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said looking sternly at the others, mostly Shay and Emmett. They all nodded and left. Emmett was the last one to leave before he placed a kiss on my forehead. I smiled. I also noticed that they left me some of my books. I picked up one of them and started reading. It made the time go by faster and by the time I looked up from my book, the nurse was telling me that the lights had to go out. I sighed, still wanting to read, and marked my place and put the book down. I closed my eyes and fell into a dreamless sleep thankfully. Later on that night, I woke up. Then I went back to sleep, but had nightmares. They were mostly of oversized wolves’ intent on killing me. They chased me and chased me. I noticed I was also an oversized wolf too. Some of them got so close behind me that they bit my tail, making me yelp in pain and speed up. When I woke up the next morning, I was covered in sweat and somehow ended up on the hospital floor.
“Oh my.” A nurse said rushing in and helping me to my feet and back on the bed. “Are you okay, dear?”
“Yeah.” She nodded and left the room. I sighed and wiped my sweaty face on the hospital gown I was wearing. Carlisle came in ten minutes later.
“I heard you were found on the floor this morning, are you okay?” He asked concerned.
“Yeah, I’m okay. I usually fall off the bed when I’m having a nightmare anyways.” I said shrugging. “Hey my throat doesn’t hurt anymore.” I said smiling. Carlisle chuckled.
“That’s good, do you feel any pain anywhere else?” He asked as he gave me a check-up.
“Not particularly no.” He smiled.
“That’s good. Everything looks good. It looks like you get to go home early.” I grinned.
“Yes!” He chuckled.
“I’ll call Shay and let her know.”
“Tell her to bring me some clothes, please.”
“Okay.” He said pulling out his cell phone. It wasn’t even two minutes before he hung up. “The moment I said you could come home today and that she needed to bring you clothes, she hung up.” He said chuckling to himself. I rolled my eyes.
“That’s Shay for you.” I said shaking my head. He smiled and left the room. I sighed and waited impatiently for Shay to get here. I’m assuming that Emmett is going to be here too and Jasper and Alice will also be here. Shay finally showed up with my clothes and gave them to me. I went into the bathroom and changed and when I came out, I was being hugged by Emmett. I smiled and hugged him back. He sat me down on my feet and now Shay and Alice were both hugging me. Jasper just ruffled my hair smiling. Guess he’s not the hugging type. I grinned at the thought.
“We drove here in Jasper’s car and Emmett drove here in his jeep.” Shay said.
“She’s riding with me.” Emmett said grinning and picking me up. I rolled my eyes. Shay laughed.
“Okay, but when we get home, we’re going to shopping with Alice.” Emmett and I both groaned at the same time but for different reasons. He just wanted to hang out with me and I didn’t want to go shopping right after I just got out of the hospital. Alice giggled.
“Emmett, you can come if you want, we’ll need help carrying all the bags.” Alice said smiling oh-so-innocently. Emmett grinned.
“Okay.” I face palmed my forehead and groaned.
“What?” Shay asked.
“I don’t want to go shopping.” She grinned.
“Well, too bad. We’re going shopping whether you like it or not, because we won’t have much longer to hang out, remember?” Alice said sternly. I sighed.
“Fine.” Jasper chuckled. “If I’m going, he’s going.” I said narrowing my eyes at him. He grimaced.
“Deal!” Alice said grinning. I smirked when he groaned and glared at me. Shay laughed.
“Then Edward has to go.” He said crossing his arms. In the end, all of the Cullens including Shay, me, Abby, and Bree, ended up going shopping. Carlisle got out of it because he had work and Esme was busy doing house chores. So ha! If I have to go, then so does everyone else! I thought grinning. Sparkles rolled his eyes as we all walked through the mall.
“Hey it was Shay’s idea.” I said shrugging.
“No it was Alice’s and I agreed to go.” She defended herself.
“That doesn’t explain how I got dragged into this.” He said grumpily.
“Well, I said I’d only go if Jasper had to go too and then he said he’d go if you went and so on.” I said grinning. He muttered something like ‘childish brat’ and then he was dragged off by Bella and Nessie. Emmett laughed. Alice and Shay dragged me in and out of stores putting me in clothes that I would never think of buying. Emmett really liked the ones that showed a lot of cleavage. Typical Emmett… I thought shaking my head. They put Abby and Bree into outfits too; even Jasper and Emmett. I’ll admit that they looked sexy in some of the clothes Alice and Shay picked out.
“It’s too bad Edward, Bella, and Nessie aren’t here.” Alice said pouting.
“I think Bella dragged him and Nessie off because she knew you were going to dress them up.” I said grinning. She stuck her tongue out at me.
“But you and Emmett didn’t.”
“No, because I knew you wanted to spend some time with me before well you know.” I said shrugging.
“Aw… I’m loved!” She said grinning. Emmett laughed. I grinned. We stopped at the food court so Abby and I could get something to eat. We saw Bella and Sparkles and went over to them. They got food for Nessie. It was nice eating, since I haven’t eaten anything at all today. After two more hours of looking around the mall and buying stuff we went to the house. I was exhausted from walking so much, so I went to my room and took a nap. I woke up an hour later and went downstairs. I was starting to feel feverish. Carlisle was home, so he must be on his brake.
“Carlisle, I think the symptoms are starting.” I said leaning on the door frame of the kitchen. He got up and walked over to me and put a hand on my forehead.
“Your temperature has risen considerably high.” He muttered. “I think it’s time to take you far away from here.” I nodded but stopped because the room started to spin.
“I’ll take her.” Emmett offered. Carlisle nodded and Emmett picked me up. I rested my head on his chest to see if it would help make the room stop spinning. It helped slow it down but it didn’t stop. Eh, I feel like I’m on a never ending merry-go-round. Ugh…
“Careful, she might get sick.” Sparkles said concern showing in his eyes.
“Thanks.” I muttered. He nodded. Emmett took off out of the house. Carlisle followed us.
“I talked to Sam and he said we could use one of the caves on their side of the line since all the caves on our side are filled with bears. Also he said he’d have someone come and check up on you or he will. Jacob said that he’d come and check up on you too.” Carlisle said as we slowed down and stopped at the invisible line where Sam, Embry, Quil, and Paul stood there waiting. I looked over at them.
“Hey, guys.” I said my words slurring. I frowned. Stupid brain.
“What’s with her?” Embry asked as Paul asked, “Is she drunk?” I ought to kill him but I won’t because he’s one of my favorites.
“No, she has a really high fever.” Carlisle said shaking his head.
“Then why is she slurring?” Quil asked.
“I don’t know.”
“We’ll take you to the cave.” Sam said. Carlisle nodded.
“Thank you for doing this.” Sam nodded and Emmett and Carlisle followed as he and the others ran off. We came to a cave deep in the woods and far away from the Rez and Forks. That’s good, I don’t want anyone to get hurt. They waited outside the cave with Carlisle as Emmett took me into the back off the cave. There were some blankets and my books. I smiled. Emmett put me on the blankets and kissed me. I kissed him back and then he pulled away.
“We’re going to have one of them bring you some food every day.”
“Okay.” He kissed my forehead and then rested his forehead on mine.
“I love you.” I smiled.
“I love you too.” He kissed and hugged me one more time and then he left. I was sad to see him go. I hope he comes to see me tomorrow. I was getting exhausted and fell into a dreamless sleep.
To Save an Angel
Things have been kind of boring without Pyper around. She’s only been gone for 2 days and it already feels like months. I try to throw myself into my cupcakes again, but that is hard without my sister there to help me through it. She used to talk to me and make jokes the whole time I was making them. Now, no one really talks to me if I’m in the kitchen. It’s almost like I am unapproachable. Abby comes over a lot after school to try and cheer me up. Her favorite kinds of cupcakes are strawberry with crème filling and blue frosting. Renesmee really likes chocolate everything, so I do my best to keep them both happy. I can’t take it anymore. I make a batch of vanilla cupcakes with banana crème filling and sprinkles and decide to go see my sister. “Carlisle, I’m going to see Pyper. I’ll be back later” I holler as I run out the door. He won’t like it, but I did tell him, so he won’t worry too much…hopefully. I decide to walk so I don’t risk dumping the cupcakes in anyone’s car.
At least this way, I won’t ruin anything, except maybe my clothes, but they don’t matter. I was walking through the woods when I saw a little girl. She looked scared and she was hurt. It looked like an animal had attacked her, but she wasn’t bleeding. “Help” she whispered, and I could tell she wouldn’t last much longer. I ran over to help her and saw the most beautiful pair of wings ever. They were white and feathery, and from the looks of it, broken. I immediately knew this girl was an angel. I put down the cupcakes and ran to help her. When I touched her, the only thing I could see was bright white light. I’m pretty sure I was out for a few minutes there. When I finally was able to see again, I saw 3 tiny balls of light and heard the tinkling sound of children’s laughter. I get up and only then realize that I now have wings. Great. I go and pick up the cupcakes and fly the rest of the way to the cave. When I get there, I hardly recognize my sister. She’s filthy and it looked like she had run into the woods at one point and killed something. But, for the moment being, she was just Pyper. “Cupcakes!” she yelled, excited.
“Yep. I made them just for you” I said with a smile. She grabbed a cupcake and then looked at my back. “What’s with the wings” she mumbled, her mouth full of food.
“Apparently, if you try and help an angel, not only do they disappear, but you become one, too.”
“That is so cool! You should really leave though. It’s not safe for someone who could get
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