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Book online «Star Rider and Bonds of Love: A Sci-Fi Space Opera with a Touch of Fantasy Heidi Skarie (fox in socks read aloud .TXT) 📖». Author Heidi Skarie

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Erlingsaid. “Surrender.”

Zanton’s eyes narrowed intoslits and negative power gathered around him.

“Use magic and you’ll have meto deal with,” Michio yelled over the wind.

Zanton looked from Michio toErling, his expression livid with rage.

Erling lifted his sword towardZanton. “Surrender or die!”

Zanton raised his hands in theair, apprehension mirrored in his eyes.

“This time you won’t remainKing of Hakluyt,” Erling said. “You’ll spend the rest of yourlife in prison.”

The fight over, Michio glancedaround uneasily. The way the rainwater cascaded down the rock walls,he knew the water in the gorge would keep rising. They needed a wayto get out of the narrow canyon. He spotted an incline nearby wherethey could climb up and pointed to it. “Take Zanton to the top.I’ll get Toemeka and the baby and join you.” When he started backthe way he’d come, he found himself walking against the rushingwater. Staring through the heavy downpour, he spotted Toemeka,sitting under a rock overhang, near where he’d left her.

Naturallyshe kept her promise this time, hethought with alarm, whenshe and Baymond were in danger of being swept away by the risingwater.He shouted her name, but his voice was drowned out by a loud clap ofthunder that sounded like gunfire right next to him. He redoubled hisefforts to fight his way through the water toward them.

Finally, she spotted him andstood up with Baymond clutched to her chest. She started toward himthrough water that was up to her knees. . Michio almost reached herwhen he heard a roar. Behind Toemeka a wall of water hurtled down thegorge.

Toemeka heard it too and startedrunning. She tripped and she fell in the water with the baby. Michiograbbed her as she swept by, pulling her and Baymond out of thewater.

“Look! A ledge!” he shoutedto be heard above the roar of the water. He kept a hand on her upperarm as they pushed their way through the rising water. They finallyreached the ledge. Michio boosted Toemeka onto the ledge. Sheswitched the baby to her left arm and reached out to him with heruninjured hand. “Grab on!” she screamed.

Just then, the wall of water hithim and he was swept down the gorge. He went under and swam back tothe surface, gasping for breath. As he approached where he’d leftErling and Zanton, he saw Erling on higher ground, holding out abranch.

Michio grabbed it as he came by.The thundering river tried to pull the branch from Erling’s hands,but he managed to pull Michio toward the bank. Michio found afoothold in the rocks and started ascending the gorge wall.Torrential water poured down and it felt like he was crawling up awaterfall. Michio found another handhold in the slippery rocks andtook another step upward. His arms and legs ached with the effort ashis right foot searched for another indent in the rocks. He found oneand rested a moment before continuing his climb. Finally he was ableto grasp Erling’s hand and was pulled onto the ledge. Spent, Michiopanted for breath, grateful to be alive.

“Can you see Toemeka?” Michioasked.

Erling craned his neck to lookdown the river. “She and the baby are still on the ledge.”

Michio shifted position so hecould see her. He waved, hoping she could see him and would know hewas all right. Returning his attention to Erling, he asked, “Where’sZanton?”

Erling pointed to the top of thegorge. “Up there. I knocked him out with the sword hilt.”

Winded from his wild ride downthe river, Michio followed Erling up the rocky wall, battling thepounding rain as he climbed. At the top, Michio scanned the mountainfor Zanton.

“Hell, he’s gone,” Erlingsaid. “We’ll have to go after him once Toemeka and the baby aresafe.” They ran along the gorge edge until they spotted Toemeka andthe baby seven feet below them. The river rushed by, carrying brokenbranches and other debris, barely inches from the top of the ledgewhere she stood.

Michio lowered himself over theedge and let go, dropping onto the ledge. Toemeka rushed over to himwith the baby. She was soaking wet from the rain and her hair hadcome loose and hung in clumps around her shoulders.

“I thought you drowned,” shecried.

“Erling rescued me. We need toget you and Baymond off the ledge.”

Erling called down to them. “Handthe baby up to me.” Erling lay down and reached over the edge ofthe gorge. Michio took Baymond from Toemeka and held him up highenough for Erling to reach him. “I’ll set him down, then helpToemeka.” Erling disappeared from view, returning a few minuteslater. Michio hoisted Toemeka so Erling could grab her hands and pullher onto the ledge beside him.

The rain had slowed to a drizzle,but the river was rising over the top of the ledge and Michio knew hedidn’t have much time. He jumped up and grabbed the ledge edge. Itcrumbled under his hands and he fell back down.

“Erling, can you give me ahand?” he shouted, wondering why neither Erling nor Toemeka hadreappeared.


Toemeka lifted Baymond off theground right as Zanton stepped into view. She gasped and took a stepbackward.

“Erling!” she exclaimed.“Zanton’s here.”

Erling spun around to faceZanton.

Toemeka felt negative energygathering around the sorcerer. She focused within and visualized ashield of Light surrounding her, Baymond and Erling. She was aware ofBaymond as a higher spiritual being, strengthening the shield.

Zanton raised his hands in theair. “Samrat Condor, God of Darkness, I serve only you. Give mepower to defeat your enemies.” He hurled spears of psychic energyat them. They hit the shield of Light and dissipated. Zanton beganchanting in some unknown tongue. A black cloud of swirling energyformed and began to take the shape of a large monster. It stood morethan twenty feet high and had three fanged heads and a large tail.The wraithlike shape pulsed with energy as it advanced toward them.

Toemeka clutched the baby andcontinued to fill herself with positive energy.

Erling drew his death sword andstepped forward to meet the beast. The creature ripped it fromErling’s hand, then grabbed him and flung him to the ground. Erlinglay there, stunned, as the creature turned on Toemeka.

“We’re children of the Lightand Sound,” Toemeka said. “The negative power can’t hurt us.”She visualized an impenetrable shield of Light, knowing no psychicpower could harm

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