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Book online «Star Rider and Bonds of Love: A Sci-Fi Space Opera with a Touch of Fantasy Heidi Skarie (fox in socks read aloud .TXT) 📖». Author Heidi Skarie

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Are you feeling all right? How’s the baby?”

“We’re both fine. Najetta andSuntaka stayed with me the whole time. How are you?”

“It’s been quite a night, butwe’re all right now. Michio, Toemeka and Baymond are with me. We’llbe there soon.”

“I’ve named her Fawniteenafter her grandmother.”

He nodded. “Fawn’s a goodname. I can hardly wait to meet my daughter. I love you.”

“I love you, too.” He clickedoff the communicator.

“Congratulations!” Toemekasaid. “I see you’ve already shortened the baby’s name.”

“I wish I’d been there,”Erling said, looking crestfallen.

“None of this would’vehappened if I guarded you better,” Captain Zachary said.

“It wasn’t your fault,”Erling said. “Let’s get going.”

“Master Bakka is on his way toJaipar to perform the consecration ceremony,” Zac said.

They all left the cabin to greetPrincess Fawniteen, the new heir to Jaipar.



Several months later, Toemekaplaced Baymond in his crib and kissed the sleeping child on hischeek, grateful to be with him again. She quietly shut the door andwalked into Michio’s office. “How’s the writing going?” sheasked.

“Very well,” he replied, notlooking up. He typed a few more lines before swiveling around in hischair to face her. “The book is finished.”

“Will it be ready for theseminar?”

“Yes, I’m on schedule. It’simportant for the message of the Secret Teachings get into the world.When people learn the truth about themselves as immortal beings andthe Inner Worlds, they’ll be able to see through Samrat Condor’sillusions. They’ll know he’s a sorcerer, not a god.” He glancedat the door. “Is Baymond asleep?”

“Yes, I just put him down.”

“Good, because there’s aplace I want to take you in the Inner Worlds. Please sit down.”

She sat on a chair facing him.

“Meet me in the Moon Worlds.”

Toemeka closed her eyes, focusingwithin until she heard a humming sound. She slipped out of her body,moving toward the Sound and put her attention on her destination. Inthe next moment she was standing in a field. Overhead an enormousorange planet glowed. Michio was waiting and took her hand. She felta sensation of movement through a starlit sky, then they stoppedunder a weeping willow tree on the shore of a river.

Master Bakka appeared beside thema moment later in a brilliant body of Light. Flute music filled theair and flowers danced in the wind along the riverbank.

Joy filled Toemeka. She gazed atMichio and her love for him expanded to include all living things.She saw everything as part of the Ocean of Love.

Master Bakka spoketelepathically. “It’s time for Michio to take up his new role asthe head of the Adepts of the Eagle. Borko is a free planet and theSecret Teachings can be taught openly once more. The planet is readyfor a teacher who will live among the people and travel to spread themessage of God’s unconditional love to those who are ready.

“Michio, you have been trainedto be a Master of the Eagle for many lifetimes. You passed all thetests and are now ready to step into the position. I will announceyou as the new leader of the Secret Teachings at the upcomingseminar. Part of your responsibility will be to write books on theSecret Teaching to establish a strong foothold in the physical world.

“The threat from Samrat Condorstill exists. Queen Koriann and Prince Erling’s role is to keep theplanet united and impenetrable to further attacks.

“You and Toemeka have gainedliberation from the lower worlds. Together you are able to balanceone another’s natures and have experiences neither of you couldhave alone.

“Michio, with Toemeka’s helpyou’ve learned more about human love and emotions. It’s served tobalance your other qualities and you’ve grown in wisdom andcompassion. In turn, you’ve helped Toemeka learn about divine loveand helped her grow toward her full potential spiritually. Theexperiences you’ve both gone through have tempered you, even as asword is tempered to make it strong.

“Your love for one another hashelped you both pass the many tests you’ve gone through. It’slove that has freed you from the dark forces of evil and kept you onthe path to God. Love is the greatest force in the universe and themost important quality of God.”

“I don’t feel worthy of thisposition,” Michio said.

“You would not be chosen if youweren’t ready.”

Toemeka turned to Michio. “Iwill be at your side and help you in any way I can.” Michio lookedat her with love shining from his eyes. She reflected back his love,knowing her life was blessed.


On the first evening of theseminar, Erling and Koriann went to Michio and Toemeka’s suite atthe hotel. Koriann carried her infant daughter, Princess Fawniteen,in her arms. Erling felt honored to be asked to a private meetingwith the new Master. He was still getting over his surprise thatMichio was the new leader of the Secret Teachings of Light and Sound.Michio was a good speaker and had given an uplifting talk laced withstories and humor.

Koriann knocked on the door andToemeka let them in. Zac and Onolyn were already present, sitting ona couch. Toemeka embraced Koriann and Erling and escorted them intothe room. Michio stood and greeted them warmly.

“Michio,” Koriann said. “Youkept your secret well. I had no idea you were training to be theMaster.”

“It wasn’t something to beopenly discussed,” Michio said as they all sat down. “Besides,there was always the chance I wouldn’t pass the final tests.”

Koriann shook her head. “Thatwasn’t likely. You were already an Ahimsa warrior.”

“I suppose you’ll be so busynow that you won’t have much time for your old friends,” Erlingsaid.

“That will never be true,”Michio replied. “I’ll always have time for my friends.”

Michio looked at Zac and cockedan eyebrow. “So how much longer are you going to put off theinevitable? Onolyn may grow tired of waiting.”

Zac turned red and looked atOnolyn, who sat next to him on the couch with Baymond in her arms.She beamed at him, her face glowing.

Erling chuckled. “I’m glad tosee you’re still fun to be around, Mich. I was hoping you wouldn’tend up so holy my coarse nature wouldn’t be able to take more thansmall doses of you.”

“Oh, that was taken care of.You didn’t think all the tests you went through were just thenegative force, did you? You had to be raised in consciousness enoughto help with my

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