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Book online «Twilight World All Over Again by Heather Lawhun (best english books to read .TXT) 📖». Author Heather Lawhun

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keep telling him not to worry about it but he just isn’t listening. When I told him this he got mad and went off on me. “Don’t worry about it? Shay was nearly killed, a little girl got shot in the head, you went blind,”
“Not permanently.” I muttered interrupting him. He growled. I rolled my eyes.
“And now Carlisle is furious.”
“Because we disobeyed him, not you.” He sighed.
“My point is, if we hadn’t left, none of this would’ve happened.”
“Who cares!? It’s already done and over with! We can’t change what has happened, so get over yourself and stop blaming yourself for every little thing that happens, geez.” I snapped rolling my eyes. I could feel the shock rolling off of him. He sighed again.
“You’re right. There’s no point in dwelling in the past is there?”
“That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you the past few days.” I said annoyed. He chuckled lightly.
“Thanks again.”
“No problem.” I heard him leave and sighed. See this is why I didn’t like him or Bella for that matter in the books. They always blamed themselves for something they didn’t do and assume the wrong things and make big problems out of the littlest of things that are ridiculous. Since I can’t read or watch TV, I’ve been really bored. So Emmett has been trying to come up with ways to entertain me. Like just the other day, he took me mudding in his jeep and I’ve got to say, it was amazing. I was all muddy and may have gotten a little whiplash, but it was amazing. Let’s just say that Esme wasn’t too pleased about us tracking mud into her clean home and then dirtying up her clean bathroom. I felt bad about that. I was going to try and clean up the bathroom, but seeing as I’m blind, it was nearly impossible. I say nearly because I had Emmett help me in there. Of course he did the majority of it, so I guess I can’t really say that I cleaned the bathroom. Oh well, at least I tried and it’s the thought that counts right? Esme wasn’t too mad at us when she found out that me and Emmett cleaned the bathroom. Right now, I’m sitting on my bed bored out of my mind and irritated. Why you ask? Well I’m tired of seeing blurs all the time and to be honest it hurts my eyes. So I have to close them every once and awhile so they don’t hurt as much. The best part is I don’t have to have someone escort me to the bathroom every time I have to go now.
I just want the blurriness to go away. I don’t know what it’s like wanting your voice to come back so you can talk but I’m pretty sure it’s not as bad as what I’m going through. I closed my eyes again as it started to hurt to keep them open. I felt like crying really, but I didn’t because I know crying isn’t going to make it go away. It sucks being blind. I sighed at the thought. “I’ve got ice-cream!” Emmett’s loud voice said as I heard him walk into my room. I couldn’t help but smile. He always knew how to make me feel better. The frustrating part was that he wouldn’t let me feed myself. “Nope, I’m going to.”
“Fine.” I said childishly and crossed my arms all the while pouting. He laughed and kissed my cheek.
“Open.” I opened my mouth and felt him stick the spoon of ice-cream in my mouth. It was cold at first but I adjusted easily to it. “Feeling any better?” He asked. I could hear the concern in his voice. I smiled.
“Yeah, I feel better.”
“Good.” I could hear the grin in his voice. “Now open.” I rolled my eyes but did as he said. When the ice-cream was gone, I heard him sit the bowl down and then he pulled me into a hug. I opened my eyes and saw his blurry chest. I hugged him back. This time I can’t blame my eyesight for the blurriness; I started crying silently. He hugged me tighter and kissed the top of my head. I calmed myself down and got myself to stop crying. Emmett let me go and I wiped my tear streaked face on my shirt. I blinked in surprise as I noticed things were clearer and no longer blurry as I looked up. “What?” Emmett asked curiously. I grinned and kissed him.
When I pulled away, I said “I can see perfectly clear.” He grinned and kissed me. He pulled away and said,
“That’s great.” I laughed and shook my head. He let me up and we went down into the living room where everyone was sitting. Well, they weren’t sitting for long, because of their hearing is so darn good, they knew I could see now. I guess crying does make it go away. I thought grinning. Sparkles rolled his eyes but smiled.
“Now Shay just has to get better.” I said looking at her. She smiled and sighed.
“I’ll try my best.” She croaked softly but smiling. I was in need of some blood so I went out hunting. I wanted to go by myself because I haven’t been able to do anything by myself for five days now. That’s right, I’ve been blind for a week since all that has happened. We went back to our normal every day routines and Abby has started to go to school with Nessie and Bree. I breathed in the crisp winter air as I jumped from tree branch to tree branch in search for food. The bears have just started to hibernate, so I picked a really good time to go hunting. I grinned at the thought. Grizzlies are easier to get when their half asleep and disgruntled. That way they can’t swipe at you and claw you to death.
I stopped when I spotted a cave and grinned. Food, here I come. I thought licking my lips. Wow, I’ve never gotten this bad. I thought shocked at myself. I snuck into the cave and saw three big grizzlies. Good. I was about to jump one when I heard a growl and it wasn’t the grizzlies. I froze on the spot. I turned slowly and saw a black oversized wolf and it was definitely not Sam. I realized that when it started walking towards me slowly. I backed up a little at a time. I also realized that this was a real werewolf when I looked up at the moon and saw that it was a full moon and the werewolf’s eyes were pitch black and the part that was supposed to be white, was yellow. It growled again showing its teeth. I tried to jump over it to get away, but failed as it caught me by the waist with its oversized yellow teeth. It hurt a lot and I ended up screaming. I could have teleported but since I haven’t really eaten anything besides the ice-cream all day, I’ve been low on energy. I felt like a dog toy as the werewolf shook me around, ripping my stomach even more. Next thing I know, I’m on the ground and I’m in even more pain and the werewolf started yanking on my arms with its teeth as if to bite my arm off. I could feel my skin stretching and ripping and it was not pleasant, I’ll tell you that. Now I felt like a rag doll being torn apart only I’m screaming my head off and as far as I know, no one as heard me. The werewolf gave up on my arm and started eating at my stomach. Just kill me now. I thought as my eyesight was starting to fade. My screaming was cut off when the werewolf but its oversized paw on my throat and I was having a hard time breathing.
Then I hear more growls thinking it was the pack that the werewolf came from. Oh great, now I’m going to get over killed. Surprisingly, the werewolf was thrown off of me and hit the grizzly bears setting them off. Oh great I’m definitely through. I thought as I started coughing. Next thing I know, the grizzlies are being thrown out of the cave somewhere and the werewolf was gone. I ended up blacking out as I heard a lot of paws walking towards me and circling around me. When I woke up, I was in the hospital. Shay, Emmett, Jasper, Alice, and Sparkles were gathered around the bed, looking at me in concern. “Oh God, I thought you were going to die.” Shay said frantically. Jasper took her hand and calmed her down. I chuckled, or at least that’s what I tried to do. It sounded raspy and low, like a grunt.
“Do you need something to drink?” Jasper asked. I nodded slightly. Emmett put a glass of water to my lips and I pretty much drank all the water.
“Thanks.” I said just above a whisper. My throat was hurting.
“What happened? Sam said that he heard you screaming and he and the others rushed out to find you and when they did, they found a werewolf and three grizzly bears all looking like they were going to kill you. And you looked like you were mauled by one of them.” Sparkles said.
“That was a real werewolf.” I whispered bitterly. “It sneaked up on me when I came across that cave. I tried to get away but it got me by my stomach with its teeth. Sam and the others showed up and knocked the werewolf into the bears and woke them up.” I shrugged as much as I could and said, “That’s what happened.”
“How are you feeling?” Carlisle asked as he and Esme walked in.
“Like I just got mauled by a bear and almost eaten alive by a werewolf.” I said frowning. He chuckled.
“Well, good news is that you’re healing just fine and you’ll be completely healed in two days.”
“Bad news is since I got attacked by an actual werewolf, I might turn into one.” I muttered grimly. I’ve heard the stories, so I know it’s going to hurt like hell when I end up going through the change. Carlisle grimaced.
“I wasn’t going to tell you that until you’ve recovered some, but you beat me to it.” He said sighing. “We don’t really know what will happen until it does.”
“It’d probably be best that I’m far away from anyone when it does happen though, just to be safe.” I added the last part when Shay and Emmett were about to protest. Shay pursed her lips and Emmett pouted. I chuckled.
“Yes, I agree with you there. I’ll talk to Sam or Jacob and see if they could check up on you every once in awhile and I’ll have one of us come and check up on you as well.” I nodded. That makes me feel a little better. I won’t feel as lonely if they come and check up on me every once in awhile. Sparkles looked at me with pity in his eyes. I rolled my eyes. Just when I can finally see, I get attacked. This is going to suck.
“Alice, are you sure you can’t see anything?” Esme asked, her voice filled with hope. Alice nodded her head sadly.
“It’s alright dear, it can’t be helped.” Esme said sadly.
“You guys make it sound like I’m dying.” I said rolling my eyes. Emmett grinned.
“It feels like that.” Shay said flinching a little. I sighed.
“Really, I’m going to be just fine. I’ll be a werewolf, but fine none the less.” Sparkles chuckled and Esme smiled.
“That’s true.” Shay said smiling. I rolled my eyes.
“Well, we’re going to go and let you rest.” Carlisle
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