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Book online «The Viper's Successor Somsiddha Saha (latest books to read txt) 📖». Author Somsiddha Saha

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the past 3 years as per the consequences, symptoms of the disease has been dissected into three stages; psychedelic actions and behaviour in stage 1, internal bleeding in stage two and resulting into bursting of thoracic aorta followed by the rest in stage three. After successful human trials, today we are pleased to announce you that we are launching AD5, a cure for Dermatoxia. We are proud to announce you that OKAMI venture like the earlier times, is with us in this process and next month by our liaison and synergy they will start distribution on orders. Mr.Akatomi apologized for not being present today, as he has some important works to do.Next month he will himself inaugurate the launch at OKAMI. But like executions of Adage in the past decade, this will not be available in pharmaceuticals, nor it will be free of cost. Online bookings will be available for a single vial and our medical department will be at your doorsteps to prepare the injection and push in your veins. There will be no physical sales or transaction of this vaccine as the components required to produce is too costly and rare to produce a 50ml of it. One single vial will cost $41504 plus extra charges for the service provided. We believe in fortitude and Adage has always been by people’s side during their moments of diagonistics and contributes for a hale and hearty life. Thank you!

The city of Auburn is still safe and sound, and thousands of people with reporters and press coalesced in front of Adage. Maximum security and policemen are in duty to detain the commotion outside. Media and news reporters are constantly covering footages of the pandemonium. Navan with his team reached there by 8am, and from then they are keeping in touch with the guards on duty at every corners of the office including the neighbourhoods and buildings in proximity. Snipers are set on roof, rotating their muzzles constantly in suspicion. Till now 256 persons including reporters are present at the hall, with 18 employees and doctors with Fulkan Kane. He has decked on Kevlar suit inside his tuxedo, to avert bullet penetration.Two NYPD choppers are in action, surveying the building. Till now nobody got any signs of malfunctions and distress.

“Sidius, do you copy, what’s your position?” Navan had a microtransmitter attached in his ear.

“Over the southwest position of the hall. Keeping an eye on backdoor entries.”

“Sam, I need a Sit-rep. Anything you got?”

“Nothing sir. My drone cameras are active and is recording from above. You can look at them hiding over the chandelier.”

Navan and Armun are amidst the crowd and noticing every single activity of the reporters and invitees. Is the person behind the voice is present among them? Who could it be? That guy with the mic? Or that bald man sitting and looking irresolute? Is he present here? Today?

“Go and check out the snipers, everyone is holding the position or not” Navan whispered to Armun.

After the Speech delivered by Mr.Kane, there was a buzz among reporters. One of them stood up and said, “Congratulations for this breakthrough Mr.Kane. But speaking about carrying forward the legacy of Mr.Gilman, isn’t it possible to make the cure available for everyone? What made you took this decision?”

“Yes, of course we wanted to disseminate, but it is beyond our endeavours. One vial takes more than 2 months to produce and generate. Maybe in future hundreds of AD5 will produce in seconds but we are still backdated regarding time and technological constraints.”

“What’s your prospective about the future of this cure? How the common people will react against it? Will it be like Mordana’s successful ascension of same or like cancer pills,, miserably flunked in third world countries?” Another reporter questioned him.

“That will be hard to forebode. We are running the costing and marketing of this by our own. Questions are inevitable that why its so expensive, but I’m requesting you, look at our side too. If any arbitrator want to put funds in our project we will surely come in an contractual agreement. But I believe AD5 will retain its position to save people and will be free in near future.”

“Mr.Kane, for the past 8 years Adage is struggling to retain the market position and Goodwill. The ASF is also stopped its social works for the needful. What’s your take on those?”

“If only Mr.Gilman is alive, Adage could reach to space today. There are some intricacies we faced but in future questions will not be raised regarding these.” Fulkan gave a peremptory reply.

Navan felt a bit ecstatic that people still remembered his father after 12 years of his passing. People dies, but their oeuvres still create a sense of respect among the rest. The gratitude that the world is still conveying to his father is immense. Navan’s eyes were full of tears, but he holds himself strong and disposed among the public. The entire office including the hall is refurbished and Navan felt like he has not been here before. The colour, the ambience the glass doors, the interior decoration all were changed keeping the company name the same. He recalled how he used to come at this office holding his father’s hand and got awestrucked and stunned by observing this stupendous office and hallrooms. His father’s office was at the 174th floor, from there, Montgomery’s Civil rights memorial can be seen. As a kid his favourite spot was to experience the sunset over the horizon, sitting in front of the glass windows, during summer vacations. Yes his father was a workaholic, but his affection towards Navan didn’t lessened for a single moment. Inspite of innumerable projects and deadlines, he gave company to Navan, teaches him and took care of him.

He was overwhelmed in those moments for a couple of seconds. The sound of applaud broke his inattentiveness. Mr Fulkan took his seat on stage and the other officials with the Marketing manager started giving speech about the history of Adage, its journey till the invention

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