the punishment that every child no matter who they are feared. " But I  am tryi-"

Zorenn face turned purple as he banged his fist on Ryan's desk as we all jumped including Ryan.


Ryan's face turned white. "  But-"

Zorenn banged his fist again on the desk as little cracks appeared on it, his face like an angry bull. " DETENTION FOR TWO MONTHS!"

Ryan face was as white as snow. " Bu-"

" EXPELLED FOR THREE MONTHS!" He bellowed as he pounded the desk and it finally broke into pieces.

Ryan stood there with his gaping mouth before he made enough sense to shut up. He gathered his bags and left the classroom his minions and Stella's minions following him.

Zorenn ruler in his left hand broke as he bellowed. " EXPELLED FOR THREE MONTHS FOR ALL OF YOU!"

He slammed the door closed and left marching to the principal's office. We all cheered throwing our books and pencils in the air as we hugged each other and high - fived.

Everyone eventually calmed down and picked up the classroom before sitting back down.  The last person had just sat down as Zorenn walked back in face calm and he sat down resuming the lesson. We all couldn't help but grin as we finished and went to our other classes.

Everyone was much more relaxed and throwing jokes around as we did our work willingly and with smiling faces. All the teachers were mystified as they would teach us they would be a little suspicious. Only the principle who was a unicorn knew what had happened.

Finally fifth period came around and I headed to the cafeteria. I saw that the table where the popular kids were was empty so I headed over there and unwrapped my yummy Nutella sandwich. I was about to bite into it when Cole sat down.

" Hey." He said.

I looked up. " Hey."

Nicole then sat down and started eating her peanut butter sandwich.

" So-" Cole started but was interrupted my Roda.

" Hey guys!" Roda said.

" Um hey Rod-" I started but was interrupted.

" Hey I was sitting with her first." Cole said as he scooted closer to me.

I eyed him as Roda got the chance to scoot closer to me.

" Well it did not look like she wanted to sit with you first so I'm here." She said as I eyed her giving Cole the chance to scoot closer to me.

" Well I knew her first so that means I'm closer to her." Cole said glaring across the table at her.

Roda scooted even closer. " Well technical that's not true I knew her first."

" Um guys." I tried to intervene but they weren't listening.

" Well that's technically not physically." Cole spouted his eyebrows drawing together.

I was practically squished between them as I tried to eat my sandwich.

" What does that even mean?" Roda said.

" It means whatever it means."

" But that doesn't mean anything."

" It does mean something."

" Not true not everything means something."

" That is absolutely false everything means something."

" No it doesn't."

" Yes it does."

" No."

" Yes."

" No."

" Yes."

" No."

" Ye-"


They both meekly looked at me and nodded. I sighed and managed to eat my sandwich in peace as they finally scooted away. The four of us as friends, peaceful allies and regular kids eating peacefully togeth-"


I stared in horror at my sandwich lying on the floor in a mess. OH MY GOD. Someone just messed with MY NUTELLA SANDWICH.

I looked up and met the eyes of a big 6'4 human bully with a grin on his face. I felt my face grow hot as I looked at my poor crying sandwich laying on the floor. So lonely, small, and cold.

" You bastard." I said coldly to him as my friend's shocked faces looked on.

He grinned and smugly smiled. " Watcha gonna do about it?"

I smiled and bared my teeth as I knew he did not know who he was dealing with. He looked a little afraid but then he reverted back.

I stood up slowly and looked at my sandwich then back at him.

" Never mess with a girl's Nutella sandwich buster." I said and socked him in the jaw.

You could hear his jaw break across the cafeteria. He stood there for a moment before his eyes rolled back in his head and he dropped to the floor. A resounding boom echoed across the floor as he broke both his arms and legs.

There was a moment of silence before once again the cafeteria resounded in cheers. It took a while until the ambulance arrived and managed to cart him away. Meanwhile everyone calmed down and resumed eating.

Everything was peaceful until the principle walked up and looked at me.

" I want to see you in my office Char. Please walk with me." She said and turned away.

I gulped and stood up following her as the others gave me meaningful looks. Oh shit I should have known that I wouldn't get away with all the stuff I pulled today.

We walked out and down the hallway to her door as she pulled it open and ushered me inside as she pointed at a chair across from her desk. I sat down and waited for her to lecture me. She sat down on the edge of her desk as she folded her arms and put on her stern face. Her white hair framing her silver eyes.

" Char you pulled a lot of tricks today, you know that don't you?" She said.

I nodded as I tried not to perspire.

" But" she continued " you also got that freaking succubus out of my school along with those spoiled brats."

I must have looked surprised because she nodded.

" Yes Char you cleaned my school out of those dreadful boys and girls. In case your wondering I am a moon unicorn. I can tell who is good and who is bad and I can turn into a unicorn. I am after all the queen of unicorns."

I gasped. " That's where I remember you!"

She nodded and reached forward. " My names Staruna."

I shook her hand. " I'm guessing you already know who I am."

" Yes." Staruna said.

The bell rang so I stood up. " See you later Staruna."

She smiled and waved goodbye before I rushed out the door to my other class. I went through the rest of the classes until they were over. Finally I jumped on my motorcycle and put on my helmet as I waited for Cole.

He came through the front doors and spotted me and waved at me. I waved back and smiled. He got in his car and drove out the parking lot.  I followed him onto the highway out of the city and into the countryside. Soon the countryside turned into woods.

Aspen tree's dotted the mountain side. Green forests was upon us. We drove through the trees until we came upon a huge brown five story house sitting in a clearing. I saw wolves darting through the tall trees. Kids walked around with their mothers and fathers.

We came to a stop and I turned off my engine as I pulled off my helmet and hopped off my bike. I followed Cole inside and upstairs. The house was brown on the inside with at least fifty rooms. Hallways filled with doors and a huge kitchen on the second floor. On the third floor there was a big living room.

Cole opened the door and led me inside where about 50 pack leaders were gathered. A black haired blue eyed guy who was on a recliner looked up.

" Cole!" He said as he rushed over and greeted his son. A couple of werewolves rolled their eyes while others looked uncomfortable.

I stood awkwardly as I waited for him to stop hugging his son which was five minutes later. Finally Cole waved his arms around.

" Dad!" Cole said.

" Just a little longer." He said as he pulled Cole to him tighter.

" DAD! Your embarrassing me."

Finally he pulled away and noticed me.

" Who's this?" He said until one second later when an expression crossed his face. He rushed forward and hugged me almost breaking my ribs. I groaned.

" Ahh finally Char you've come. My name is Charles. " He said before letting me go a minute later. Thank goodness.

" Uh yeah. How are you?" I said backing away making sure he did not hug me again. A couple of werewolf's gave me understanding looks.

" I'm good. Please sit down." He said motioning to the only couch before sitting down.

Me and Cole looked at each other before he motioned to the couch. I sat down as Cole stood awkwardly.

" Sit down Cole after all your her boyfriend." Charles said.

Cole stood and stared at a spot on the wall while I quirked an eyebrow at him.

" Cole? Did you tell him that we are not boyfriend girlfriend anymore?"

Cole shrugged and folded his arms as his dad busted out.

" What?! I thought you were still her boyfriend Cole."

" Sorry dad. We aren't." Cole said and looked down.

Charles sighed. " It's okay you just should have told me."

Everyone finally sat down as Charles explained who I was and what I was. Everyone was happy for me especially when I told them that I met Savatar today.

Cole then showed me around and I met a lot of his brothers and sisters. His brothers wanted to flirt with me but I stopped that after I broke his brothers ankle by 'accidentally' tripping him. But his sisters were really nice and they welcomed me with smiles.

Finally everyone sat down to a big meal and we all ate before we went off to clean up and go to bed. I was showed to a nice big fluffy bed in a big room. I smiled as I slipped in between the covers and turned off the light as I closed my eyes and went to sleep.


Overprotective Fairy Brother - Part 6

 I woke up surrounded by snarling vicious wolves. Razor sharp teeth ripping through my clothes while I screamed and thrashed. Their teeth cutting through my skin with their black predatory eyes watching me.

Actually that didn't happen. Instead I opened my eyes and found cute little wolves surrounding my bed. They were heaped on top of me and around me and even laying on the fluffy carpet. I blinked my eyes and scowled at the sleeping wolves.

Didn't they have beds to sleep in? Why did they have to go to my bed?

As in response one of them on my chest stretched it's cute little paws out and opened it's eyes and looked at my scowl.

It just smiled and curled back up on my chest. Laying it's head down for a good nap. I glared at it but as the time slowly ticked by I realized I

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