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mission. You made the decision to assist with itbefore you were born into this lifetime. You’ve grown much strongerin the last year.”

Erling felt uncomfortable withthe compliment, until Michio kiddingly added, “I can almost standto be around you for long periods of time now.”

Toemeka burst out laughing. “Ithink your teasing finally caught up with you, Erling,” she saidmerrily. She put her hand over her mouth to cover a yawn. “It’sbeen a long day and I’ll be up during the night with Baymond, soI’d better get to bed. This is only the first night of theseminar.” She stood and the others did the same.

Onolyn handed Baymond to Toemeka,then she and Zac said goodnight and left. Fawniteen had fallen asleepin Koriann’s arms. Michio looked at the infant. “She’s abeautiful princess.” The baby didn’t stir as Michio kissed hercheek.

Koriann looked lovingly down ather baby. “Wake up and meet the new Master.”

“Let her sleep,” Michio said.“She’s already meeting me in the Inner Worlds.”

Koriann and Michio embraced, thenErling said, “Thank you for inviting us to your room. I’ll dowhatever I can to serve you and your mission.”

Michio looked at him withluminous, piercing eyes and Erling felt a powerful flow of energy.Light and Sound wash over him like ocean waves. Around Michio was abluish-white light that spread out and filled the room. As Erlingcontinued to gaze into Michio’s eyes, he was drawn into theinvisible worlds. He saw all the past Masters in an unbroken chainthroughout time. Michio’s eyes contained all of mankind: an infantnew to the world, a child at play, a woman at work and an old man atthe end of his life.

Before him appeared a vision ofan Eagle flying over the mountains, a lion hunting for food, a tajirracing across fields. The whole universe was contained in his eyes:new stars burning in space, trees growing into forests and volcanoeserupting in vast oceans to form land.

Time and space collapsed andErling was in a swirling vortex of infinite knowledge, wisdom andlove. He saw in Michio’s eyes the howling wind, the lightning andthunder, the radiant sun, the moon and stars at night.

In that instant, Erlingunderstood the difference between Michio, his friend, and Michio theEagle-Eyed Adept. He saw Michio as the true Master and Godman thathe’d become.

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The story reveals the excitingevents that led up to Toemeka joining the Coalition and becoming anundercover operative.

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Many people help with the birthof a novel. I gratefully acknowledge all who have been a part of myjourney, especially my husband, Jim, for his encouragement andsupport.

I want to thank my critiquepartners—Stanley Trollip, Gary Bush and Barbara Deese—whosecomments and suggestions have made this work a stronger novel. I’dalso like to give thanks to family and friends who have supported meon my journey as a writer.

Lastly, appreciation goes toColeen Rehm, my editor, for her professional editing and support, andto 100 Covers for the compelling book cover design.

About the Author

Heidi Skarie loves writing andmaking up stories. She especially enjoys writing science fiction andfantasy because it allows for creativity, imagination and freedom ofideas. All inventions come from a feeling or dream of possibilitiesthat can later manifest like computers, cell phones, zoom calls, andself-driving cars. She vividly remembers the amazing day when mantook his first step on the moon and the possibility of space travelbecame a reality.

Heidi Skarie also enjoys writinghistorical fiction because it’s an intimate look into the past. Weunderstand more about ourselves today by experiencing another timethrough story characters. We learn about their culture, ideas andspiritual beliefs.

As well as being the author ofhistorical fiction and science fiction, Skarie is also the author offiction and nonfiction stories in several anthologies.

Skarie teaches classes on writingand has spoken on podcasts, radio and television.

She lives in Minnetonka, MN withher husband, Jim, and their cat, Lucky. To find out more about herjourney as a writer visit her website and blog atwww.bluestarvisions.com.

Novels by Heidi Skarie:

Star Rider on the Razor’sEdge

Star Rider and the GoldenThreads

Annoure and the Dragon Ships

Red Willow’s Quest

Anthologies Heidi Skarie’s workis in:

Romancing the Lakes ofMinnesota, Valentine’s Day

You Can Never Go Wrong byBeing Kind: 101 Inspirational Stories of Kindness & Generosity

Where Rivers Converge: Prose &Poetry of Carver County Writers

Conscious Women ConsciousRelationships: True Stories of Wisdom & Awareness on the Path ofRelationships

Thank you for reading StarRider and Bonds of Love. If you enjoyed it, please leave areview on Amazon to help me get the word out to other readers.


By Heidi Skarie

Setting: Seventeen years afterStarRider and Bonds of Love

Baymond rose to his feet andfaced the elder, grimly aware that his fate was in this man’shands. The others in the council room also stood: the robed councilmembers, the Deutzian guards in their coarsely-woven tunics, thewitness who had testified against him, and the Samrat officerimpeccably dressed in a gray uniform. The elder turneduncompassionate eyes to Baymond and began to speak in theinterplanetary language, his words difficult to understand because ofhis heavy accent. “Baymond Michio Kimes, the council hasdetermined that you are a Coalition spy. You are to be put to deathat dawn five days hence.”

“No!” exclaimed Baymond as achill of dread shot through him. “I’m not a spy—just a pilot! My ship was shot down. I was trying to find a way back to my unit.”

“Silence! We have heard yourtestimony,” replied the elder. “Take him away.”

“I’m more valuable alive—theCoalition will exchange one of your soldiers for me.”

The elder’s face darkened. “You are a demon dropped from the sky. You are killing our peopleand destroying our land.”

“They are the ones who arekilling your people and destroying your land!” said Baymondpointing at the Samrat officer. “The Coalition space fleet camehere to help your people.”

“The Samrat officer is aservant of the god, Samrat Condor. I won’t allow you to speakblasphemy.” The elder turned to the guards. “Take him from

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