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Book online «Power Rangers Zeo: Venusian Encounter by Heather Ray (interesting books to read in english TXT) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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while she unlocked the cage holding Kelly. Kelly looked up at Kimberly, her eyes shining with tears.

"Kim?" she asked quietly, "Is that really you?"

"You got it, cuz," Kim said, smiling brightly, "C'mon. Let's get you outta there."

Kim took Kelly's hand, and helped her young cousin out of the cage. Kelly then hugged Kim tightly, crying softly.

"Its okay, Kell," Kimberly whispered, holding her cousin tightly, "Its all over. Nothing's gonna happen to you now."

Kimberly looked up to the palace and sighed.

I have to talk to Dulcea. I don't know what we're gonna do now. We've defeated Syren, but will Lord Zedd show up? I hope Dulcea can stop Scorpina, before things really get outta hand.

Not far away, Scorpina hurries into Syren's bedroom in the highest tower of the castle. She quickly bolts the door behind her, and waves her hand before the reflective glass. Then the foreboding image of Lord Zedd appeared.


said Lord Zedd, ^are you ready to come home now, Scorpina?^

"Lord Zedd," Scorpina panted, "Syren has been beaten! She needs you help immediately, or Venus Island is lost!"

^What do I care?^

scoffed Lord Zedd, ^I'm tired of coming to that loser's aid! She swore to me that the Red, Green, and Blue Rangers were out of my hair for good, but they were certainly well enough to destroy my monster in Paris! Syren is weak, and she deserves her fate.^

"But, what of Venus Island?"

^Venus Island is lost, Scorpina. Its not important enough for me to strain myself further. Step through the looking glass, my assassin, and rejoin my ranks. This pointless battle is at an end.^

Scorpina delayed for a moment, until she heard a banging on the bolted door. She then hurriedly leapt through the glass, magically teleporting her to the Moon Palace. Seconds later, the door finally caved in, and Dulcea entered the room warily. She searched the chamber, until her eyes fell upon the magical mirror.

"Scorpina must've fled," Dulcea said to herself, "She may have escaped this day, but she will soon pay for the crimes she committed. Just like her evil mistress. This battle is over. After centuries of suffering and turmoil, the battle is finally over."

Dulcea once again transforms into a snow owl, and sails through the open window down to the stage, where Kimberly and Renee were talking to the ten other Venusian descendants. She landed on the stage, and reverted back to her true form.

"Did you find Scorpina?" asked Kimberly.

"No. I believe she has fled the isle, most likely back to Lord Zedd. But Syren is gone, so I feel we have finished the battle. I don't think Lord Zedd will try to recapture the isle. We have won."

"I can't believe Scorpina got away!" said Renee angrily, "She killed my mother!"

"Don't worry," said Kim, "She'll get hers soon enough. So, what do we do now, Dulcea?"

"The battle has been won, so now we must restore Venus Island to all her majestic beauty. Also, we need to crown a queen."

"You'll make a great queen, Dulcea," said Renee with a smile. Duclea shook her head.

"No, I must return to Phaedos and guard the Great Power. It is my destiny. Kimberly, you're the one who defeated Syren, and you are of Naya's family. You are the best choice for queen."

Kim looked at Dulcea in surprise. "I can't be queen! I have to get home! Besides, I'm more human that Venusian. I can't live here, much less rule here."

"Someone has to lead the people and rebuild the isle, and the people seem to believe in you, Kimberly. Full Venusian or not, you have the strength of character needed to rule. This isle needs a strong leader, Princess, and I feel no one could be a better monarch than you."

Chapter Twenty-Nine

In the Power Chamber, the Zeo Rangers wait anxiously for any news regarding Kimberly's siege on Venus Island. Katherine sits quietly on a chair, beside her friend Tanya. Adam and Rocky stand together in silence, constantly checking the Viewing Globe to see if any visual information can be found. Jason helps Alpha Five try to recalibrate the Viewing Globe so it can receive messages from the enchanted isle. Tommy, however, had decided to leave the Power Chamber, sitting outside on the mountain and watching the Sun peacefully hover over the horizon. He stared at the Sun, and then glanced at the Pacific Ocean in the distance.

Somewhere out there, Kim's risking her life to save her family,

he thought, I may never see her again. Even though I was depressed when Kim decided to leave the rangers to attend the Pan-Global Games, I took some solace in the fact that she'd be safe. Since she wouldn't be a Power Ranger, she could just live a normal life. No one would try to hurt her. Now, I'm sitting here completely helpless as the woman I loved more than anything tries to conquer impossible odds.

Tommy sighed and stood up, walking to the edge of the cliff and looking out at the sea. A weak smile crossed his bronzed face. Loved? Who am I kidding? I still love Kim, more than anything. I mean, I do love Kat, but its just not the same. Kat and I are like really close friends, but when I was with Kim, it just felt so right! Her bright smile lit up my day! I more than just loved her. I admired her. Her spirit, her energy, her courage, her beauty, her intelligence, her innocence... no one can really compare to her.

Tommy was shaken out of his reverie when he heard footsteps crossing the parched and rocky ground. He smiled and turned around, to see the face of his best friend.

"Hey, Jason," he said quietly, "Any news about Kimberly?"

"Yeah, bro," said Jason, "Alpha and I have established visual contact with Venus Island. The magical barrier blocking the island has vanished."

"That's a good sign, right?" said Tommy, walking to the Power Chamber. Jason smiled and followed.

"It should be."

As the two young men entered the dark Power Chamber, Tanya, Adam, Rocky, and Katherine were standing side by side around the Viewing Globe, looking at an image of Kimberly. Kim's full body was visible, and she was wearing her pink Ninjetti priestess leotard, complete with pearly wings and glittering tiara. Behind her was Dulcea and Renee Ryan, both wearing their uniforms.

^Hey guys,^

said Kim cheerily, ^What's up? Did you defeat that lip monster?^

"Piece of cake," said Rocky, "Labius is finished, and the lips were restored to the Mona Lisa unharmed. Everything's going great here."

^That's good,^

said Renee, ^We're in Syren's bedchamber, using her magic mirror to contact you guys.^


said Kimberly, ^Everything's fine. We managed to save the descendants, as well as free the Venusians in the dungeon. Together, we defeated Syren and retook Venus Island. Renee managed to cast a really powerful spell, canceling out the blocking spell Lord Zedd had placed around the isle to keep it masked from the Power Chamber.^

Renee shrugged modestly. ^Just doing my job, Princess.^

"Princess?" asked Rocky in surprise.


said Dulcea, stepping forward, ^Kimberly is of the bloodline of Naya, and she was our queen. Since Naya is dead, one of her descendants must take the throne. Kimberly is the only one of the tribe of Naya still living to have enough potential to summon the full power of a Venusian. This is most likely because she was exposed to the Great Power at a young age.^

"So, when are you two coming back?" asked Tanya, "If you hurry, you should be able to make it in time for the Pan-Global individuals competition."

The smiles on Kim and Renee's faces fell. Kim looked up at her friends, with a serious expression.

^I...we... we're not coming back, Tanya,^

she said quietly, ^Renee and I have decided to stay on Venus Island. For good.^

Chapter Thirty

The Power Chamber was silent. On the Viewing Globe, Kimberly Anne Hart, the former Pink Ranger and now Venusian Princess, has just announced that she would remain on Venus Island forever. The first person to regain his voice is Tommy, although he could feel his throat closing up.

"Why?" he managed to choke out.

^Well, Duclea said it herself. I'm a princess of Venus Island, and I'm the only one with the power potential equal to a full blooded Venusian. Plus, I'm the one who defeated Syren in one-to-one combat. The throne is my right, as well as my responsibility. I must stay and rule Venus Island as Queen.^

"Why can't Dulcea be queen?" Tommy asked desperately, "I mean, she's a full blooded Venusian, and she's Naya's sister!"

^I cannot stay on Venus Island permanently, Tommy,^

said Dulcea, ^I must return to Phaedos soon, and continue protecting the Great Power with Ninjor. I am the guardian of the Power, not a queen. Kimberly is the only candidate for the throne.^

"But, you don't know the first thing about being a queen!" said Rocky, "What're ya gonna do?"

^Dulcea has agreed to stay for as long as she can, training me in fighting, governing, as well as the observances and culture of Venus,^

said Kimberly, ^It's my duty.^

"You know we'll really miss you, Kim," said Katherine quietly. Kim's eyes shone with unshed tears, and she smiled wanely at her friends.

^What're ya talking about, Kat! It's not like I'm dying or something! I'll be here on Venus Island, and you can contact me whenever you need backup. Me and Renee will be there at a moment's notice, along with as many of my Venusian warriors you may need! Besides, I'd like you guys to come visit me. Soon.^

"You got it, Kim," said Jason, "But what about the other descendants? Are they all staying with you?"

^Not permanently,^

said Renee, ^We were planning on having a victory celebration in a couple of days, after we get this place cleaned up and organize the festivities. Kim'll be officially crowned then. Caroline Hart and the others all

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