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Book online «Twilight World All Over Again by Heather Lawhun (best english books to read .TXT) 📖». Author Heather Lawhun

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sound like their yelling.” I said rolling my eyes. “I’m gonna have a heck of time trying to sleep.” I muttered shaking my head.
“Oh you’re just mad because you can’t sleep in anymore.” Shay said rolling her eyes. I stuck my tongue out at her.
“And your point is?” She sighed and shook her head. I grinned. “I win!” Everyone but Emmett groaned.
“I lost the game!” Shay yelled.
“Darn, I lost the game too.” I said pouting. She grinned. “I still win!” She stuck her tongue out at me.
“Why do you two have to be immature?” Sparkles muttered shaking his head.
“Why do you have to act like you got a stick up your butt?” I asked grinning. Emmett, Jasper, Jacob, Seth, Alice, and Shay all cracked up laughing. He glared at me. “You know I’m just kidding right?” He sighed and rolled his eyes. They all finally calmed themselves down and stopped laughing. I shuddered at Jacob’s next thought. Let’s just say, he was thinking about Nessie when she gets older, much older. I just about gagged. Sparkles scowled at him.
“Sorry.” He said smiling sheepishly. Sparkles and I sighed at the same time.
“This is just weird.” I muttered shaking my head. He chuckled.
“I’m glad I’m not the only one that thinks that.”
“Dude, you guys are really starting to freak me out.” Emmett said grinning. I rolled my eyes.
“I agree, you two never agree on anything.” Jasper said shaking his head.
“Well, you would if you heard what Jacob’s been thinking.” I said rolling my eyes. Sparkles nodded in agreement.
“Okay, I don’t see any pigs flying so this must be a dream.” Alice said giggling at the end. I rolled my eyes.
“I’m telling you, a lot of things are going to happen when pigs fly.” I said grinning. “But I guess me and Sparkles agreeing with each other isn’t one of those things.” I shrugged. She rolled her eyes.
“I wonder if you could read Sam’s too.” Carlisle said thoughtfully.
“It’s mostly likely that I can since I can read theirs.” I said shrugging.
“Wanna go find out?” Seth asked grinning.
“Not really, I don’t think he likes me anymore.” I said shrugging.
“Oh come on, he’s just being cautious.” He said rolling his eyes.
“I don’t think so.” I said remembering the look he gave me when he told me I wasn’t allowed to go onto that side of the line. He looked like he wanted to kill me, bring me back to life, and then kill me again. Sparkles rolled his eyes at me. What? I’m not exaggerating. That’s literally what it looked like. He sighed.
“Fine be that way.”
“I will.” I said grinning. He stuck his tongue out at me and left the room.
“Look at that, you’re so annoying you can make people leave the room.” Emmett said grinning.
“Or they make me leave the room.” I said remembering the time Carlisle kicked me out of his office. Sparkles chuckled.
“Was this when Bella and I were away the first time?” He asked amused.
“You guessed right.” I said grinning. He chuckled.
“So you did miss me then?” I rolled my eyes.
“Don’t push it.” He chuckled again. Shay laughed. I stuck my tongue out at her. She grinned when she stopped laughing. I rolled my eyes. “For an angel, you’re mean.” I said sticking my tongue out at her.
“See I told you.” Sparkles said smiling. Shay rolled her eyes and left the room and Jasper went with her.
“I mean, I know I’m annoying, but I didn’t know I was that annoying.” I said grinning.
“You know when you’re really annoying when Carlisle kick’s you of the room.” Emmett said grinning.
“Yes and you know that all too well don’t you?” Sparkles said chuckling to himself. Emmett rolled his eyes.
“You know what we should do?” I asked Emmett grinning.
“What?” He asked me curiously.
“Go mudding in Sparkles’ Volvo.” He grinned.
“No.” Sparkles said glaring at me. I rolled my eyes.
“I was just kidding. I meant Roselie’s car.” Roselie glared at me. “Chill, I’m kidding.” I said rolling my eyes again. “Geez you people have no sense of humor.” I muttered leaving the kitchen. Emmett followed me and we went to his room.
“Wanna play some video games?” He asked grinning. I grinned back.
“I would love to.” We set everything up and planted our butts on his couch. I scooted as close to him as I could because oddly enough, when I touch him, his skin feels soft, before it felt as hard as a rock. He chuckled and gave me a one-armed hug. I hugged his torso and then we let go of each other and started our game. I wasn’t really sure what I was doing, but I’m pretty sure I kicked his butt because he started swearing up a storm. I grinned at this and kissed his cheek.
“Man, I just can’t stay mad at you.” He said grinning and pulled me into a bear hug. I hugged him back.
“Alright, I’m coming in and you both better have your clothes on!” Alice yelled opening the door. Emmett and I just stared at each other and laughed. I looked over at Alice and she giggled.
“What are you talking about?” I asked curiously when we both stopped laughing.
“Oh, that hasn’t happened yet? Then I guess it’s later.” She muttered to herself.
“Alice, what did you see?” I asked slowly. She grinned.
“You’ll find out later. Anyways, there’s a thunderstorm tonight and so I was wondering if you guys wanted to come play baseball with the rest of us.” She asked biting her lip a little, trying not to smile.
“But how can we have a thunderstorm when we’re in the dead of winter?” I asked curiously. She shrugged.
“I just saw it.”
“That doesn’t explain anything.” She grinned. I shook my head.
“Alright, baseball!” Emmett yelled grinning. I chuckled.
“I guess I’m in too.” Alice pouted. I looked at her confused. “Aren’t you supposed to be happy?” She grinned.
“I’ll see you guys downstairs!” She said and then she took off out of the room.
“What the heck did that girl see?” I muttered shaking my head. Emmett got this perverted look on face and I rolled my eyes. I playfully smacked his arm and he pouted. I just grinned and kissed his nose and then I took off out of the room and into the living room. Emmett came in soon after still pouting. I rolled my eyes.
“Shay’s not playing because she’s taking care of Abby and Jade and neither is Bella,” Alice said.
“Because she’s taking care of Nessie.” I finished. She smiled.
“Yup, oh and Bree isn’t playing either because she has to help Shay with Abby and Jade.” I heard someone huff in annoyance. I chuckled. We all went out to the snow-covered clearing and set up the baseball field.
“Why did you have to go and get the most depressing song stuck in your head?” Sparkles muttered annoyed. I grinned.
“It’s not the most depressing and I like that song so,” and I stuck my tongue out at him. The Ghost of You by My Chemical Romance was stuck in my head. The thunder was really rolling as we started the game. I was up to bat first. I made sure to hit it out of Sparkles reach and what do you know? I did it. I made it to home and I was rewarded with kiss from Emmett. I chuckled as Sparkles narrowed his eyes at me. I decided to put my mp3 player on while I played, it helped me focus. I got some disapproving looks when Blood from My Chemical Romance came on. I grinned. Good a distraction. I thought mouthing the words to the song as I went up to bat again. So far we were 7-0. On my team were Emmett, Jasper, and Carlisle. On the opposing team there were Sparkles, Roselie, Alice, and Jacob. Seth was the catcher for both teams since we didn’t have enough players. Emmett, Jasper, and Carlisle all lined the plates, so it was up to me to send us home. Na na na came on and I felt my eyes light up. I love this song so much! I planted my feet into the ground firmly as Alice pitched a fast ball. I swung and I sent it flying out of the park and Esme called a home run. I took off and we all made it to home. So we now were 11-0. Emmett pulled me into a hug and when he let me go, Jasper slung his arm around my neck and gave me a noogie. I rolled my eyes. A hug would’ve been just fine, but no he had to give me a noogie. He let me go and we returned to the game.
Somehow they got us out three times, so we switched sides. Sparkles was up first and he hit it pretty far. I predicted where the ball would go and teleported there and caught it. “Out!” I heard Esme yell. I grinned when Sparkles started swear. “Edward!” He sighed.
“Sorry.” I chuckled. Somewhere in the middle of the game, Emmett and I sneaked away. I guess we really didn’t sneak away because Sparkles could hear our thoughts and Alice was giggling like mad. We went far up north when we stopped fifteen feet from the invisible line. We went as far as the mountains. I really just wanted to get away from the game because I was getting bored with it and Emmett sensed my boredness and so we left.
“Let’s have a snowball fight!” I said grinning. He grinned back.
“Okay!” We scooped up big piles of snow and packed them into balls and started our snowball fight that somehow turned into an all out snowball war. We jumped and dodged each other’s snowballs and slowly made our way back to the clearing. We didn’t see the others watching us as we pummeled each other with snowballs. I did notice Alice’s disappointed face. What the heck did she see, dang it!? Soon we were all having an all out snowball war. I enjoyed hitting Sparkles in the face with a snowball. I grinned as he threw one back but I dodged it and it hit Alice. Alice turned around and threw one back and I dodged again and this time the snowball hit Sparkles while he was in the middle of throwing one at Jasper who had apparently thrown one at Sparkles. I fell in the snow laughing. I couldn’t help it, his face was priceless. Emmett got me in the face, but I was laughing too hard to throw one back. I decided while was down there to make a snow angel. Alice made one too. When I stood up and looked at it, I saw that someone had drawn little horns at the top. I rolled my eyes, knowing it was Sparkles, so I threw a snowball at him. I looked at him curiously. Oh Sparkles. I thought to him grinning.
“What?” He asked. You saw what Alice saw about me and Emmett right? He grinned. “Yes, but I’m not telling you.” I frowned.
“Gr.” Then I picked up a snowball and threw it at him. He chuckled. Alice giggled. “You’re not nice people, so I’m going back to the house.” I said sticking my tongue out at them and then I took off. Emmett followed me. When I walked in through the door, Emmett pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back. “I’m gonna go take a shower.” He nodded and let me go, but he was pouting. I chuckled and kissed him on the cheek. Then I went to my room, grabbed some dry clothes, and into the bathroom. I took a warm shower and
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