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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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Read books online » Fiction » Twins united by Annie Derwin (the chimp paradox .TXT) 📖

Book online «Twins united by Annie Derwin (the chimp paradox .TXT) 📖». Author Annie Derwin

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him and kissing him and he had just gotten over his shock when you told us it was time to wake up*  I heard her laughing as she walked away from my bedroom door with my dad in tow asking why she was laughing i walked out of the shower and dryed off and wrapped a towel around me and walked into the bedroom and think the godess that he put his boxers back on or we would have a repat of last night i walked to my dresser and pulled out some underwear and a bra and put them on i felt alex come up behind me he put his head on my neck relizing the only thing left to make us fullymated was for him to bite me which after i though that he bite my neck and i felt pain then lust and then he kissed the bite sealing it i turned around and kissed him like i might die if didn't kiss him and he did the same thing we pulled way from each other when i heard someone clear there throat and there stood my sister smiling from ear to ear "sow you guys gonna get dressed and join us or what" then she jumped out the window she came in from I growled and i heard Lughter from every werewolf in the house sow me and him got dressed and he picked my outfit out which i didn't even relized i hadwe walked into the kitchen hannah walks up to are dad looks at me and smiles evilly and i look her dead in the eyes and smile an evil smile and you could see the fear in her eyes and it reaked off of her and she ran and you could her her door slaming shut echo threw the house my dad looked back at me with a questing look but im to busy rolling around on the floor laughing and Paton is just sitting the he laughed with me fora minute then helped me up then he wispered in my ear "baby dont laugh at your sister or i wont give you another kiss" and you should have the look of horror on my face when my mom saw it because i was facing her not my dad and she had heard what he said she walked up and hit him in the back of the head *sorry baby but i thought it was mean that your were laughing at your sister* *i was laughing because she actually thought i would hurt her* *owh* and i kiss him then go sit at the table and eat then my dad says "you eat just like your mom" where he thought we couldn't hear him and Payton finishs his sentence "like a guy" bad move my and my mom looked at each other and i said "owh and by the way dad me and  Payton fully mated last night" my dad was stupified and PAyton was shoked that i had told him like that then hannah, Noah, andrew, my old alpha , and her parents walked in laughing because they had heard everything I looked at the girls and said run and everygirl ran outside and hopped in the car my mustang it was a beautiful shiny black i was in driver seat my mom in passanger and everyone else in the back i pulled out that drive way like a bullet  

2 hours later we arrive home laughing and chatting and the boys all look at us with questioning looks i shrug my shoulder and sit on Payton's lap which i could tell he didn'd mind on bit and i said "Well mom to finish are conversation in the car why plan my wedding first im the younger one" "yes but you and your mate are already fully mated.

The next day


I kissed my mate as soon ad I woke up i couldn't help it she looked like an angel. When i did i closed my eyes i felt her move but thought she was just situating herself in her sleep then all of a sudden i was flipped and she ended up on top of me we were still naked from last night which was awsome i might add! I went hard right away still in shock she kised me i pulled out of it and joined in the kiss but her mom knocked and i didn't hear what she said my mate laughed jumped off of me and ran into the bathroom I growled at the loss of her touch my wolf was whinning  in my head her mom was laughing when i heard the water turn on in the bathroom how is the water running? (dont know don't care) I pulled my boxers back on and fixed my bead head in the mirror in the room and sat back down on the bed and replaid what happened last night in my head. She walked out of the bathroom in a towel i wish she was at least wearing a bra and underwear i almost lost control and last night would have happened all over again. She walked over to the dresser and put on a bra and underwear i walked up behind her and put my head on her neck then we both relized that all i had to do was claim her as mine (aurthor's note a werewolf bites there mates neck they claim them) and i did just that and i felt are bond become a lot stronger than what it was she turned around and kissed me like if she didn't she was going to die and i kissed her back like if i didn't i was going to die. We pulled away from each other when i heard someone clear there throat and there stood my best freind Hannah smiling from ear to ear "sow you guys gonna get dressed and join us or what" then she jumped out the window she came in from my mate growled a menicing growl which even scared me and my wolf which is hard but she was doing it easliy and i heard Lughter from every werewolf in the house sow me and her got dressed and i picked out her outfit. We walked into the kitchen hannah walks up to her's and my mates dad looks at Annie and smiles evily and just looks her in the eyes and i watched annie's eyes change to a very dark purple almost black color though she didn't relize it and smiled evily then you could see the fear in hannah's eyes and it reaked off of her and she ran and you could hear her door slaming shut echo threw the house my father in law i should call him i geuss looked at annie with a questioning look but annie was just rolling around laughing on the floor i laughed once with her then helped her up and said "baby dont laugh at your sister or i wont give you another kiss" and you should have the look of horror on her face her mom heard and saw the look of horror on her face (were dead) she walked up and hit me in the back of the head it fucking hurt like a bitch *sorry baby but i thought it was mean that your were laughing at your sister* *i was laughing because she actually thought i would hurt her* *owh* she kissed me then went and sat at the table and started eating sow did everybody else that was in there and we all started eating her dad said in a really low voice were he thought we couldn't hear him about annie "you eat just like your mom" and then i said  "like a guy" (Bad move stupid were going ot die know) owh crap your right her and her mo looked at each and she said  "owh and bythe way dad me and Payton fully mated last night" her dad was stupified and I was so shocked she just sayed that like it was no big deal i mean he finally got his daughters back yesterday and then he loses one (yep were dead might want to tell are mom and dad we love them and we will miss them) hey dude he wont kill us well i hope not (Me too) the others walked inwalked in laughing because they had heard everything annie looked at them and said to the girls "Run". 2 hours lster the girls walkin lauging we all look at them with questioning looks annie shruges her shoulders and sits on my lap i dont mind but my wolf wants a repeat of last night. I just sat there holding her knowing my wolf didn't want ot hurt her sow he didn't take over. Then my butterfly said ""Well mom to finish are conversation in the car why plan my wedding first im the younger one" her mom replied kinda in an obvouse tone "yes but you and your mate are already fully mated" "True" she turned around and kissed my gently on the lips and turned back around her dad was watching all of this amused i looked at him with a questioning look "Her mom did the exact same thing to me and the same day we fidured out we were mates we fully mated" "so that's why im still breathing" "so you guys going too tell us what happened last night or no" Hannah is crazy im going to die "No we wont none of your buisness sow poof" And with that hannah was gone "her wolf side listned to Annie and did as she was told though she dosen't want to but hannah wont be able to control annie" "Can i come back now" "yes as long as you dont ask that again" And she came back and we changed the subject by the time we planned the whole wedding out annie had curled up on my lap head on my shoulder but on my legs and hands were laying on my chest she was my world and know she was my princess "Take her up stairs she needs sleep she probaly barley got any sleep last night" That was her dad he was standing in front ogf me he picked her up and i got off the couch he handed her back to me and i walked to our room put her on the bed shut the door took off her clothes and put her in my tshirt i had in the closet then i took off my clothes and layed down beside her she put her head on my chest her hands on my stomach and smiled in her sleep i put my arm around her waist and pulled her closer to me and fell asleep with dreams of my perfect mate which i dont deserve.

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