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Book online «Power Rangers Zeo: Venusian Encounter by Heather Ray (interesting books to read in english TXT) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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old cousin!"

"And its good advice, too!" said Kelly proudly, turning her attention back to the jewelry.

"Whatever you decide to do regarding the Red Ranger," said Dulcea, "it can wait until after the coronation ceremony. You know, you must declare to your people what your goals will be, and in which direction you shall steer our isle. Do you have anything planned?"

"Actually, I kinda do," said Kim, "But you'll have to wait until the ceremony. By the way, don't you guys have to get dressed too?"

"You're the princess, dear," said Caroline, stitching the sash, "so you come first. Here! I think its done!"

Kimberly sighed in relief and stepped down from the platform. She walked over to the full length mirror, and studied her appearance carefully. "Wow, Mom. Its fantastic," she whispered.

The gown was made of a very soft shade of pink silk. It was a strapless gown with a V neck, which hugged her slim form down to her hips, where a silver sash was wrapped. Connected to the sash was a delicate net of silver lace, stitched with images of stars that glittered in the light. The gown reached the floor, stretching out due to the layers of soft silk that composed the dress. The gown was dignified and elegant, but at the same time glamorous and flattering to her slender, athletic figure. Josephine walked over to her niece, with a sheet of translucent pink silk with silver hem. She attached the sheet to the silver choker, and snapped the choker onto Kimberly's neck. The pink silk formed a delicate, flowing cape, much like the cape of her Ninjetti uniform, that converts to wings. Kim gasped at the gown.

"You really look like a princess now, Kim," said Caroline softly, once again hugging her daughter, "I'm so proud of you."

"We all are," said Kelly, and the four women embraced in an emotional group hug. Dulcea stood against the wall, watching the family as they hugged. Kimberly is strong, but she is also very sensitive, she mused, She shall no doubt make a superb leader, and she shall only get better with time.

Chapter Thirty-Three

And sunset, the hundreds of Venusians filled the Great Hall in the palace of Ambrosia. There were dozens of tables, all set with a splendid selection of gourmet foods. There were two other tables, elevated on a podium. They were both to the side of a throne, which sat high above everything else. A red carpet stretched from the throne to the gate of the palace, and Dulcea stood before the throne, wearing a simple but nonetheless elegant white silken gown with silver trim. In her hand was a red pillow, with the silver crown seated upon it. All the seats were filled, with the exception of the two tables beside the throne, and the throne itself. Dulcea cleared her throat to gain the attention of the others.

"My sisters, today we celebrate a most joyous occasion. Only days ago, our lovely isle was freed from the tyranny and evil that gripped our sacred home for millennia. It was supposed to be the anniversary of Queen Naya's murder, but it turned out to be Venus Island's day of independence! We are no longer slaves to wicked rulers, whether it be Lord Zedd or Syren and her minions. The beauty of our home has been restored in its entirety, and we now step into a new era of peace and joy on Venus Island."

Before Dulcea could even finish her sentence, she was interrupted by applause and shouts of joy from her sisters. She laughed slightly and then raised her hand to silence them.

"The victory we celebrate today is very special, and it would never have happened had it not been for a number of dedicated servants of truth. First, allow me to present the descendants of our lost Leila, Avagone, and Queen Naya! They selflessly aided us in the rebellion against Syren, and we welcome them home."

The crowds once again cheered enthusiastically as Renee Ryan, Andrea Turner, Silvia Turner, Elisa Manning, Janette Manning, Elizabeth Turner, Christina Hendren, Jo Trent, Kelly Trent, Courtney Davis, and Caroline Hart entered the ballroom, all wearing snow white floor length togas. They waved at their sisters and took seats on the table to the right of the throne, with Renee sitting beside the throne itself.

"Our sisters here are with us today to celebrate with us, as well as to learn of the culture to which they belong. However, they shall be leaving after the celebration, with the exception of Renee, so we will always remember them, and we ask they never forget us."

The Venusians expressed their love for their sisters by cheering and applauding. The descendants were welcomed into the Venusian family, even though they were more human then Venusian. When the cheering stopped, Dulcea continued.

"As you know, we received additional help in our battle against evil. Although they did not come to the isle during the uprising, they assisted us whenever possible, and we owe them a great deal of thanks. Although they are from the world of Man, they shall always be welcomed and honored guests of Venus Island. They are the Zeo Rangers."

Then, the five Zeo Rangers and Jason Lee stepped into the ballroom, walking single file to the table in morphin order. Jason walked behind Tommy, and sat in the chair beside the throne on the left. The crowd cheered the Power Rangers, and they removed their helmets, revealing flattered and honored expressions. Then, the room became deadly silent, as footsteps could be heard from behind the gate. Dulcea fell to one knee on the floor next to the red carpet, directly in front of the throne, and the other Venusians bowed their heads in respect for the next person. The gates parted, and the rangers and descendants all watched as the new queen made her dazzling entrance. All the rangers were mute in admiration, and the descendants, especially Caroline Hart, smiled in respect and pride. Kimberly gracefully stepped across the room, her soft pink gown gently caressing the carpet as she walked. The cape trailed behind her, flowing in the soft breeze. Her hair was styled in a mass of soft, golden brown curls, held in place by two silver clasps in the shape of wings. Her earrings also were wing shaped, and they matched the clasps perfectly. The image of a Crane was etched on her choker, and it shimmered in the light. The male rangers were completely speechless at Kimberly's unsurpassed grace and beauty. Tommy was so enthralled by Kimberly's serene smile, he didn't even notice Katherine gaze at him with a sad smile on her face.

I knew this would happen,

she thought grimly, not taking her eyes off Tommy, He still loves her, more than life itself. More than... than me. Well, like I said before, it doesn't matter what I feel. So long as Tommy's happy. If he loves Kim, he can never be happy with me. I saw this coming a mile away. The question is -- what do I do about it? He and Kim can never be together again, not with Kim ruling Venus Island. By this time tomorrow, Kim'll be gone again. But is that what I really want, for Kim to just disappear and stop interfering with my life? No, I don't think so. I just want Tommy to be happy. That's not too much to ask, is it?

Kimberly stopped as she passed Dulcea, and nodded at her. Dulcea rose to her feet, and Kimberly sat upon the throne, between Renee and Jason. Dulcea followed her, and gently placed the crown on Kimberly's head. Dulcea then stepped down, and the crowds lifted their heads, but remained silent. They awaited their new queen to speak.

"Sisters," said Kimberly, "today is the beginning of a new era for us. Now that the inner threat has been taken care of, we can be at peace. However, the war isn't over. Lord Zedd is still out there, and so is Divatox, and countless other evil beings. We are not the defenders of Earth, though. That job belongs to the Power Rangers. However, since they helped us, I feel we should help them. So, from now on, the Power Rangers shall be our allies, and whenever they call us for assistance, we acknowledge."

The Venusians cheered in agreement to Kimberly's decree. They then quieted down to allow her to continue.

"Our culture is forever changed. Naya is no longer with us, and now I, a half-breed whose lived only seventeen Earth years, am the ruler. We can never go back to the old days. We can never replace all that is lost to us forever. To commemorate the battle fought, as well as the resistance that has spanned a century and beyond, I would like to initiate a project. We shall create a museum, with statues of the great heroines that fell in battle against evil. Also, there will be a tribute to Naya, Leila, Avagone, Erwina, and Dulcea, who took the lead in freeing our world. Although four of them didn't live to see this day, I know they'd be proud of what we have accomplished."

The Venusians once again began to cheer at Kimberly's speech. Dulcea smiled in approval of Kimberly's idea, and so did Renee, the rangers, and the descendants. Once the cheering ebbed, Kimberly cleared her throat.

"It's been centuries since the majority of you have enjoyed a feast such as this, so I won't delay any longer. Eat, drink, and celebrate our freedom!"

With that, the party began. There were exotic fruits and vegetables from all over Venus Island, and some even from other lands. Rocky looked at his plate questioningly.

"Hey, were's the beef?" he asked. Dulcea smiled at him.

"Little Ape, Venusians do not consume animal flesh."

"Okay," said Rocky, poking his fork at a pile of unidentified green leaves, "Well, I'm always up for new experiences."

Rocky raised his fork to his mouth, and cautiously chewed the green leaves. The rangers watched as his lips curled into a smile.

"This stuff is really good!" he declared, "It tastes just like chicken!"

The others shrugged and tasted their own meals. Soon, all the food was eaten, and the dancing and celebrating carried on into the night. Once the party had died down a bit, Katherine looked around the ballroom for Kimberly. She found the Venusian queen conversing with Duclea.

"Uh, Kim," she said meekly, "I hate to interrupt, but could I have a moment of your time?"

"Sure," said Kim, following Katherine into the courtyard, "What's on your mind?"

"Tommy," said Kat bluntly, leading Kim to rose garden behind the palace. Even in the darkness, both girls could see the lone red figure wandering aimlessly through the collection of bushes. Kim looked at the taller girl questioningly.

"What do you mean?" she asked. Kat sighed.

"Kim, I don't know whether

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