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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » Twins united by Annie Derwin (the chimp paradox .TXT) 📖

Book online «Twins united by Annie Derwin (the chimp paradox .TXT) 📖». Author Annie Derwin

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hannah run and hug him as well my mom jioned in the group hug. We pulled a part and then my crushed me into a huge bone crushing hug. "um sweety i think your squessing her to death." she put my back to arms length and then put me into another but just a bear hug not a bone crushing hug she let me go and i checked for broken bones I smiled and proudley and said "No broken bones" my dad chuckled my mate walked up to me and wispered in my ear "Baby you okay" I looked at him "yeah why do u ask" my dad sucked in a breath my mom grabbed a mirrior and gave it to me my eyes were white i stood there shocked and then i felt a pain shoot through my body and i dropped the mirrior and collapsed  The family reuinion


I caught her my beauitful mate before she fell on the floor and i fought the erge to let my wolf take over and kill everone in the room "she'll be fine just give her a minute" this was her dad she trusted him sow i did (Okay figure out what is going on before i rip some one's head off) "What's going on" the woman that looked like an older virsion of my mate said "she is fighting her demons inside her hers will be stronger than anyone's very had to face because of who she is and who she is to become" my mate started cying and i wanted to comfort her i just didn't know how sow i picked her up bridal style and just held i wasnt going to put her down to save my life "I have a feeling she come out of this sooner than you think" That was hannah her twin sister ahe had been quit this whole time "How do you know" Hannah walked up and put a hand on her sisters forhead and in a voice i could barley make it and im a werewolf "stay strong sister and fight i know you think no one cares about you but know you have your parents, me and most importantly your mate who loves you more than anything in the world if you dont make it he will do what you have done since you were 5 but he cant take his life because he has th think about his pack's well being but it will destroy him and he will take that knife and do what you did sow many times before sow stay strong and fight little sister not for me or are parents but for yourself and your mate" with that she walked over to the corner and sat there curled up into a little ball and stared at annie Noah walked over and kneeled in front of her which got in her veiw and then a bright light flashed and when i opened my eyes all the guys were in tuxs the girls were in dresses and before me stood my mate stood in utter shock in a beatiful black dress this is what it looked like and i must say she looked hot as hell in it her mom hugged her and started crying she looked at her dad for help he was standing right beside me when did he get there (While we were drooling over his daughter) owh crap "you get that honestly i never know what to do when people are upset and most people say im coldhearted though most people who have said that it was normally before i killed them i was payed to kill them by the councle sow" she looked at me and smiled and she started looking me up and down then went over to hannah and wisperd something in her ear that made her look at me and giggle and irelized that Noah was standing beside me too *Sow did you like what you saw baby* she blushed then said *every damn bit* then it was my turn to blush her dad looked at me looked at her and than at her mom and they said in unsion "Score one for Annie" i gave them a questing look "i know how hard it is to make a guy blush and she did it with no problem" "I have to agree with her on that one it easier to was eaisier to get my mate here to stop cutting then it was for her to make me blush" he said "good i think im going to need some pointers" he looked at me weird i walked over grabbed annie's arm and showed her dad and mom the scars "Her mom started to cry and her dad actually had a wooried exprision while Annie said "Another point for me i actually got my dad to show that he was worried about something" her dad just hugged her and straitened while he hugged her which i might say lifted her a foot of the ground litteraly "Dad crushing me" she chocked out "sorry sweety but only two people have been able two say that in my life time and that is you and your mother" then i saw hannah jump on his back but with dress couldnt put her legs around him then jumped off and ran behind Noah laughing her dad chased after her but normal human speed Annie ran uo and kissed me the walked over to her mother who had just go hannah still and they started talking and her father took her mothers hand and gave me and Noah a hint to follow his example and trust me we did we walked back out into the bigger room and everyone was chatting when they saw us they kneeled and before i knew it her father and mother and sister and Noah bowed and i bowed as well because something was telling me too i looked back up and Annie curtsied and and everyone staightened out though she seemed a little jumpy i looked at her dad and he shook his head yes he knew what i was thinking i walked uo behind her and hugged her and she leaned into me i heard a few wolf wistles and saw they guys that did it got hit in the head by the people beside them i just laughed and then the festivtes began

Mate time


After the party was over we walked out of the cave and to manson that i had not seen before my mom said that this was the pack ansion and that the day after tommorow we would descuss weddings plans and bringing my people back together agian to stop this blood shed but i just wanted to spend time with my mate before any of that we found are room it was really easy not me and alex walked into the room and i had already changed into some shorts and a muscle t both black my faviorte color alex shut the door and walked over tothe bed and positened himself over me and put all his weight on his arms and was smiling at me that breath taking smile that got me the minute i saw him but before any thing i had to apoligize "Payton i ow you an apology" "for what baby" "the way i treated you sow coldly in the class room i shouldn't have treated you like that and im sorry just something was telling that something was going to happen and i didnt know what and i aggrevated me" i looked down because iwas ashamed of my actions he i dont know how he did it but used one hand to lift my chin up and didn't fall on me "Baby i geussed that besides i can't stay mad at you for vey long i love you to much to" and with that he leaned doan an kissed me first it was slow then i got heated and are lips stayed in sync he licked my bottom like asking for entrence which i happily gave and he explored my mouth he tasted like cinamon and then he lowed himself more and flipped up sow that i was on top but he sat up and i could feel how hard he was he pulled his shirt off and it landed on the floor with a soft thud but i really wasnt paying attention all icould pay attention to was the kiss but then i relized Payton didn't lock to door i used my new powers i heard in lock and smiled and sayed in my head thank you any time sweet heart im your gaurdian angel and if your ada walks in on the little session which i know will go further his fatherley instincts will kick in and it just would not be a fun night but enjoy yourself princess you deserve it then i became ingrossed in my and Payton's kiss then my shirt landed on the floor next to his and soon all we had on was are undergarments i wrapped my legs around his waistg and my arms around his neck and once i did that he got really hard 

It was the next morning i woke to payton kissing me i dont think he knows im awake sow what i do is i flip my self on top of him and i kiss him very passionatley he was shocked for a minute there but soon joined in the kiss and i heard my mom "Its time to get up you to" i pulled away fom Payton and ran into the the bathroom i heard him growl and my mom laughing her ass off my dad asked what was sow funny she said nothing thanks you sow much mom i said in my head *of course sweety sow how did it go last night and dont worry your dad's blocked and mother wont come out becaus he's your mate* *it was awsome* *Sow why did he growl* i hopped in the shower and it was perfect temp *We were kissing* *explain in more detail please* *Well Payton kissed me when he woke up but when he did i woke up sow i decided to take him by surprise sow i flipped us and i was on top of

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