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Book online «The Viper's Successor Somsiddha Saha (latest books to read txt) 📖». Author Somsiddha Saha

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of AD5, uplifting the veil of the new brand. Fulkan’s face was gleaming with success. Navan surmised, for what reason, Fulkan’s life is in danger. Doesn’t the strider of Jade Vipers path want this AD5 to be launched successfully? Is he belonging to one of Fulkan’s friend, trying to dissuade the dissemination by killing him?

He was listening to the speech, all of a sudden the peeping sunrays over the hall from the glass shades and slanting roofs wiped off, hiding the sun. The entire audience observed that one of the two helicopters lost its control and is bumbling over the air. The hall bursted with panic and shuddering, yelp and yammering of the crowd. The chopper was not in control and wriggled continuously on mid-air.

“Sidius, Armun, what’s the matter?” Navan was flummoxed.

“Seems like they cannot retain the altitude! It could crash in any moment!”

He didn’t finish the sentence, the tail of the chopper shattered the glasses of the the halls slanted roof. It was swinging and swaying, trying to get still but couldn’t.

ALERT! ALERT! The emergency shutdown inside the hall got initiated. Panic striken, the crowd were thronging here and there. The evacuation process was started by the security team by then.

“Do not lose Mr.Fulkan!” Sidius yelled. He came running from the back of the Hall. Armun and Sam also reached over there. “We need to extract Mr.Fulkan out of here to a safe zone!”

Fulkan, the doctors and the officials of Adage on the dais were agitated. Armun called the COD in action to safely escort them out. NYPD securities also helped them. The hall was about to be barricaded with metal doors; Sam cried out in astonishment.

“Look out! Its crashlanding!” The chopper dashed into the hall destructing the emergency metal doors pulverizing the dias and flexes. It was already burning, and the fuel tank was about to burst.

“Need to save the pilot!” Navan took a dash. He was about 5m near the chopper, it explodes, with a smouldering fire extirpating the hall. Navan got flinged at a distance because of the blow. His legs controlled him from debilitating and pitched. Standing up, he found his arm got stabbed with a glass piece of the broken chandelier.

“Navan, come out from there!” Armun and Sam was still waiting for Navan at the exit. The entire audience with reporters were evacuated Fulkan is in safe hands with COD and NYPD.

“Get out of there now!” The hall got smoked with fumes and flames, and columns of fire were flourishing. Navan’s arms was wounded with blood spills. He ran to the exit towards Armun and Sam. “There’s a man got stuck in the elevator at the fifth floor!” Getting out in broad daylight, one of the officers yelled. Fulkan was safe inside a bullet proof van of NYPD. The armed forces are controlling the pandemonium and detaining the reporters.

“Anybody else is inside the office?” Navan questioned.

“No, everybody got whisked out, immediately before destruction. The offices are also closed today.”

Navan ripped off a piece from his shirt and tied strongly to his arm to stop the internal bleeding. “Sam, gimme the transmitter. mines got lost”. He spoke.

“Its too risky, Navan! The fire has reached to the third floor and firemen has not arrived yet! They are on their way!” Armun exclaimed.

Navan didn’t answer. Attaching the transmitter to his ear he hurled inside, running in the backdoor entry. Black smoke pervades the entire first and second floor, including the flames on stairs. “Armun, do you copy? I need eyes on the fifth floor.”

Armun, taking the tablet from Sam, directed “all the elevators got disrupted. You need to take the stairs on the north-east of first floor. From there, take the stairs on the left of green room, that will be a shortcut.

Navan jumped and evaded the fire columns, then grabbed a ledge and wall danced to the other side on the second floor. Doing a flip over the pit over broken debris, he putted his feet on the bumps of the ridges and somehow reached the fifth floor.

“I can’t read the exact location of the hostage, the heat signature is not working now. He is might be at the south end cubicle. Rescue and get out of there fast!”

Navan understood how impeccably his limbs work in inadvertent situations. Putting a bit effort, he can spring, jump and dash beyond potentials. Reaching at the cubicle corner at the south end, his eyes got on an employee of Adage under the table.

“Don’t come, were all gonna die. Its too late to get out!” He wept. The exits were all blocked with debris, theres no way out to extricate from this mess.

Navan groped him with his collar and said “Hold me tight, okay! Don’t let go of your grab!”

Navan kicked the glass window behind the table. Holding the man he said, “close your eyes!”He slithered out and slipped through the slanting shades and ridges, he landed on the ground. The hostage was panic-striken, he thanked Navan with shivering hands “T... thank you..u…mister!” Navan handed him to the medic team, reached there including firefighters. With continuous effort of dousing the fire, they have started their duty. “Wheres Sidius? Navan asked Armun. And where’s Mr. Fulkan’s Van?”

“They are on their way to keep him in protection. Sidius is with Fulkan. I have kept constant connection with the convoy, and our forces from COD is also with them on wheels.”

“I… I…don’t feel good, Sir.” Sam looked uncomfortable. “I …I cannot handle it…” without finishing his sentence, he blacked out on the ground. Navan beckoned to the Medic team to bring a stretcher. “Take him to the hospital. He needs medical assistance.” He told them. “Armun, go with them. Im following the convoy, I don’t feel safe about it.”

“No, im going with you too. You alone cannot assure your own safety.” Armun grubbed out the car keys from his pocket and indicated Navan to get in. He started the car and contacted the COD force. “Whats your location, right now? We’re on our

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