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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you donā€™t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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Read books online Ā» Fiction Ā» Twins united by Annie Derwin (the chimp paradox .TXT) šŸ“–

Book online Ā«Twins united by Annie Derwin (the chimp paradox .TXT) šŸ“–Ā». Author Annie Derwin

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The Beginning


I was walking into the new school with my best friend the alphaā€™s daughter Brandi iā€™m the beta. Oh iā€™m being rude my name is Annie and iā€™m the beta of the silver moon pack we are the second strongest pack in the united states. As you have possibly guessed yes iā€™m a werewolf but life is never easy we have been moving all over the country to find mine and brandiā€™s mates I hate moving around like this but its not up to me it up to are alpha. Right now we are in unclaimed territory its right beside the strongest pack in the U.S.Aā€™s territory the knight pack yes as in knight in shinning armor. But let get back to the real world. Me and the alpha get the papers we need we are the the only seniors in are pack. ā€œhey why do you look sow gloom little red.ā€ That is what the pack calls me because the found me in the woods with a red blanket wrapped around me in the middle of a bunch of rouge werewolves trying to kill me. They saved me and I became a part of there pack. They found a jewelry box near by with a lock on it and they found the key around my neck and the box said not to open in tell i turned 17 but the box said my first name was Annie and that was it. ā€œI was just thinking about the box thats all alphaā€ i said in a low voice where only other werewolves could hear. (Annie you need to just breath every thing will be okay) said my wolf her name is rose. ā€œ Okay iā€™m sorry iā€™m just a little worried but ill be fineā€ i said in my head my Alpha laughed and said come on we walked into are 5th class of the day we got here just as the bell rang. We walked in and it was like time froze and the most intoxicating scent hit me and my head started swimming and i knew that i had found my mate not only that but rose was screaming in my head mine, mate and things like that sow. *Hey Annie did the same thing that happened to me happen to you* My alpha said through the pack chat. I nodded. ā€˜You must be the new studentsā€™ ā€œyes we are iā€™m Brandi silver moon and this is my cousin Annie silver moon ā€˜Okay please step up to the front of the class and introduce yourselvesā€™ ā€˜Students I need you to pay attention go aheadā€™ ā€œHi iā€™m Brandi and this is my cousin Annieā€ ā€˜does anyone have anyone have any questions for these two young ladiesā€™ ā€œyes i doā€ said a male voice from the back that i couldnā€™t hope but wish for him to keep talking ā€˜okay Payton go aheadā€™ (his name is Payton perfect name for are mate)rose said ā€œWhat is your last name Annieā€ ā€œSilver Moonā€ ā€˜Thats a funny last name where do you come from chinaā€™ said a annoying squeaky voice ā€˜Malinda Jackson you know better now go the officeā€™ she got up and left ā€˜Annie you can sit next to Payton and Brandi you can sit next to Andrewā€™ We sat in our seats and then everything went back to normal well the way it was before we walked in ā€œAnnie is itā€ said Payton ā€œyes and you must be Paytonā€ I said sorta coldly but i couldnā€™t help it i realized he was the alpha of the knight pack *Annie donā€™t you even heā€™s your mate be nice trust me mine isnā€™t to great either* *really who* *his beta* uhoh (Annie we need to talk but we cant do it here) what do you mean no one can hear you (Annie be very careful i wish i could explain but i canā€™t not in here) thats when i felt like i got hit in the head with a baseball bat and it hurt really bad i have to get out of here now i tried to get up but i almost fell on the floor i heard Payton talking to the teacher with my alpha and his beta ā€œexcuse me but i think Annieā€™s not feeling well can i take her to the nurseā€ ā€˜of course you two please go with him just in caseā€™ I felt two hands grab me but i felt like i was slipping away an arm wrapped around my waist which brought me back to the present

The Beginning part 2



I walked into class and sat in my seat. Then two girls walked into my class one of them looked a lot like me but she had purple eyes i have pink. We have long brown hair hers curly mine straight I was dressed in white while she was dressed in black. We were both tall, thin, and all the guys say were hot but i donā€™t believe them. Owh iā€™m sorry iā€™m being rude iā€™m Hannah Blackwell. Iā€™m a vampire one of the strongest my adopted dad is the strongest and he has been training me. The only reason iā€™m not dead is because the knight family protect because they feel they owe me there lives because i saved all of them including the alpha from a bunch of rouge vampires sow and iā€™m good friends with the soon to be alphaā€™s friend and a good one at that. Sow back to the real world. The other girl said ā€œHi iā€™m Brandi and this is my cousin Annieā€ The teacher said ā€˜does anyone have anyone have any questions for these two young ladiesā€™ ā€œyes i doā€ I would recognize that voice any where it was Payton though he seems to be fighting his wolf I can tell it by his voice. I looked and it seemed that his beta Andrew was fighting his wolf as well. Then the teacher said ā€˜okay Payton go aheadā€™ The Payton I must say not the sharpest sword in the shed said ā€œWhat is your last name Annieā€ Wow smart ass you tryin to impress her that is not going to work *I heard that you do relize we added you to the pack chat* *duh iā€™m not stupid i was stating a fact* ā€œSilver Moonā€ ā€˜Thats a funny last name where do you come from chinaā€™ said barbie thats not her real name but thats what me and everyone from Paytonā€™s pack call her and her wanna beā€™s The teacher said ā€˜Malinda Jackson you know better now go the officeā€™ she got up and left ā€˜Annie you can sit next to Payton and Brandi you can sit next to Andrewā€™. I snorted at that one *thats ironic guys donā€™t u think* that earned me a few growls oh well. ā€œAnnie is itā€ said Payton ā€œyes and you must be Paytonā€ she said kinda coldley. Then she went into a session with her wolf. She bent her head down in pain and her nose started bleeding I donā€™t think she relised it, me, Payton, Andrew, and her alpha Brandi all stood up they went to talk to the teacher and I walked to her and i heard them talking to the teacher. ā€œexcuse me but i think Annieā€™s not feeling well can i take her to the nurseā€ Payton  said ā€˜of course you two please go with him just in caseā€™ that was the teacher. They started walking are way and she started collapsing I grabbed her and i heard a voice talking in m head Patyon put his arm around her waist and i saw that she was starting to come to the real world. We walked outside she was still leaning on Payton I mean she visibly paled and my head started to hurt really bad I turned around and looked her dead in the face and I startled every one of them except Annie ā€œExplain nowā€ She looked at me and said ā€œI cainā€™t but I think I have an ideaā€

Their Past



We got back to the school and got in are vehicles me and my alpha in my mustang and my mate and my alphaā€™s mate in my mateā€™s Lamborghini. We drove to are pack house were my alphaā€™s parents were waiting with the box in hand how did they know. ā€˜Annie itā€™s time you open the boxā€™ said my luna Lilliana. I took the box from her outstretched hands and felt a huge shock go through my body and then i was scared about opening it. (Annie you have to open it to know who you are) what do you mean (Please just trust me and open it) I took the key from around my neck and put it in the keyhole and I heard a gasp from behind me I turned around and found my other best friend Noah starting at Hannah and I chuckled softly I looked back at the box and realized i only had half of the key Hannah  walked up beside me and took out a key from her pocket and put it in next to mine and then a blinding light made me close my eyes when i opened them again the where one key i grabbed it and put it in the key hole and turned the key and i blacked out. Then i saw a woman who looked just like me she walked up to me i turned my head and saw Hannah sitting beside me i looked back at the woman and this time a man who looked a lot like her except had short straight hair that only went to his eyes and then i saw the fangs and I breathed out the woman said ā€œ I know this will be hard for you but weā€™re your parentsā€ I looked at the man with a demanding look he sighed ā€œyou look just like your mother when she gives

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