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place. “Michio’s gone as well.”

Onolyn’s image appeared on thescreen. “We think Nyla is really Seetva.”

Toemeka’s stomach flipped. “Iwas wondering that myself. If not Seetva, then another powerfulwitch. She psychically attacked and drugged me. But how can Seetvaappear as Nyla?”

“Seetva’s a shape-shifter,”Zac said. “Where do you think Michio and Erling are?”

Toemeka sank onto a chair.“Seetva and Cadmus are near. I feel their energy. They must’vecombined their powers to entice Michio.” She tuned into Michiowhile silently chanting Shonu. When she saw a vision of him, shebegan breathing in short, irregular gasps. “He’s in the mountainsclose by… they’re attacking him. King Zanton Duborginact as wellas Cadmus and Seetva. Come quickly with soldiers.”

“We’ll set out immediately,”Zac said. “You’d better come to the palace. You’re not safethere.”

“I’m going to find Michio.”

“No!” Onolyn exclaimed. “GetBaymond to safety first.”

“There’s no time. I’ll beon the mountain.” Toemeka turned off her watch communicator and setthe baby down to put on a jacket. The communicator rang. She ignoredit, knowing it was Zac or Onolyn. She placed the baby in his carrierand swung it on her shoulders.

She paused, noticing the sheatheddeath sword of King Zanton, She might need. Fastening the sheathedsword to her gun belt, she left the house. Outside, she lit theglobelight and headed into the woods, letting her inner linkup withMichio guide her. Toemeka kept up a fast pace, despite the addedweight of the baby and still being in a weakened state from beingdrugged.

She hadn’t gone far when shefelt Michio’s agony — a deep piercing in his heart. “Michio!”she screamed, breaking into a run.


The Trap

Borko’s double moons bathed themountain valley in soft light. Michio wondered if this valley wouldbe the last thing he’d see in this world. A powerful psychic spearpenetrated the shield of Light surrounding him and pierced his heart.He sank to his knees. Seetva, Zanton and Cadmus circled him,continuing their psychic attacks and he felt his life force ebbingaway. Michio slid free of his pain-ridden body. It would be easy todie; worlds of beauty awaited him. He turned toward the Light and adeep inner peace filled him. He paused before completely separatingfrom his physical body. Deep sorrow washed over him at the thought ofleaving Toemeka and Baymond. He also regretted not fulfilling hislife’s mission.

Something tugged at the edge ofhis consciousness. Tuning in, he sensed Toemeka nearby. He lookedthrough the translucent veil that was already forming between him andhis dying physical body. Toemeka burst out of the woods, death swordflashing in her hand and Baymond on her back.

Michio returned to hispain-ridden body and staggered to his feet. “Toemeka, go back!”he yelled. Inwardly he tuned into the Eternal Life Stream. He felt arush of power energizing him and visualized his enemy’s spearsdissolving, unable to harm him. The agony lifted and the shieldaround him grew strong and brilliant with Light. Toemeka’s love andstrength flowed out to him. Michio recognized another soul’s loveas well: he was surprised to realize it was Baymond’s.

In the supernatural worlds,Toemeka and Baymond held glittering swords of light that radiatedaround them. Baymond came not as an infant, but a full-grown man in arobe of light. The strength and intensity of positive force comingfrom his son astonished Michio.

Toemeka and Baymond fought theirway through the circle of dark magic to Michio’s side. He felt acushion of love all around him and his bruised inner body began toheal. As he was strengthened, the spells began to recede.

In the physical world, Cadmus andZanton drew death swords and attacked Michio. He was too weak to stopthem and his shield began to fade. Toemeka ran toward him yelling,“Here, take this!” She threw the death sword. He caught it by thehandle in midair and swept it toward Zanton, blocking his blade.

“Get out of here, Toemeka,”Michio yelled. “Go back.”

She drew her blaster and fired itin the air. “Drop your weapons!” she yelled. Cadmus and Zantondrew back, but Seetva hurled an arrow of psychic energy. It hitToemeka’s hand and she dropped the blaster. Toemeka strengthenedher Light shield to protect herself and the baby as Seetva raised herhands in the air, gathering dark power.

Cadmus and Zanton renewed theirsword attack on Michio. “Run, Toemeka!” Michio yelled.

As she turned to flee into thewoods, Zanton swept his death sword toward her. Both Michio andCadmus saw the movement and swung their swords toward Zanton’s.Sparks flew as three swords clashed together.

“Harm her, Zanton, and I’llkill you!” Cadmus yelled.

All three men drew back. Toemekatore toward the dark woods, but before she could reach it, the groundbefore her burst into flames. She stumbled to a stop as the babywailed in terror.

Seetva laughed a shrill,hate-filled laugh. “Michio, see what Toemeka’s love for you hasdone. It’s drawn her to her death.”

“Don’t touch her, Seetva!”Cadmus said, his voice filled with hatred. “She’s mine.”

“Did you really think I wouldlet her live?” Seetva sneered. “Her power over you is toostrong.”

“She would never use darkpowers to control me. She’ll be a great enchantress someday.”

“You’ll never succeed inturning her into a enchantress. I say she dies.” Power sizzledaround Seetva.

Zanton thrust his sword atMichio, preventing him from rushing to Toemeka and Baymond’s aid.Michio parried the blow and the two swords clashed together. Cadmusthrew a spear of dark power at Seetva and she blocked it with aspell.


The fire that blocked Toemekaspread quickly, forming a flaming circle around her and the baby.With Seetva’s attention on the fight with Cadmus, Toemeka seizedthe moment to break free. She tore through the supernatural ring offire. It heated her face and bit into her skin, but she kept running.Within moments, she was through it and reached the woods.

Wherewas Zac? Why wasn’t he here yet?She shone the globelight on the ground ahead of her as she wovethrough the trees, afraid Seetva would come after her.

In the astral world she andBaymond continued to battle alongside Michio, and Toemeka realizedthe physical world reflected this inner battle. Toemeka tripped overa root and fell onto her hands and knees. The glass of the globelightshattered, leaving her in darkness under a canopy of trees wherelittle moonlight penetrated.

She scrambled to her feet,terrified they would kill Michio before Zac arrived. Baymond’scrying

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