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answer these than go to the mall. I told him all about the back pain, the skin ripping and tearing, my spine breaking and rearranging itself and what not. Surprisingly, it didn’t really bother me all that much.
“That’s sounds awful.” He said but he was still writing stuff down. I rolled my eyes. Jacob and Seth walked down the stairs grimacing.
“What?” I asked looking at them.
“How can you describe all of that without it bothering you?” Seth asked shaking his head. I chuckled. It appears that Carlisle has given them the okay to move around.
“It just doesn’t bother me.” I said shrugging.
“Did you get all you needed?” Alice asked Carlisle impatiently. He chuckled.
“Yes Alice, you can take her away now.”
“Ugh.” I groaned. She rolled her eyes. Yes I’d rather tell Carlisle about all the pain I experienced rather than go shopping that’s for sure. Sparkles chuckled. I stuck my tongue out at him.
“Wow, you’re mature.” He said shaking his head. I let Alice drag me out of the house, that’s how much I didn’t want to go. She put me in the car and slammed the door shut. I stuck my tongue out at her as she went around the car to get into the driver’s seat. Emmett laughed and kissed my cheek. Shay rode with us today again. We spent all morning there and then Alice finally let us go home. Right when I got inside, I went straight to the kitchen and I got myself something to eat. Jacob and Seth were in there too, so we decided to have a food eating contest and guess who won, me.
“You cheated.” Seth said pouting.
“How exactly do you cheat at eating contests?”
“I don’t know, but you cheated.” I chuckled. Jacob rolled his eyes. “It’s too bad Sam won’t let you go over the line. You’d give Paul a run for his money.” Jacob chuckled.
“That’s for sure.” I smiled. The rest of the day, I spent most of it with Emmett. Then later that night, I took a shower and went to bed.
I’m Healed, I’m Healed!
I absolutely love having Pyper home. Being an angel didn’t seem to have changed much in my life. I had to wear spaghetti straps that were low in the back around the house because it took too much energy holding in my wings all the time. Abby was the most understanding little girl ever. She just played with Jade and didn’t ask why I had wings sometimes or why Pyper hid so much or even why no one seemed to eat. I keep finding myself drawn to sweet foods, like cake and candy. It seems the more of them I eat, the happier I am. It wasn’t until we went to the mall that I discovered my new power. I can hear people’s problems that might be doubting God and fix them, whether through miracles or everyday fixes. It makes me feel amazing to fix things for people and bring them joy. The others don’t really notice this since they are all caught up with Pyper, but that’s the best thing. I love going unnoticed, especially since it’s so hard to do most of the time. Jade is turning 4 soon, so I took off to find her a present. I found a shop where you can make your own stuffed animals. I made her a stuffed wolf since she seems to be close with Seth. Then I found a Disney store and got her a bunch of dress-up stuff, since she’s gotten big on dress up. Then I bought some party bags and wrapping paper and wrapped everything at one of the tables in the food court. I was just finishing up when I saw a little girl and her mom talking. “Mommy, it’s my birthday! Why can’t we eat while we’re here?”
“We don’t have the money, sweetie. I lost my job and daddy is gone. We can’t afford any extras right now.”
“Ma’am” I said, politely. “I would love to buy you and your daughter a proper meal for her birthday. No one deserves to go hungry on their birthday” I said with a smile. The little girl’s face lit up.
“No offense, but she doesn’t need it. If you really want to help, give us the money. We would rather have a house than the food at the mall.” The little girl’s face fell.
“If I let you stay with me, would you please let me buy you both lunch?” I saw the lady think it over.
“Who are you?” she asked.
“My name is Shayla.” The lady smiled and agreed to lunch.
“I am Lily and this is Lizzie. Her dad walked out about 2 months ago and I lost my job trying to take care of her on my own. My job agreed to take me back, but I have to have someone to watch her.”
“We take in children all the time, so you could go back to work and we’ll watch her for you.” I said with a smile.
“Why are you doing this?” she asked.
“Well” I said, letting my heart take over “I just wanted you to know that God loves you and will always provide for his followers.” She rolled her eyes and mumbled something, but I couldn’t hear what it was. Maybe that was for the best. I gave her my cell number and she promised to call before she brought Lizzie over. That would be for the best, since we are officially a house full of freaks. We have more “monsters” in our house then the average spook house around Halloween. That might not be the best way to convince her that we are a strong, Christian family. Then I found Pyper and the others and we went home. Seth was still in a lot of pain and I felt bad for him. “I want to try something, but you have to trust me” I told him.
“If it helps the pain go away, try anything” he said. I started thinking about healing him and my hands started glowing. “Whoa!” he screamed and started to inch away.
“Stay still” I ordered him. He froze, but he looked honestly scared. “Where does it hurt the most?” I asked him.
“My back and chest” he said. I put my hands on his back first and he relaxed considerably. I started mumbling in Greek, but I had no clue what I was saying. Whatever it was, it seemed to be healing Seth. I moved on to his chest, then his other injuries. When I was done, he just kept staring at me. I didn’t understand till I looked in the mirror and saw I was glowing. I looked way different. I had become blonde and taller and thinner. When I stopped speaking in Greek, I went back to my normal self. “If I were you, I’d talk to Carlisle” he said, but he barely whispered it. He kept staring at me in amazement and I was starting to get uncomfortable. I switched over to Jake’s room and did the same thing. He had the same reaction.
”What is wrong with this house?” I practically yelled down the hallway. “You live with vampires and act like I’m the weirdest creature here!” Sparkles started laughing at that.
“You changed languages and started glowing, Punk. That makes you the weirdest in the house.” I threw a cupcake at his head and it actually hit him! He grumbled about me being the most demonic angel he’d ever met.
“She’s the only angel you’ve ever met” Seth defended for me. I smiled and he honestly looked “dazzled”. It made me laugh, and sparkles did too. I started to feel tired, so I went to sleep.
Mind Reading Sucks!
While Shay was playing God and not being examined like an insect, I was trying to enjoy my day with some anime but no, Carlisle had to keep on asking me about what it’s like being an actual werewolf. I like the guy and all, but he’s starting to become very annoying. Of course, I don’t ever tell him this because I don’t want to hurt his feelings and all, plus he let us off the hook, so I’m letting him do whatever. I was eating one of Shay’s wonderful cupcakes when I heard, “What’s wrong with this house!? You live with vampires and act like I’m the weirdest creature here!” I almost choked on my cupcake laughing. Next thing I hear is Sparkles mumbling something about a demonic angel. I couldn’t stop laughing. God, I love my sister. I thought grinning.
“Well sometimes I don’t.” Sparkles muttered walking into the kitchen with a cupcake embedded into his hair. I chuckled.
“You got a little something in your hair.” I said grinning. He rolled his eyes.
“I know that.”
“You want any help getting it out?” He looked at me with doubtful eyes.
“Oh you’ll help me out all right.” He said sarcastically.
“No, I’m serious. It’s not like I’m gonna pour a bucket of water on you or anything.” I said rolling my eyes.
“I’ve got it.” He grumbled and then went upstairs. I grinned.
“You wanted to pour a bucket of water on him didn’t you?” Seth asked grinning as he walked into the kitchen with Shay.
“Yeah, but I’m trying not to be so, what’s he call it? Annoying? Yeah, that’s it.” I said grinning. Shay laughed.
“Well, good luck with that.” She said in between laughs.
“Oh, I told Paul about how you could beat him in a food eating contest.” Seth said grinning.
“What’d he say?” I asked curiously.
“He said he’d give you twenty bucks if you do, but you know how Sam is.” He said shrugging.
“Yeah, that’s too bad, I could’ve gotten myself twenty bucks.” I said grinning. Shay rolled her eyes. The rest of the day went by pretty slowly and then it was time for me to go to bed. I was so tired I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. The next morning I woke up to yelling and no matter how my times I tried to block it, it wouldn’t go away. I even put a pillow over my head and squished it against my face to the point I almost suffocated myself and it didn’t work. I groaned and got up. I got around for the day and then I went down the stairs. “Who the heck keeps yelling?” I asked grumpily, sitting down at the table.
“No one’s yelling Brat, have you lost your mind?” Sparkles said with amusement in his eyes. I rolled my eyes.
“No, but I’m about to if someone doesn’t stop yelling.”
“Pyper, no one is yelling.” Carlisle said walking in looking at me concerned. I sighed.
“Well, someone obviously is because I’m not crazy.” I said rolling my eyes.
“What are they saying?” Sparkles asked curiously.
“Oh something about…” I paused. “Oh my God, that is so disgusting!” I said shaking my head. Sparkles grimaced.
“I agree.” He said in distaste.
“Oh my God, those two just agreed on something.” Emmett said grinning while also walking into the kitchen. We rolled our eyes but then I froze.
“I think I know what’s going on.” I muttered still disgusted by what I just heard.
“What?” Seth asked coming in with Jacob behind him.
“You!” I said pointing at Jacob. “Can you not keep your nasty thoughts to yourself?” I asked rolling my eyes.
“Are you saying you can read minds?” Carlisle asked.
“Yeah, but only him and Seth.” I said shrugging.
“Really, that’s fascinating.” Is it? Is it really? I thought sarcastically. Sparkles scowled at me. I stuck my tongue out at him.
“Can you control it?” Jasper asked walking in too.
“I can try but it’s going to take some time if their thoughts
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