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Book online «Power Rangers Zeo: Venusian Encounter by Heather Ray (interesting books to read in english TXT) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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"So, the monster isn't really made from the lips?"


"Okay, so if I saw the Mona Lisa this very moment, would it have lips, or not?"


"I... I can't get an image inside that area of the museum!" shrieked Alpha, "There's a powerful energy barrier, and its blocking the transmission!"

"Then the guys probably should check it out," said Jason, activating the communicator, "I'll tell Tommy. Hello? Tommy, do you read me?"


said Tommy's voice through the machine, ^Did you guys figure out how to stop Labius?^

"No, but I think we're onto something. There's a powerful magical barrier in the Louvre, and its blocking the Viewing Globe's image. Also, Zordon said that Labius is made completely from energy, so its not literally the lips of Mona Lisa."

^Then, the lips are safe?^

"Not exactly. Labius is linked to the painting magically, like a movie projection. You'd better check out the Mona Lisa and see what's going on."

^Okay, I'm on it. Thanks, Jay.^

"Anytime, bro."

Chapter Twenty-Six

"Adam!" called Tommy, "Come here!"

Adam turned around, and leapt away from Labius, leaving the Yellow, Blue, and Pink Rangers to battle the monster, mostly using martial arts so as not to damage the city further with stray energy bolts.

"What's up? Did Zordon figure out how to stop Labius?"

"Maybe. Listen, could you go into the Louvre and find the Mona Lisa? Jason said there's a strange magical energy barrier, and it may be the key to stopping Labius."

"I'll be back in a flash!" said Adam, running into the now abandoned museum. He looks back for a moment, watching all four of his friends try to gain the upper hand on the monster. Adam then turns back, and runs into the museum.

"Okay," he said aloud, "Now, how do I find the Mona Lisa?"

He looks around the entrance for a while, and sees a front desk. He leaps behind the desk, and sees a stack of tourist maps.

"Perfect," he said, opening a map and examining it closely, "The Mona Lisa is on special display, behind a glass casing, this way."

Adam folded the map and ran in the direction of the Mona Lisa. He took a few seconds to glance at the amazing masterpieces along the way.

Wow, this stuff is amazing,

he thought, So much history and beauty... I gotta remember to come back here and tour this place again, when I've got the time.

Finally, Adam runs down a hallway, and sees a glass cube on a pedestal, surrounded by rope. Inside that cube is the Mona Lisa herself. However, there is more surrounding the painting than just a few feet of clear glass. A translucent bubble, shimmering in every color of the rainbow, covered the painting and the glass encasing from every angle, obscuring the view of the painting.

"This must be the barrier Tommy was talking about," Adam said, raising his wrist to his mouth, "I'd better tell him what I found. Tommy, this is Adam. Tommy, come in. Tommy?"

Adam looked at his wrist communicator, puzzled.

I guess the barrier is interfering with outside communications. So, now what do I do?

Adam cautiously reached out to touch the bubble with his gloved hand. As soon as he made contact with the magical sphere, a powerful force shoved him into the wall behind him. Adam crumpled to the ground, and then stood up painfully.

"Ouch!" he moaned, rubbing his back, "That hurt. Well, I think its safe to assume this bubble is bad news. And if Lord Zedd put it here, then we definitely don't want it here."

Adam lifted his Zeo pistol from his holster, and set it on medium power. He then pointed the pistol at the sphere.

"Hopefully, if I destroy this bubble, Zedd's magic spell will be broken," he said, firing the gun. A streak of red laser shot from the pistol, slamming into the bubble. However, the attack didn't seem to affect the bubble.

"Hmmm. Maybe a dose of full power will pop this bubble!"

Adam set his pistol to maximum, and once again fired at the bubble. He held the laser beam as long as he could, until the gun began to overheat. However, the magical sphere remained unharmed.

"Well, this isn't working," he said, putting his pistol back into the holster, "Zeo IV Power Punch!"

Ribbons of green energy cascaded around Adam's fist, and he punched the bubble with all his might. Again, as soon as his hand touched the bubble, he was thrown back into the wall by an overwhelming force.

"Oooh, better not try that again. Okay, I can't touch it, and I can't burn it... maybe I just need to hit it with more raw power. Zeo IV Power Hatchets!!"

Two powerful hatchets appeared in Adam's hands, and he held them up high. He then brought them both down in an X shape, forming two crossing streaks of green energy. The streaks plowed into the sphere, immediately crushing the colorful force bubble. The bubble exploded, filling the room with thick smoke. Adam waved the smoke away, and approached the Mona Lisa. The glass frame was undamaged, except a little dusty, and once the dust was wiped away, the Mona Lisa could be seen in all its glory, mouth included.

"Well, the Mona Lisa's back in one piece," said Adam, running back towards the entrance, "I'd better check in with the others."

Adam hurried through the museum, and in a few minutes he was back on the street. There, he saw the smoking remains of Labius, and he was greeted with four high fives.

"Great work, Adam!" said Tommy.

"Yeah!" said Tanya, hugging the Green Ranger, "Labius screamed, and then she exploded. And we didn't do anything to her! We assume you somehow broke Zedd's spell."

"Is the painting alright?" asked Katherine.

"Yeah. There was a force bubble around the painting, and every time I touched it, I was thrown into the wall. So, I used my hatchets to demolish it, and then the Mona Lisa was released from under it, mouth and all."

"Well, another one bites the dust!" announced Rocky, "Now, we can go home and rest."

"We beat Zedd's monster," said Tommy solemnly, "but the battle isn't over yet. I think maybe Zedd sent this monster here as a diversion, so we couldn't help Kim and the others on Venus Island. We have to go back to the Power Chamber, and stand ready in case Kim contacts us. This isn't over yet. All agreed?"

Adam, Katherine, Tanya, and Rocky all nodded mutely, and they vanished from the street in four beams of colored light.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

On the mysterious Venus Island, a small white owl flies towards the highest tower of the palace of Mount Ambrosia, the soft orange light of dawn illuminating its silken feathers. The owl sails into the open window, and perches on a full length mirror beside the bed in the chamber. The owl looks around quickly, and then lands on the floor behind the mirror, transforming into the tall, slender form of the Venusian keeper of the Great Power -- Dulcea. Dulcea peeks out from behind the mirror.

Well, I see no one in this chamber, but that doesn't mean the palace is deserted. This room was the bedroom of my sister Naya centuries ago, when Venus Island was a peaceful, happy world. Now, the isle is under the rule of a murderous villain, but hopefully not for long.

Dulcea sneaks out and gazes at the mirror itself.

This is no ordinary mirror! It is a communication device, similar to the Viewing Globe in the Power Chamber. This can come in handy once the battle is fought.

Dulcea summoned her staff from thin air, and cautiously approached the door. She put her ear to the wooden door, listening for any noise from the other side.

I hear two voices,

she thought, most likely guards. I was expecting more than merely two, though.

She quickly thrust the door open, much to the surprise of the two young women guarding the door from outside.

"Who dares intrude on the room of Queen Syren herself?" asked one of the women, holding out a sword. Dulcea looked at her curiously.

"Jezebel," she said, "A young priestess who was never taught the ways of Ninjetti. It is a pity you choose to fight me."

Jezebel thrust her sword at Dulcea, but Dulcea moved quickly and grabbed the younger girl by the wrist. She then hit her on the head, knocking her unconscious. Meanwhile, the other guard only stared at Duclea in mute awe. Dulcea looked up at her.

"I am Martia," said the girl, "another priestess never taught Ninjetti. Welcome, Dulcea, sister of Naya! I pray you are successful in saving the isle this time."

Martia hugged Dulcea, much to the latter's surprise.

"You choose not to fight me? Syren would have your head for this."

"Sha can have it, be she so bold as to come and claim it," said Martia sadly, "I grow so tired of serving such a bloodthirsty witch, and now she has chosen to further disgrace the memory of good Queen Naya by killing her descendants. Syren is no Venusian. She is corrupt and evil, like Divatox."

"Then, why do you serve her?"

"Because there is nothing I could do to stop her. Many of us revile the queen, but there is nothing we can do against her. No one here has a right to the throne, and Syren has a powerful ally in Lord Zedd. We cannot hope to win."

"Yes you can, Martia," said Dulcea with a smile, "Quickly tell me where the dungeon is. I shall free our sisters from the dungeon, and we shall storm the courtyard and finally end Syren's evil reign."

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