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hurt to be out here.” I gave her a hug and left her to eat her cupcakes in peace. I flew home, enjoying the feel of the wind in my hair. When I got close though, I decided to try something new. I concentrated real hard on making my wings disappear. They melted into my back and by the look in the lake, I didn’t look any different. I walked in and felt every eye land on me.
“You smell like angel food” Alice said, with a frown. “And you disappeared, and then reappeared in my vision. What happened?” I explained everything to them and waited for reactions. I got looks that ranged from shock, to horror, to confusion. The only one who truly seemed happy about it was Jasper.
“She’s always been an angel to me” he said “now she’s got the wings to prove it.” I was exhausted and I wasn’t sure how that worked, so I sucked in my wings and went to lay down. I was out within a few minutes.
I’m so glad that Shay came by to see me. Lately I’ve been feeling a little depressed because I miss everyone, but I guess that’s a symptom too when you’re turning into a werewolf. I just can’t believe Shay is an angel now. She’s lucky her process wasn’t painful and depressing. I sighed at the thought. I finished off the cupcakes in no time flat, shocked at how much I’ve gotten a bigger appetite lately. I don’t move too much now, because I’m starting to get lower back pains. The fever went away thankfully. I also learned that I can still use my powers which I’m glad for because if I teleport then I won’t have to move a whole lot and then I can use my other power to lure prey in and kill themselves. It sounds lazy I know, but it hurts too much to move. I’ve read and reread all the books that I have and now I’m bored with them. I sighed at the thought. Sam and the others have come and checked up on me daily, I mentioned to Sam that he should tell Carlisle about the back pains, because I was sure Carlisle would want to know about how the process to becoming an actual werewolf happens. He’s a curious guy. I chuckled at the thought. Well he is a doctor. I thought lying back on the now dirty blankets and saw that it was a full moon out tonight but thought nothing of it. I really haven’t had a shower for two days and I feel nasty. I’ve tried to get clean through the river, but it doesn’t help much, not to mention that I froze my butt off when I went into the river. Stupid winter.
The blankets aren’t all that comfortable, but I’ll live. I’ve been really bored the past few days. I really wanted to bug someone but Sam and the others never stayed long enough for me to do that. Jerks… I thought as my vision began to fade. Why does this always happen to me? That was my last thought before I blacked out. All I remember from then on is screaming, cursing, thrashing, bones breaking and reforming, skin ripping and repairing itself, and blood; a lot of blood. When I woke up, I was in pain and my eyesight was clear as day only it was night. Also my body was trembling and I was naked. What had happened while I was out? I covered myself up with the dirty blankets as much as I could. Then Sam walked in with Leah, who threw some clothes at me, and Paul. “Do you remember anything from earlier this evening?” Sam asked.
“No, I only remember Shay visiting me, eating her delicious cupcakes, and pain; a lot of pain.” I said frowning at the end. He sighed. “I didn’t hurt or kill anyone did I?” I asked my eyes wide.
“You didn’t kill anyone, but you severely injured Seth and Jacob.” I felt bad now.
“Oh God, I’m sorry; anyone else?” He sighed.
“No, but when you’re out of here, I don’t want you over on our side, got it?” I sighed sadly.
“Sure.” Then they left. I felt miserable and upset that I ended up hurting some people after all. I put on the clothes that Leah threw at me and just sat there in misery. I felt horrible about what I did and Sam will never know. Emmett poked his head in and I looked up at him with some tears in my eyes. He walked over to me and pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back.
“It’s not your fault you didn’t know what you were doing.” He said comfortingly. I sniffled.
“Thanks.” I said once I stopped crying. I wiped my face on the shirt that Leah got me. “Where are the others?”
“Sam only allowed one of us to come over to get you, so they’re waiting at the line.” I nodded as he let me go. I grabbed my books and let Emmett carry me back to the line on the other side. He sat me down.
“They’re going to be okay.” Carlisle said when he saw my expression. I nodded. Shay hugged me around my neck.
“I missed you.” She said and smiled when she let me go.
“There really wasn’t anything you could’ve done to prevent what happened.” Sparkles said sympathetically. I sighed.
“Thanks.” I said smiling.
“Now let’s get you back to the house, you’re filthy.” Alice said scowling. I rolled my eyes. She laughed and grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the house. I decided to make it easier for her and teleported us to the bathroom. She blinked when she saw the bathroom. “You still have your powers?” She asked shocked.
“It appears so.” I said shrugging. She turned on the water and pulled the stop thingy and made the water go through the shower head and then she took my books and left the room. Then she came back with my clothes and sat them on the counter top and left again. I stripped the clothes that I had on and got in the shower. I scrubbed really hard and made sure all the dirt and grime was off and washed my hair about twenty times to make sure it was really clean. Then I got out and all that jazz. I ended up brushing my teeth like ten times before they felt clean to me. I’m a little bit of a germaphobe but whatever. When I was satisfied with my teeth, I left the bathroom and once I was out, Emmett was picking me up and hugging me. I chuckled and hugged him back. He kissed me and pulled away after a few minutes, grinning. I smiled and he put me down. Then he took my hand in his and we went downstairs and into the living room.
“Alice told me that you still have your powers.” Carlisle said thoughtfully.
“Yeah.” I said as Emmett and I sat down on the couch.
“So you don’t remember what happened to Jacob and Seth at all?” I shook my head. “If you would like to go and see them, they’re up in the guest bedrooms.” I nodded and went to go see them. I wanted to see how bad it was. Sparkles followed me.
“You don’t have to do this to yourself you know?” I sighed.
“Yeah, but I feel horrible even if I couldn’t control myself.” I said stopping at one of the guest bedroom doors. He sighed.
“Just don’t beat yourself up over it too much. I doubt that Jacob and Seth will blame you for what happened.” Then he walked away. I opened the door and went on in. Seth was lying on the bed staring up at the ceiling.
“Having fun?” I asked walking over to the bed. He jumped a little. I chuckled.
“No, Carlisle won’t let me get up.”
“I think you should listen to him because he is a doctor you know.” I said shrugging. He rolled his eyes. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be, it was an accident. Okay, maybe not because when we intercepted you, you actually tried to kill us.” I winced. Then he said quickly, “You didn’t know what you were doing so don’t feel bad about it okay?” I smiled.
“Okay, although I don’t think Jacob is going to be as nice as you.” I said sighing.
“Nah, he’s just cranky because he’s on bed rest too.” He said grinning. I chuckled. “You’re gonna go see him, huh?”
“Good luck with that.” I nodded and left and went into the other one. Jacob was doing the same thing Seth was doing when I walked in.
“I don’t get what’s so fun about looking up at the ceiling but whatever.” I said shrugging. He rolled his eyes.
“What do you want?”
“Alright Mr. Crankypants, I was just coming in here to apologize but fine, if you don’t want to listen then I’ll just go.” I said rolling my eyes. I turned facing away from him.
“Why were you going to apologize? There’s nothing to apologize for…” He muttered. I could imagine him rolling his eyes. I smiled and left the room. I went back downstairs and into the kitchen. I was starving. Esme smiled and sat a plate of food down on the table.
“You’re welcome.” Then she left the room.
“Hurry up and eat!” Alice said walking into the room.
“Why?” I asked after eating my first bite.
“Because, we need to take you shopping and replace every article of clothing in your closet.” Now that I think about it, the clothes I’m wearing now are a little tighter than I remember. I shrugged.
“Okay.” I ate my food in no time flat, but I was surprised that I was still hungry. I made myself a sandwich and we left. Alice rolled her eyes. “What? I’m still hungry.” Shay and Emmett rode with us.
“I guess the appetite comes with it too, huh?” Shay asked grinning. I rolled my eyes and finished eating my sandwich.
“Are you still hungry?” Alice asked.
“Not so much as I was earlier but yes I’m still hungry.” I said grinning. She rolled her eyes. Emmett cracked up laughing and pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back. We arrived at the mall and got out. When Alice said we were going to replace every article of clothing in my closet, she wasn’t kidding. We spent all morning looking for the exact shirts and pants and stuff that I have at home only in a bigger size. Then we stopped for lunch, because I was hungry. Alice actually let me fill my stomach up but only because she didn’t want to hear me complain about being hungry. I grinned at thought. We ended up staying at the mall until closing time trying to replace all my clothes. Unfortunately we still had some clothes to replace. We threw out the ones that we got replaced and put the ones that we didn’t in a pile on the closet floor. I was exhausted from walking all over the mall and I was hungry again. Now this is just annoying. I thought rolling my eyes. Sparkles chuckled as he walked by. I shook my head and made myself three sandwiches and devoured them all in seconds. Those will just have to do. I thought as I went up to my room. I was tired and I didn’t feel like staying up to fill up my stomach. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. The next day, we didn’t get to go back to the mall as early as Alice had wanted because Carlisle kept asking me what kind of pain I experienced during my transformation. I think I’d rather
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