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Book online «THE DRAGON LORDS OF ELEBOR by MIHIGO EMMANUEL (best english novels to read .TXT) 📖». Author MIHIGO EMMANUEL

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trying to go unnoticed. The house wasn't large, but it did have a porch running the length of the front. The three of them sat themselves down into a worn out but comfortable long sofa. The old man sat across from them "Tea anyone," he asked as he sat not waiting for a response he snapped his fingers at a thick black kettle shuffled its self towards the end of the table where it sat and looked down at a stove below which roared to life with menace, the kettle recoiled a bit but then jumped down hard onto the stove that replied with a burst of sparks onto the kettles bottom.

Mihigo rubbed his temples leaning into the chair "Tell me impatient one what bothers you." asked the old man. Mihigo sighed without opening his eyes "we are on another planet, the stars are reversed in a mirror image which can only be seen if we are behind the stars, and so we are most likely in another system. Judging from the sight outside Drago and Lyra even Orion point to the reversed directions, the only nearby planet existing in the life zone where these constellations would be visible and reversed is alpha centaury. So tell me for someone who had traveled both worlds how could you confuse them to be realms? I always thought realms were two or more versions of the same world and yes i know the difference between realms and dimensions." he opened his eyes and faced Alexandria "you probably thought we wouldn't believe you, and yes, one can only handle one shock at a time but when we didn't bother about you healing Ntende and let you bring us this far for answers you should have at least mentioned it." Alexandria's expression was one of practiced ease as she gazed into his deep brown eyes "your right i didn't know how you would react and i have just returned home after three hundred years it's been a while, sorry if i didn't consider your feelings." Mihigo smiled and asked for a place to rest his head while Ntende asked his sea of questions, the first being how he can get powers like those at the loading area.


Mihigo awoke to the lulling light of the aurora dancing on his face. All was quiet as he made his way past Ntende whose arms were spread out wide as though supporting an enormous weight. Strange but beautiful glowing flowers lit his path as he made his way to the back of the house. Alexandria sat on the back porch huddled in a heavy white blanket it was so large Mihigo wondered how many animals were skinned to make it, or how large the one was. The blue moon had reached over head and its light gave her hair a worm light glow like she was some over grown but beautiful wisp, even from where he stood Mihigo could feel her sadness, he sat silently beside her and gazed up into the red, blue and green curtains of the aurora swaying and waving in an unheard wind. He sighed loudly dreading what he must ask and choosing his words carefully "I am sorry about how i reacted. I could have been more patient." she looked into his eyes, eyes so deep she couldn't help but feel there was so much unspoken wisdom and knowledge that could only be amassed over time, yet, he couldn't be older than eighteen.

She was so taken by him she did not realize how close she had leaned into him, it was when she felt his breath on her lips that she blinked and slowly backed away. Mihigo had not moved the whole time admiring how her eyes sparkled in the aurorian light, her thick eye lashes bat flirtatiously as she backed away from him. "You understand more than you let on. I know why you were so angry; i shouldn't have kept it from you." They sat in silence sneaking a peek at one another when they thought the other wasn't looking. "Do you know how to count the difference?" she turned to find him staring at her and quickly averted her eyes. "It depends on the planet you’re on but when i was on your world i spent three hundred years there while here nearly another three hundred years have passed." Mihigo clenched his jaw to stop a shudder. Alexandria wanted to say something comforting but the words fled her mind like rain from the sky. She couldn't quite find the words and resolved to resting her head on his shoulder, "promise me," Mihigo's words came in a soft whisper "don't tell Ntende, let me do it." she agreed and they sat in silence for a while before going back to sleep.

As the sun peeked from behind the distant mountain top the first rays of light streaked across the still midnight blue sky mingling with the ever brilliant aurora making the stars stand out in contrast and slowly fade as the horizon became ever brighter. The warm morning breeze swept across the cold desert waste land carrying with it waifs of the soft white sand that played around Ntende's hair and face as he stretched out on the front porch, he walked round to the back of the house taking in the tantalizing scent of the flowers around the path. The sun had only just risen above the mountains, Ntende stared open mouthed at the huge orange ball of fire that sat just barely on the mountain peaks, no star dotted the now soft yellow horizon as Ntende reached out as if to touch the sun and caress it. He was so engrossed by the view of his hand holding the ball of fire in all its splendid power and glory he didn't notice Mihigo walk up behind him.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Ntende jumped at the sound of his friend’s voice "I thought i was dreaming." said Ntende a hint of disappointment in his voice. Mihigo felt the same way for no matter how beautiful this world may be it only stresses the fact that they don't belong, that this is not home. Mihigo clasped Ntende's shoulder and took a deep breath. "Give it to me straight." Mihigo gave his friend a questioning look "You only do that when there is bad news so give it to me straight, will we be able to get home?" Mihigo sighed and stated a simple 'i don't know' "We need to find a portal first and even if we do there is no telling when we will get home. We need to factor in the light years." Ntende closed his eyes for a second and opened as if expecting to suddenly wake up "How long has it been since she left here?" 'three hundred years, but she spent another three hundred years on earth.' answered Mihigo "That’s not bad maybe we will get home in time then, if three hundred years here are three hundred years on earth right?" he sounded so hope full Mihigo hated crushing his spirit but he needed to be honest. "Enzo,” he said "there is no telling how long we will be here compared to earth." Ntende looked into his eyes his vision watery, then with new determination he raised his chin determinedly and said 'we'll find a way. No matter what.' then his eyes suddenly had an excited glint, one that Mihigo new all too well he couldn't help but smile. His smile filled Ntende with warmth as long they had each other all will be fine he told himself. "As long as we are here, what do you say we explore this world." though he made a statement Mihigo heard only heard one word, "ADVENTURE."

Mihigo and Ntende drifted back to the house following the insistent rumbling of their tummy’s, made worse by a sweet fruity scent wafting teasingly around their nostrils. A large long table now sat in the middle of the living room. Ntende whistled when he saw the rings deeply set into it and ran his fingers over it. Mihigo walked past following the sweet scent into a smaller room filled with multiple silver objects, chains, spoons, knives, forks, trays, some of which were labeled blue moon turban. "What are you staring at?" Alexandria's voice jerked him back to reality. He opened his mouth to speak but the old man gave him a meaningful look and he closed it again. "Gone dumb have you?" Alexandria asked oblivious, 'What’s cooking?' he thought. She picked up a tray laden with hard looking dark brown rocks. 'Rock cakes.' she answered his silently asked question, “don’t worry i have some provisions that will go down more smoothly.” she whispered “Well why did you ask me to make them?” the old man wheeled round to face them, his hearing obviously as sharp as his nose. Alexandria quickly stepped behind Mihigo and into the living room "I better go see if she needs help setting the table." said Mihigo hastily and ran to living room.

Once every one was seated and well fed Mihigo faced the old man with a look that made him freeze half way stuffing a rock cake in his mouth. He set it back down on his plate, his expression blank though Ntende saw a flicker of worry flash in his eyes. "Well i suppose the impatient one couldn't be kept at bay long." “Who are you?” Mihigo asked his voice even and his gaze piercing the old man's. "What do you see?" he asked 'That's not an answer.' "I am just an old man living in the mountains." he was becoming defensive Ntende could tell. He placed a hand around Mihigo's shoulder and eased him back while he came forward "you trust Alexandria and she trusts us enough to bring us here, that or we are defenseless between the two of you. So old man, why don't you tell us a story preferably one we are already a part of. How did Alexandria come to earth and who are you to her?" the old man glanced at her and she gave a light nod. Mihigo and Ntende leaned back into the sofa and wiggled around till they were comfortable enough then gave the old man an expectant look.

He sighed and took a deep breath, then begun in an ancient captivating tone "Long ago in the old world i served at the palace in the kingdom of Elebor." Mihigo's hears pricked up instinctively and Ntende leaned forward like a child in Sunday school. "I served as royal wizard and adviser to Lord Grimwarld, King of Elebor." The old man's eyes glazed over with a distant look as he recalled. "At the time of the blue moon i summoned a vision of the future of our kingdom, what i saw chilled me to the bone, an evil so great it devoured all of our lands, i still hear the screams." he then turned to his wide eyed guests a glint in his eyes. "I saw something else that day though, a spark, a piece of hope, someone who would save us all and ensure the safety of our kingdom. I never saw his face but begun

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