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to the lounge.

Toemeka lay back exhausted,surprised that such a small amount of exertion left her so tired. Shehadn’t realized how weak she still was. She picked up an electronictablet that Amaretta brought and began searching the Internet foranything she could find about Devil’s Eye.

Before long Cadmus returned tothe room. He paused when he saw her in the lounge.

“It’s good to see you up.”His eyes traveled down her body, making her skin crawl. “That dressshows off your figure nicely, but I haven’t forgotten to be leeryof you. You’re an undercover operative, trained to lie and deceivepeople. Samrat Condor put a price on your head for your role inoverthrowing his servant, General Bhandar. If he finds out I’vecaptured you, he’ll order your death.”

Toemeka shivered. So, her pastactions hadgainedSamrat Condor’s attention. Loathing rose within her — SamratCondor was responsible for killing her family and destroying thevillage where she grew up.

Cadmus sat on the edge of thechaise lounge. “I don’t want you dead, but I wouldn’t mindseeing Erling Fenian in his grave. He tried to kill me.” He pulledup the edge of his shirt and revealed an ugly purple scar on hischest. “The knife was deflected by a rib bone and I survived. Iplan to take vengeance on Fenian. His days are numbered. As for you,you walk a fine line. I may decide I’d enjoy seeing you executedmore than having you for a mistress.”

Toemeka felt the color drain fromher face, realizing Cadmus’ obsession with her was partly based ona desire for revenge.

“As I’ve said before, Isuggest you work on trying to please me.” He reached out andtwisted a lock of her hair between two fingers.

She restrained herself frompulling away. “Did you check with Seetva? Was she the one druggingmy food?”

“Yes, she thought it was a goodway to control you. I warned her not to do it again.” His eyeslowered to her breasts.

“I’ve been reading about themilitary on Devil’s Eye,” she said, hoping to divert hisattention.

“Where did you get a tablet?”

“I asked Amaretta to bring meone. I find it interesting that Henotaux is run by criminals whounited in order to defend themselves. It’s a haven for manydangerous outlaws.”

Cadmus nodded. “The domed citywas built by a few men who’d made a fortune illegally sellingweapons, among other things. They needed a safe place to run theirbusiness. Over the years the city expanded and other ambitious menjoined them.”

“Henotaux must have a strongmilitary to protect thems from their enemies,” Toemeka said,probing further. She wanted to find out as much as she could aboutthe domed city in order to form an escape plan.

He freely answered all herquestions, letting her know in no uncertain terms that she wastrapped with no way to get off Devil’s Eye.

“It’s getting late,” hesaid at last. “You should rest. But first a good-night kiss.” Hegrasped her wrists and pinned them over her head, then kissed her onthe lips, forcing his large tongue inside. She tried to squirm away,but her injured ribs seared with pain when she moved. She held still,hardly breathing as his lips traveled down her neck. Finally, Cadmusraised his head and his eyes locked onto hers.

“I could take you by force.You’re not strong enough to put up any resistance.” His eyessoftened. “But for tonight I only wish for you to get used to mytouch. The doctor said you are still recovering from fractured ribs.”

He left the room and she beganshaking. Michio,please find me. I’m running out of time.She sang HU, a love song to God, and filled her heart with love bythinking of Michio and their baby. As she did, her consciousnessbegin to shift into a higher state and she grew calmer and lessfrightened.


Michio and Erling searched forToemeka for over a week with little success. They’d followed everyscrap of information they could turn up about Cadmus’ whereabouts,but it all led to dead ends. Their last clue had led to a distantplanet only to find no trace of him. Cadmus was there four months agoand no one had seen him since or had any idea where he’d gone.

Michio and Erling sat in thecockpit of the Blue Lady, trying to decide where to go next.

“We haven’t got much to showfor our efforts,” Michio said. “All we’ve discovered is thatCadmus works for Samrat Condor — which we already knew — and hebecame quite wealthy from illegal smuggling.”

“So where do we go from here?”Erling asked, sounding as discouraged as Michio felt.

Unable to hide his grief, Michiosank back in his chair. “I don’t know. I just don’t know.Usually my linkup with Toemeka is strong, but for the first few daysafter her abduction I couldn’t sense her at all. Since then I’veonly felt her fear and despair. I can’t say it surprises me. Shemust be devastated after being ripped away from me and our baby.”

“Why do you think Cadmus tookher? Do you think he plans to use her as a political pawn? He knowsshe and I are close from when we both worked at the MilitaryDevelopment Center. Or do you think he plans to ransom her?”

Michio shook his head. “Hehasn’t asked for money. It could be for political reasons, but morelikely he kidnapped her for personal ones. When she worked for him,Cadmus was attracted to her and wanted her for his mistress. Heattacked Toemeka at the testing lab the last day she was there.Fortunately, a female co-worker interrupted and she escaped, but shewas pretty shaken up afterwards.”

“Toemeka never told me that. Ishould’ve ordered her to go underground. I knew Cadmus’ interestin her made her job precarious.”

“She couldn’t go undergroundand continue to develop the oscillator,” Michio said. “She wasdedicated to the mission.”

Erling stared pensively out thewindow. “Field operatives are trained to take risks.”

“I know, but she’s not afield operative anymore. She’s a young mother with a new baby.”

“A mother with a past,”Erling said. “She deceived Cadmus and I tried to kill him. He’sbound to want revenge on both of us. Moreover, Samrat Condor probablyblames him for mishandling things on Jaipar, which led to the countrywinning its freedom.”

“I hate to think of her inCadmus’ hands and the trauma she’s going through. I

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