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end will be no time sooner, so I’m writing you this. Create a good identity of yourself and don’t live by my name. And I am happy that you are doing what you wanted, and not polarized by something else. And the cure for Dermatoxia, yes, I have invented it. It is ready yet a couple of adjustments need to be done and you can do that, I have unreserved faith upon you. If possible, distribute them without cost to the society, the locations are given below. Do not trust and coincide with any contractual agreement with anyone at all.Before dying, all I want is atonement of my own sin. Its not a benevolent deed. Jade Viper should die and need not to be alive anymore. I love you two more than anything in this world and wish you success with whatever blessings I have left in me, a criminal.

There was an enclosure attached with the letter, including another white paper of handwritten formulaes and location marks. He contemplated upon them and couldn’t sleep the whole night.

The next move…

Location: Auburn, Alabama

Time: 2:06 pm

“Navan, is it really you? Where have you been all these years? You kept no contact with me after that accident and disappeared suddenly. You might hold that it was I to blame, about what happened that day, but believe me, I didn’t. Your dad was such a humble and generous man. Who would have done such ghastly murder? And what are you doing right now? This company is yours, son. Don’t let your Dad’s company collapse in the hands of an unfledged like me.”

“Mr. Kane I’ll tell you everything later, and I’m not here for trover of this company. You are worthy to ramp it up. but first we’ve to arrange for adequate security measures apart from police and bodyguards. I have premonitions that there will be attack today, here.”

“What are you talking about? From where you got the news? I appreciate your concern but special forces of Z plus security are taking care of me and my family 24/7. Adage is a multi-million-dollar company now and we have kept no flaws in our protections and contingency plans. This year we could reach the crescendo. If only your dad is alive, he could’ve cherished this success, but because of shortage of space and trade deficits, we have revamped our headquarters and 10 lakh employees are under our vertical, serving. No harm can reach to Adage now.”

“We won’t intervene in your process. But we have to indoctrinate such. Just spread the news among your officials that were here for additional safety measures.”

“Okay then, to keep your word only, I’m taking your initiative in consideration. But please meet me once the event is over. It feels good to see you again Navan.”

Navan’s instinct was telling him that the sabotage will take place today only, as per the phone call of the unidentifiable. The evil might show up, as this is totally a breakthrough to cure the world from the aftermath of the apocalypse, The Dermatoxia. All four of them worked tirelessly to assess the guest list of the event, Fulkan past business deals and blueprints of the headquarters architecture. Sidius himself took the risk to disguise himself as an employee and secretively retrieved the storeys of server, CCTV rooms, air vents and emergency exits, what is pertinent. Armun and Navan too had a conversation with NYPD about an extra hand in this, without mentioning else. Sam took time to take out the guest list and Kane’s assistants as the servers were in shutdown process once during a third party sneak. For this adequate support from COD was provided by Hudson and his teams.

Previously, Hudson was a bit sceptical about this assumption, but later because of Navans confidence and his true prediction about the previous mission made him herald this operation. That evening after the call they connected to Hudson about their plans. Sidius was off to COD the very next day and from there he started his infiltration operation.

“No hostages should get affected. And your objective is to capture the person not killing him in pursuit. Don’t get yourself identified like the previous time Navan, and all of you. The task of COD is to work furtively.”

One thing was bugging Navan continuously. Why the identity deviates from explosion and emerges on shooting Kane? And just after the vaccine was announced? Kane is involved in his mission and have betrayed him before? Or he was with Jade viper? Or the Adage Industry will be destroyed like Mumbai? Fortunately, Italy had not experienced much but was he up to blowing the EN TRASTE of Arezzo? Which was a couple of miles from the bridge. From the investigation of EU GRANOI hotel, a couple of ID cards, tabloids and a hand drawn map of the parking lot has been retrieved. One of the Big Cheese of technology and bleeding edge hovercars? How this errant is choosing companies out of the masses and destroying them? And for what purpose?

This was the plan of Jade Viper, for sure as from the disposed blueprint the radioactive explosions were mentioned. But there were no connections with those industries. 6 countries of the world have been marked with red cross to indicate, Greece, New York, Japan, India, Switzerland, and Italy. Now to start from a trace, all of these countries possess numerous companies and tech giants belong to Global manufacturing and contribution and flourishing rapidly, their businesses. No possible connections were found at all. Which among them have to suffer the same like Bhavishya group?

Two days ago, they have landed at Auburn, Alabama. Navan recalled his hometown, his childhood moments he spent here. Just at the opposite of Auburn university, his encomiastic puerile moments etched. Just some few hours’ drive from there lies the Adage Industries, found by Donnovan Gilman in the year 1999. Serving the vertical of pharmaceuticals and medical services, Adage immediately gained success in its first five years of inception. Enlisted in

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