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feel sopowerless and impotent.”

“Our only chance of findingToemeka is through your inner communication with her. We’veexhausted all other methods. You must rebalance spiritually, if notfor yourself, then for her. You’re capable of rising above youremotions. Your inner strength comes from the Eternal Life Stream; youmust look to it for inner guidance and strength.”

Michio leaned back in his chair.“You’re right; I need to remain open so if Toemeka contacts me,I’ll hear her.”

“She’ll reach out to yousooner or later. Cadmus may be able to get the upper hand for awhile,but she’s a lot tougher than you’ve ever given her credit for. Inthe seven years Toemeka and I were in the Coalition, she proved timeand again that she’s intelligent, resourceful and independent.She’s trained to handle difficult situations. I don’t thinkCadmus will be able to keep her. Sooner or later she’ll escape and,when she does, we’ll be waiting.”

“But the baby is onlysix-weeks-old and Toemeka hasn’t had time to fully recover. Ipromised to take care of her and Baymond and now this happened. I’vefailed her.”

“You can’t blame yourself,”Erling said. “There was no way of knowing Cadmus was alive andwould come after her.”

“I should’ve suspected he wasalive when she dreamt of him chasing her. This is my fault. Ishouldn’t have left her and Baymond alone. We should’ve lived atthe palace, instead of in the country where we were more vulnerable.”

“Toemeka wanted a home in themountains, like she had as a child. You gave up your former life tomake her happy. You did it out of love.” Erling put his hand onMichio’s arm and added. “I’m not going through what you are,but I do share your pain. I’ve known Toemeka for eight years and Icare about her deeply. We were partners and have a strong bond.”

“I know how much you care abouther. You walked away from your duties as prince of Jaipar and head ofthe planet’s military at a moment’s notice. Thank you forlistening to my ravings. I feel better after talking to you. Let’shead home. I want to see my son and I’m sure you want to seeKoriann.”

“Good idea.” Erling startedthe engines and they took off.

Once they were on their way,Michio unfastened his seatbelt. “I’m going to my cabin. Contactme when you want me to take over.”

Erling looked at Michio withconcern. “I know you’re going through hell, but try and be easyon yourself. You didn’t fail Toemeka. Let go of your anger andfocus on your love for her, so you can reach her inwardly. Trust thatwe’ll find her.”

“I’ll try.” Michio went tohis cabin and sat down at his desk. Erling was right. His heartneeded to be filled with love so Toemeka could reach him inwardly.His distress about her kidnapping wasn’t helping the situation.

He looked at his manuscript,knowing it had to be completed. It told of the personal experienceshe went through in his search for God, both in this world and in theInner Worlds. It described his adventures with the masters and thefears and weaknesses he’d overcome.

He found the book difficult towrite because esoteric experiences were hard to put into words. Attimes the writing flowed. At other times he knew he hadn’t caughtthe essence of all that needed to be said and struggled to find theright words. The writing had been a saving grace over the last week.During the many long hours of travel, he could take his mind off hisproblems and put his attention on the Eternal Life Stream. He put histhoughts and experiences into words to make the way easier for otherseekers of God. By sharing his life, he hoped to inspire others.

But todayhe couldn’t concentrate; his emotions were too turbulent. Hecleared his mind, breathed deeply a few times then chanted his SoulSong. He made a declaration as he always did when he started towrite. I’ma servant of God. Let Its love shine clearly through all that Iwrite.He opened himself to Master Bakka, the spiritual leader of the SecretTeachings. Letmy writing speak of higher truths for the good of the whole, hesaid inwardly.

He beganwriting. Webecome aware of our own spiritual strength by the caliber of ouradversaries. As we become stronger, so do the challenges to help usreach purification.

“You’re having difficultywriting today,” a pleasant male voice said.

Michio recognized the voicebelonged to one of his guides. He turned to see Master Jadockstanding nearby in a translucent body that gradually materialized. Hewas a small man with yellow skin, almond-shaped eyes and a long,neatly trimmed beard. He wore a white robe trimmed in gold and aturban. The sound of waves crashing into the shoreline and the sweetaroma of roses surrounded him.

Michio highly respected MasterJadock after studying under him at the School of Eagles. While there,he’d learned about love and power while furthering his training asan Ahimsa warrior. “The pain in my heart is great,” Michio said.

“Why have you allowed it to beso great?”

“What do you mean? I didn’tchoose to have my wife abducted.”

Master Jadock’s expressionremained serene. “True, but you can choose how you react to thesituation. You can rise above your pain and surrendered the situationto the Eternal Life Stream. What can you learn from this experience?”

Michio drew a calming breath andfocused inwardly. The answer came readily. “Through pain, we learncompassion.”

“So it’s a blessing.”

“All life is a spiritualexperience and everything that happens can be seen as a blessing,”Michio said reluctantly. He didn’t like the direction this wasgoing. Toemeka’s abduction wasn’t a blessing.

“Good. Contemplate on thoseideas.” Master Jadock began to fade.

“Wait! Can you help me findToemeka?”

“It is not my place tointerfere.”

“Can you at least tell me ifshe’s all right?”

“It depends on how you look atit. She’s getting the lessons she needs for her spiritual growth.They’re not easy lessons. It shouldn’t concern you.”

“Why shouldn’t it?”

“Her state of well-being is notyours. Your path lies clearly before you. If you and Toemeka go indifferent directions in this lifetime because of what Soul needs, itmust be accepted.”

“Why would we go in differentdirections?”

Master Jadock looked at him withcompassion. “If she can’t pass the tests and is pulled down, willyou allow yourself to be pulled down, too?”

Michio’s chest tightened. “Whattests? How can she be pulled down?”


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