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fortune 500 in 2016, Adage ensued its operation to all over the world via e-services of doctors and appointments. They launched an appbot called “Clickadage” through where consumers can order medicines delivered by drones and bots at doorstep, book appointments of doctor and that too comes with additional discounts offered. Hospitals and nursing homes were also supplied with A-droids, their personal healthcare assistants. The patients and the indisposed gets a thorough surveillance and medical care without any intervention of physical staffs. Also, they keep a supply record of each customers ordered medicines available at the stores in vicinity. Not as an aggregator, but a real time saver and effective measure was what Donnovan thought of.

Donnovan’s demise really shook the corporate world. Providing service selflessly for over 21 years was what is respectable and honoured. Fulkan Kane afterwards, was unable to retain the goodwill of the company. He started charging more than a minimum value from the expectations and that’s why the ratings of Clickadage dropped fast. To sustain some of its shares were sold and the company for the last 11 years running on debt. For this the amount present in the treasury of AFS (Adage For Society) were splurged. In 2028, Adage also promised a proximity alert of drones from Zombie hordes but later they had failed to incorporate it.

Shareholders started evading purchasing the company shares and they had no other option than to terminate the Clickadage project. Until this month, Adage rose to gossips and center of conversation as they have achieved the breakthrough of Dermatoxia. The future is just uncertain, and the premonitions cannot be averted. Still the Shine of Adage because of its past contributions to the society and the healthcare domain did not faded off, it stands high amongst the odds. Comprised of 180 storeys, the office has itself a droid operated hospital on 56th floor, 3 conference halls on 2nd ,48th and 60th floor, AFS (Adage For Society) foundation offices, solar panels and self-retaining electric towers are installed at rooftop. For a minuscule contribution towards carbon footprint, Adage forms, uses and runs on its own generated power.

EMP attacks could be inherent to shutdown the powers, and also auxiliary powers could be disrupted too. After thorough introspection of the Offices blueprints, Sidius found that the auxiliary powers run on analog control and it takes manual operation to reboot the power system. If theres any malfunction with the power supplies, measures will be carried out by officials present ordered by COD, working in unison with NYPD. Fire alarms and emergency shutdowns had also be revised and checked. Since 2 days before the event, Armun mapped every basements, emergency doors, parking lot, panic rooms and halls for unanticipated causes of incongruencies. Threats could come from anywhere, so Sam kept an eye on the activities of guests and cops, their records, professions, hotel boarding, flight data etc. 30 armed forces and 12 IT experts were sent from COD to assist the four. There is some informant in NYPD too, they’ve managed to get into their operative synergy along with other cops. The event will take place at the 2nd floor, from 12 am onwards and press will cover the story till 3 am. As this is a sole initiative of Adage and no government interventions are there, the security department arranged for the NYPD protections. Fulkan will be guarded by 4-armed Black cat bodyguards throughout the event.

The four were revising the mission plan once again the night before with the other members of COD. The forces of COD and NYPD with apt synergy mapped and monitored every intricate details.

“Since no protégé  of Jade Viper is at NY right now, it increases the chances of their head to be present tomorrow. Keep an eye on Fulkan continuously and do not let him escape from your sight. The washrooms are also protected, and sufficient measures been taken.” Sidius delegated.

“Whats your status about the proximity alert and CCTV, Sam?” Armun questioned.

“ I have set the optimal frequency of the analog radio controls to trigger the alarm if theres any anomaly. And I have started the recording of the footages of every camera from 6.30. Also, 8 additional micro drone cameras will be pointed to Fulkan from either direction tomorrow. If theres any interruption in his speech due to hostility, the drone cameras will mark the point of action automatically.”

Totally unexpected!

Location: Adage Industries

Time : 12:21pm

Greetings, ladies and Gentlemen from the Adage Industries, one who always stand by your health and personal care. The Past decade was horrific for us all. For our livelihood, for our existence for our mother earth. Disaster prevailed and a protracted bedlam persists to decimate humanity, for two consecutive times. We have lost our aspirations, our friends, families, acquaintances and what not, we forgot to share our weal and woes, unable to pursue our career choices. We got locked ourselves at home during the virus outbreak, protected ourselves from Zombies with arms which we have not expected at all to yield guns and bombs. Numerous assurances came to save the world, but no one kept promises. We had to get stoic and unleashed our grit in those situations, and showed that we can stand united, irrespective of all nations, when there’s a threat. We kept our wounded head raised high, our blood-drenched hand persistent and our will indomitable, and for that we owe you a token of our gratitude. First of all, I would like to extend my profuse thanks and homage to our scientists and doctors, who with an unwavering approach and sleepless nights, obliterating any respites with family, invented a cure for Dermatoxia. Though the apocalypse has not faded away completely, the society inflicted with Dermatoxia is still fresh, A large part is still affected. Warding off flies’ insects and mosquitoes are of no use as the carriers does not get killed by repellents or disinfectant sprays. The disease can spread through some other ways too like air conditioners and through dust particles. For

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