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Mar. 1965 (¼ Sagel-Grande,

Justiz und NS-Verbrechen, xx, no. 588).

48. Ibid.

49. Ogorreck, Einsatzgruppen, 116 ff., esp. p. 120.

50. Judgement of the Munich I District Court of 21 July 1961 (¼ Sagel-Grande, Justiz und

NS-Verbrechen, xvii, no. 519, pp. 672 ff.); judgement of the Kiel District Court of 8 Apr.

1964 (¼ Sagel-Grande, Justiz und NS-Verbrechen, xix, no. 567, pp. 790 ff.); ZSt, 202

AR-Z 81/59, vol. 1, charge of 19 Apr. 1960.

51. EM 32 (24 July 1941).

52. On the reconstruction of this event, see the judgement of the Cologne District

Court of 12 May 1964 (¼ Sagel-Grande, Justiz und NS-Verbrechen, xx, no. 573,

pp. 171 ff.).

53. ZSt, 208 AR-Z 203/59, C-vol. I, testimony of Bradfisch, 9 June 1958, pp. 2 ff.

54. Ibid.

55. For example in his interrogation on 20 Apr. 1966 (ZSt, 73/61, 6, pp. 1510 ff.). Bach-

Zelewski erroneously dated the meeting as 12 July 1941.

56. See KTB, chapter 3, 13.7 (YV, 053/88): ‘Appeal by Company Chief Lieutenant Colonel of the Protection Police Riebel (special jurisdiction, conduct towards Jews)’.

57. EM 21. See also the judgement of the Berlin District Court of 22 June 1962 (¼ Sagel-

Grande, Justiz und NS-Verbrechen, xviii, no. 540a) and the judgement of the Essen

District Court of 29 Mar. 1964 (¼ Sagel Grande, Justiz und NS-Verbrechen, xx, no. 588);

on the activities of Einsatzkommando 9 in Vilnius cf. Ogorreck, Einsatzgruppen, 125 ff.;

and Yitzhak Arad, Ghetto in Flames: The Destruction of the Jews in Vilna in the

Holocaust (Jerusalem, 1980), 66 ff.

Notes to pages 199–201


58. Judgement of the Berlin District Court of 22 June 1962 (¼ Sagel-Grande, Justiz und NSVerbrechen, xviii, no. 540a); ZSt, II 202 AR 72a/60, judgement of the Berlin District

Court of 6 May 1966.

59. 207 AR-Z 14/58, note on Einsatzkommando 3, 27 Sept. 1961, Correspondence File 6,

pp. 1151 ff.

60. EM 21 for 13 July 1941; ZSt, II 202 AR 72a/60, judgement of the Berlin District Court of 6

May 1966.

61. BAB, R 70 SU/32.

62. For the visits on 30 June and 9 July, see Brandt’s diary (BAB, NS 19/3957) and Bach-

Zelewski’s diary (BAB, R 20/45b).

63. On the early executions carried out by Einsatzgruppe C, see the contribution by Dieter Pohl in Klein, ed., Einsatzgruppen, 71–87 and his ‘Schauplatz Ukraine. Der Massenmord

an den Juden im Militärverwaltungsgebiet und im Reichskommissariat 1941–1943’, in

Norbert Frei, Sybille Steinbacher, and Bernd C. Wagner, eds, Ausbeutung, Vernichtung,

Öffentlichkeit. Neue Studien zur nationalsozialistischen Lagerpolitik (Munich, 2000),


64. Testimony of Kroeger, 28 Aug. 1967 (ZSt, 76/59, 9, pp. 14 ff.). For further information on Dobromil: ZSt, 204 AR 1258/66, charge of 30 Jan. 1968, and judgement of the Tübingen

District Court of 31 July 1969. According to incident report 24 there were 132 victims.

65. Ogorreck, Einsatzgruppen, 142 ff. Cf. Pohl, Ostgalizien, 60 ff., and Thomas Held, ‘Vom Pogrom zum Massenmord. Die Vernichtung der jüdischen Bevölkerung Lembergs im

Zweiten Weltkrieg’, in Peter Fässler et al., Lemberg—Lwóv—Lviv (Cologne, 1993),

113–66. See also ZSt, 204 AR 1258/66, charge of 30 Jan. 1958.

66. EM 24 (16 July 1941).

67. EM 47 (9 Sept. 1941).

68. EM 86 (17 Sept. 1941).

69. EM 38, EM 47, and EM 86.

70. EM 24; ZSt, 114 AR-Z 269/60, final report, Sonderkommando 4a, 30 Dec. 1964, 150, and

the judgement of 29 Nov. 1968; see also the testimony of Ostermann, 3 Nov. 1965 (12,

2459) and Pfarrkicher, 4 Apr. 1962 (3, pp. 539 ff.). For this and the following operations by Sonderkommando 4a see especially Ogorreck, Einsatzgruppen, 130 ff.

71. EM 14.

72. ZSt, 114 AR-Z 269/60, final report, Sonderkommando 4a, 30 Dec. 1964; Georg Pfarr-

kircher, 4 Apr. 1962 (3, 539 ff.); Johannes Erich August Fischer, 30 Oct. 1963

(7, pp. 1374 ff.); judgement of 29 Nov. 1968.

73. Ibid., final report of 28 Aug. 1962; vol. 2, 387 ff., interrogation of Paul Walter, 24 Oct.

1961; vol. 21, pp. 140 ff., testimony of Heinrich Schlimme, 19 Nov. 1963.

74. EM 47 (9 Aug. 1941).

75. EM 17 (9 July 1941).

76. EM 58 (20 Aug. 1941).

77. EM 47 (8 Aug. 1941).

78. On further ‘reprisal operations’ in the area of Einsatzgruppe C see EM 20 (17 July 1941) and EM 24 (16 July 1941, Dobromil and Zloczow).

79. EM 17 (9 July 1941).

80. EM 43 (5 Aug. 1941).


Notes to pages 201–203

81. EM 47 (9 Sept. 1941).

82. EM 58 (20 Aug. 1941). It was not the commando that was responsible for this massacre, however, but the SS Cavalry Brigade. See below, p. 220.

83. Angrick, Besatzungspolitik, 140 ff.; Radu Florian, ‘The Jassy Massacre of June 29–30, 1941: An Early Act of Genocide against the Jews’, in Randolph L. Braham, ed., The Destruction

of Romanian and Ukrainian Jews during the Antonescu Era (New York, 1997), 63–86;

Radu Ioanid, The Holocaust in Romania: The Destruction of Jews and Gypsies under the

Antonescu Regime 1940–1944 (Chicago, 1999), 63 ff. The total number of victims is

disputed (ibid. 85–6).

84. Ioanid, Holocaust, 90 ff.; Jean Ancel, ‘The German-Romanian Relationship and the

Final Solution’, HGS 19/2 (2005), 256–7.

85. Raul Hilberg, The Destruction of the European Jews (New York, 1985) 771.

86. Activity and Situation report no. 1, NO 2651, published in Peter Klein, ed., Die

Einsatzgruppen, 112 ff. and 121.

87. On the early executions carried out by Einsatzgruppe D, see Angrick, Besatzungspolitik, 131 ff., and the overview by the same author in Klein, Einsatzgruppen, 88–110. There is

an English version: ‘The Escalation of German-Romanian Anti-Jewish Policy after the

Attack on the Soviet Union’, YVS 26 (1998), 203–38.

88. EM 25; Angrick, Besatzungspolitik, 165 ff.

89. EM 37 and RH 20/11–488, report Ic/XXX AK of 2 Aug. 1941 (¼ NOKW 650) and further

documents in the same folder; cf. also the account in Angrick, Besatzungspolitik, 166–7,

Ogorreck, Einsatzgruppen, 153–4, and Krausnick, ‘Einsatzgruppen’, 238–9.

90. BAM, RH 20-11/488, report by Sonderkommando 10b to Army Group South, 9 July 1941

(¼ NOKW 587 and 3453); cf. Angrick, Besatzungspolitik, 148 ff.; Ogorreck, Einsatz-

gruppen, 154–5.

91. EM 40.

92. Ibid. Chotin, for example, was ‘gone through’, and ‘150 Jews and Communists were

liquidated’. Cf. Angrick, Besatzungspolitik, 159 ff.

93. EM 45; see also Angrick, Besatzungspolitik, 177 ff.

94. Ibid., testimony of Zöllner, 26 Apr. 1962.

95. EM 45; State Archive Munich, Case against Sonderkommando 11b, charge of 19 Aug.

1971; see also the testimony of the accused, Johannes Paul Schlupper, 18 May 1962

(5, pp. 1008–9) and the interrogations of Johannes Nentwig, 25 Apr. 1962 (5, pp.

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