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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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Read books online » Fiction » Twins united by Annie Derwin (the chimp paradox .TXT) 📖

Book online «Twins united by Annie Derwin (the chimp paradox .TXT) đŸ“–Â». Author Annie Derwin

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me that look, but ill make this simple in tell you come to were we are your mother figured out i was her mate and as you have guessed she is a werewolf and i’m a vampire, we fully mated and i got your mother pregnant and two days before you were do the counsel started looking for us sow that they could kill all of us but your mother gave birth to you and we left you in the woods your mother took you Annie and wrapped her in a red blanket and blocked your vampire gene with magic and i took Hannah wrapped her in a black blanket and i blocked her werewolf gene” “When you wake up those genes will be unblocked owh and children are last name is black and Hannah keep and eye on your little sister she is mischievous and gets into a lot of trouble I love and have always kept an eye on you two I know we will see you soon” Then we woke up. When i opened my eyes a pair of breath taking emerald eyes were looking deep into mine full of concern. I smiled and chuckled and then i was squeezed to death by my alpha. When i finally was able to breath I looked around and i couldn't find my big sister “Where is my big sister” “Who” Said Noah and her scent was on him then i heard her scream in my head and i took off a lot faster than i have ever I ended up at a old abandoned house and a white wolf walked out i laughed and threw her a pair of clothes she walked back out just in  time to catch me from busting my head on the floor i don’t know why but was really craving blood when she handed me a bag a bit into it and she was laughing the whole time as i drank the bag dry i tossed it and wiped my mouth then my mate showed up with my alpha, her parents, her mate, And Noah. “Guys I would like you to meet my older twin sister Hannah Black” “What” They all said at once me and my sister both winced at that one. “Guys let them explain said a voice from behind me and Hannah we turned around and there stood a woman that was dressed in complete blue we couldn’t  see any of her features I had seen her before “You are the woman who caught me when i jumped of that cliff why did you catch me” “You did what know” that was my sister, my mate, and his beta. “I’m your guardian angel i’m supposed to protect you really i didn’t know i had one yes you do and your the only one here that does” “why did you jump off a cliff” “I’m fine besides i’ve been closer to death than that” “what are you crazy” “no just suicidal see” i showed them the scars from i cut my wrist and arms though the scars were vanishing fast. “I used to have 50 but they are fading away as you can see.” “great sow this is what mother was talking about” “yep” “sow you’ve talked to your parents” “Yep” “good now i think you two need to sleep” She waved her hand and everything went dark. Mates and Parents


Sow I found my mate then weird shit happened and then she falls asleep and I don’t think I can wake her up my luck huh. “Don’t worry they are just asleep they’ll wake up when the minds, bodies, and souls have rested” “that doesn't reassure me” I walk over to my mate Annie and pick her she’s as light as a feather. Once i pick her up and her head is on my shoulder i could visibly she her relax. (Well at least we know she acknowledges are presence) my wolf Dagger said He was still upset by how she treated us coldly earlier. Hey dude were good don’t you remember when she woke up the first time (Yes she actually smiled at us) Dude don’t worry about it she’s just having a bad day i bet she really didn’t want to treat us as coldly as she did (whatever) Two year old “Please follow me and i will explain everything” we followed my mate’s guardian angel. “sow how are Annie and Hannah related” “there parents are Shalya and Jackson black, Shalya was the alpha of the moonshine pack and jackson was the prince of vampires “thats why my alpha voice doesn’t work on Annie” “Yes it is” ‘but they vanished 17 years ago along with there alpha’ “yes they did because to protect the alpha’s children they had to sleep in tell the children turned 17” “wait a second there turning 17 today” “ yes and once they awake we will be at are destination” ‘wait a second if i’m correct it was told that once the dark prince had children the an alpha that all the werewolves would join under the younger child and all the vampires would join under the older child and the wars between vampires and werewolves would stop’ “That is correct there will no longer be any packs or covens we will be joined together again by these two” ‘thats why the council wanted to kill us” said the most beautiful voice in the world i looked down at her and she seemed to be calm, cool, and collected ‘Annie what are you thinking’ “I’m not I thin i’m seeing things” “baby are you okay she looked up at me and looked me straight in the eyes and i saw everything she was seeing and I put her down on her feet and hugged her she hugged me right back and started to cry into my shoulder “What is she seeing’ asked hannah she is a really good friend and i have a feeling she’ll be a good sister. “She’s having a history lesson”was all i could say she pulled away from me but never let go of my hand and she walked up to the lake that i just realized was there she tugged on  my hand i looked at her “do u trust me” (of course we trust her) “yes” “good follow me” she jumped into the lake what i didn’t realize was the she was holding my hand still and i forgot to hold my breath (stupid) I know this she swam up to me and smiled but i was starting to loose conciseness she said in my head *silly you forgot to hold you breath* she swam up and kissed me that brought me back she tasted like cherries and i kissed her right back then i realize we are about to surface sow i pull away from her though i don’t want to “what to you sow long” was all i heard when i surfaced. I was still tying to catch my breath but i got out of the water Annie surfaced like a professional swimmer and she was laughing while she walked out of the water. “Payton here forgot to hold his breath” She walked up and kissed me then walked deeper into the cave “sow now that it’s just you and me what happened” I turned around ready for big sister mode but all i got was best friend mode thank the goddess “Like Annie said i forgot to hold my breath i was starting to loose conciseness she swam up and kissed me and thats about it” “Good i’m not ready to be an aunt yet” (Good because i’m not ready to be a dad yet) then control yourself and after that we ran to catch up to the others hannah beat me but of course she a vampire.

Meeting the Family



After my amazing kiss my Payton i walked deeper into the cave. When him and Hannah finally got back from there talk Hannah was walking beside me and he was on the other side. I said in a really low voice sow they could hear me “sow you don’t want to be an aunt” “not at 17 I don’t think sow” “Girls you need to see this” that was my mate i cant get help but fall hard for his accent. *Baby quit daydreaming about me you don’t want to be drooling when you see this* I turned bright red. I looked up and saw all of the people from my original pack sleeping where they were at everything had stopped it was like itself time had stopped. Hannah stood there shocked but i didn’t know how but i knew i needed to go past this my body i grabbed Hannah’s and Payton’s hand and dragged them with me past everyone to a room with my mom laying on a bed with red bedding and my dad kneeling on the floor beside her he had her hand in his about to kiss it i walked over to them Hannah and Payton stood in there tracks and couldn’t move Payton’s eyes followed my every movement i walked over to my mom and kissed her cheek i walked over to my dad and hugged him. I walked back over to my mom and i just looked at her and i couldn’t stop the tear that ran down my cheek and it feel on my moms cheek and ran down her cheek to her arm down it and it touched the spot were my parents hands were connected and a blinding flash of light happened and i felt Payton grab me and turn me around and put himself between me and what ever was going on when he finally move my sister was in the same potion i was “over protective mates get on my nerves” i said out loud “Good they better be over protective or they would suffer dire consequences” said a voice i had heard in dreams sow many times before “Daddy” “Yes baby girl its me” I ran into my dad's arms and i felt

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