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the Cologne District Court of 12 May 1964

(¼ Sagel-Grande, Justiz und NS-Verbrechen, xx, no. 573). Gerlach, Kalkulierte Morde,

585–6, dates these ‘actions’ to 9 Sept. 1941.

24. EM 92; Gerlach, Kalkulierte Morde, 586.

25. Ibid. 586.

26. EM 108 for 9 Oct. 1941; judgement of the Cologne District Court of 12 May 1964 (¼ Sagel-Grande, Justiz und NS-Verbrechen, xx, no. 573).

27. BA, NS 33/22, telex of 1 Sept. 1942; Angrick et al., Tagebuch, 342; YV 053/128, KTB

attachments, report of 30 Aug. 1941. According to the attached statistics for the

executions this affected only men.

28. YV 053/127, 29 Aug. 1941.

29. Ibid., 1 Sept. 1941. On these shootings see also the witness statements by Alois Fischer, 27

Oct. 1965 (ZSt, AR-Z 6/65, 2, pp. 484 ff.) and Friedrich Soier, 19 Oct. 1965 (ibid.,

pp. 383 ff.).

30. Gerlach, Kalkulierte Morde, 568. EM 90 reported a total of 2,278 victims.

31. Ibid.; StA Minsk 655-1-1 (copy USHM, Roll 4), file note on the progress of ‘combat

against partisans’ from 25 and 26 Sept. 1941. See also witness statement by Nagel,

Battalion commander, ZSt AR-Z 52/59, supplementary vol. 2, 318–19. Cf. Angerick et al.,

Tagebuch, 345–6.

32. Angrick et. al., Tagebuch, 346 ff.; YV053/27, Kriegstagebuch of Police Battalion 322, 2/3

Oct. 1941. On the mass murder in Mogilev as the ‘starting point for total annihilation’,

see Gerlach, Kalkulierte Morde, 587 ff.

33. EM 133; Judgement of the 1st Munich District Court of 21 July 1961 (¼ Sagel-Grande,

Justiz und NS-Verbrechen, xvii, no. 519); ZSt, 202 AR-Z 81/59, indictment of 19 Apr.

1960; Judgement of the Kiel District Court of 8 Apr. 1964 (¼ Sagel-Grande, Justiz und

NS-Verbrechen, xix, no. 567).


Notes to pages 223–224

34. Like those of Bobruisk and Gomel, this mass murder only appears in Activity and

Situational Report no. 8, which covers the first half of December (NO 2659, in Klein ed., Einsatzgruppen, 263 ff.); see Gerlach, Kalkulierte Morde, 596–7.

35. Wilhelm, ‘Einsatzgruppe A’, 576 ff.; Gerlach, Kalkulierte Morde, 597 ff.

36. Activity and Situational Report no. 8, NO 2659, mentions ‘2,365 Jews’; cf. Gerlach,

Kalkulierte Morde, 599.

37. Activity and Situational Report no. 8, NO 2659; ZSt, 202 AR-Z 81/59, indictment of 19

Apr. 1960 and judgement of the Munich District Court of 21 July 1961. Gerlach,

Kalkulierte Morde, 599–600 dates this mass murder to 7 and 8 Nov. 1941.

38. Gerlach, Kalkulierte Morde, 599 ff.

39. EM 133.

40. Einsatzgruppe B, Activity and Situational Report of 1 Mar. 1942, ZUV 9 quoted from

Gerlach, ‘Einsatzgruppe B’ in Klein, ed., Einsatzgruppen, 62.

41. NOKW 1165, report by the Higher SS and Police Commander South to AOK 6, 1 Aug.

1941 on ‘cleansing action’ carried out from 28 July to 30 Aug. 1941.

42. BAM, RH 22/5, 25 July 1941. On the murders carried out by the 1st Brigade in July and August, see Cüppers, Wegbereiter, 165 ff., and Bernd Boll, ‘Aktionen nach Kriegsbrauch.

Wehrmacht und 1. SS-Infanteriebrigade 1941’, ZfG 48 (2000), 775–88.

43. Activity Report by the 1st SS Brigade, 30 July 1941 for 27 July–30 July (Unsere Ehre, 197 ff.). See also BAB, NS 33/39 and NS 33/22, Activity Report of the Command Staff

RFSS, 6 Aug. 1941 for the period from 28 July to 3 Aug. 1941.

44. Activity Report by the 1st SS Brigade for the period from 3 Aug. to 6 Aug. (Unsere Ehre, 898–9). See also Schmuel Spector, The Holocaust of the Volhynian Jews, 1941–1944

(Jerusalem, 1990), 76–7, for more details.

45. Dienstkalender, ed. Witte, 12 Aug. 1941, p. 191; BAB, NS 33/320, Adj. RFSS, 11 Aug. 1941

and NS 33/312, Command Staff, 12 Aug. 1941. At the same time the Cavalry Brigade had

already shot a large number of Jews.

46. 1st Brigade’s Activity Report for 6 Aug.–10 Aug. dated 10 Aug. 1941 (Unsere Ehre,

111 ff.); EM 59 from 21 Aug.; BAB, NS 33/22, Command Staff report on activity

between 1 Sept. and 7 Sept. dated 10 Sept. 1941. On the involvement of Police

Battalion 320, see ibid., report by the Higher SS and Police Commander South of

20 Aug. 1941.

47. Cüppers, Wegbereiter, 174. Cüppers identifies inaccuracies in the reporting that can be attributed to technical and calculation errors; his own estimates are based on a more

comprehensive assessment of further sources.

48. KTB Command Staff, in Unsere Ehre, 110 ff. Further details in Cüppers, Wegbereiter,

203 ff.

49. EM 60; see also Jeckeln’s reports to the Command Staff (BAB, NS 33/22), 27–30 Aug.


50. ND 197-PS, minute of 27 Aug. 1941.

51. Randolph Braham, ‘The Kamenets-Podolsk and Délvidék Massacres: Prelude to the

Holocaust in Hungary’, YVS 9 (1973), 133–56; Klaus-Michael Mallmann, ‘Der qualitative

Sprung im Vernichtungsprozess. Das Massaker von Kamenez-Poldolsk Ende August

1941’, Jahrbuch für Antisemitismusforschung (JA) 10 (2001), 237–64.

52. EM 94.

Notes to pages 224–227


53. EM 88; see also BAB, NS 33/22, telex Higher SS and Police Commander South

(5 Sept. 1941).

54. See below, p. 220.

55. EM 106. On the massacre in Babi Yar see Krausnick, Einsatzgruppen, 189–90; Hartmut

Rüß, ‘Wer war verantwortlich für das Massaker von Babi Jar?’, Militärgeschichtliche

Mitteilungen (MGM) 57 (1998), 483–508; Klaus Jochen Arnold attempts, with argu-

ments I do not find entirely convincing, to play down the involvement of the army in

the massacre (‘Die Eroberung und Behandlung der Stadt Kiew durch die Wehrmacht

im September 1941: Zur Radikalisierung der Besatzungspolitik’, MGM 58 (1999), 23–63).

56. On Einsatzgruppe C, see Dieter Pohl, ‘Schauplatz Ukraine. Der Massenmord an den

Juden im Militärverwaltungsgebiet und in Reichskommissariat 1941–1943’, in Norbert

Frei et al., eds, Ausbeutung, Vernichtung, Öffentlichkeit. Neue Studien zur nationalso-

zialistischen Lagerpolitik (Munich, 2000), 135–73; and ‘Einsatzgruppe C’, in Klein, ed.,

Einsatzgruppen, 71–87.

57. ZSt, 201 AR-Z 76/59, vol. 6, 58 ff., 22 Mar. 1971. See also ibid., vol. 2, 375–6, 7 Feb. 1957: ibid., vol. 4, application for prior investigation, 29 Dec. 1969. See also 204 AR-Z 266/59, indictment of 30 Dec. 1964. On the interrogation of Schulz und Streckenbach, see

Ogorreck, Einsatzgruppen, 190 ff. and Wildt, Generation, 561 ff.

58. EM 119 (20 Oct. 1941).

59. EM 119.

60. EM 119.

61. EM 111.

62. EM 132.

63. Dienstkalender, ed. Witte et al., 3 Oct. 1941, p. 224.

64. EM 135.

65. Judgement of the Darmstadt District Court of 29 Nov. 1968.

66. Ibid. On the shootings see also the testimony of airman Friedrich Wilhelm Liebe, 14

June 1965 (IfZ, Gd 01.54, 49). The whole process is documented in detail in chapter 7 of

Klee et al., ‘Schöne Zeiten’.

67. EM 80, 11 Sept. 1941. See also ZSt, 114

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