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1070 ff.), and August Rosenbauer, 23 Sept. 1969 (18, p. 3823). See also EM 45; Angrick, Besatzungspolitik, 186 ff.

96. EM 61; State Archive Munich, 119 c Js 1/69, charge of 28 Oct. 1972. There are important details in the testimonies by Hermann Siebert, 13 Nov. 1951 (vol. 5, pp. 630 ff.), Karl

Becker, 4 Aug. 1970 (vol. 3, pp. 300 ff.), Erich Rohde, 3 June 1970 (vol. 5, pp. 584 ff.), and Erich Hanne, 17 Dec. 1969 (vol. 3, pp. 362 ff.).

97. Judgement by the Wuppertal District Court of 24 May. 1973 (ZSt, V 205 ArZ 20/60).

98. Andrei Angerick et al., ‘ “Da hätte man Tagebuch führen müssen”. Das Polizeibatal-

lion 322 und die Judenmorde im Bereich der Heeresgruppe Mitte während des Sommers

und Herbstes 1941’, in Helge Grabitz et al., eds, Die Normalität des Verbrechens.

Bilanz und Perspektiven der Forschung zu den nationalsozialistschen Gewaltverbre-

chen (Berlin, 1994); Unsere Ehre heist Treue: Kriegstagebuch des Kommandostabes

Notes to pages 203–208


Reichsführer 55. Tätigkeitsberichte der 1. und 2. SS-Inf.-Brigade, der 1.SS Kav.-Brigade

und von der Sonderkommandos der SS (Vienna, 1965), 334 ff.; judgement of

the District Court of Bochum against members of Police Battalion 316 who were

also involved in the massacre (Bochum District Court, 6 June 1968, ZSt, II 202 AR-Z


99. YV 053/12, Kriegstagebuch (KTB), Unsere Ehre, 322 (8 July 1941).

100. In his interrogation of 20 Apr. 1966, for example (ZSt, 73/61, 6, pp. 1510 ff.).

101. Ibid., YV 053/127, KTB 322 (9 July 1941).

102. Ibid (12 July 1941)

103. Ibid. (8 July 1941).

104. ZSt, II 202 AR-Z 168/59, order of the state prosecutor of Dortmund, 8 Nov. 1968. On

these shootings see also the judgement of the District Court of Freiburg on 12 July 1963

(¼ Sagel-Grande, Justiz and NS-Verbrechen, xix, no. 555).

105. Note by the public prosecution department, Lübeck, 9 Sept. 1965 (ZSt, AR-Z 82/61). See also the testimonies of Wilhelm Niehoff, 27 Feb. 1962 (1, pp. 12 ff.), Richard Pelz,

undated (1, pp. 354 ff.), Friedrich Niehoff, 18 Aug. 1966 (11, pp. 2723 ff.). Cf. Gerlach, Kalkulierte Morde, 546 ff.

106. YV 053/127, KTB 322 (2 Aug. 1941).

107. YV 053/127.

108. YV 053/127 (15 Aug. 1941).

109. BAB, NS 36/13, published in Longerich, Ermordung, 43–4.


The Transition from Anti-Semitic Terror to Genocide

1. IMT xxxviii. 86 ff. (221-L).

2. Angrick, Besatzungspolitik, 152, reconstitutes an execution that was conducted like a court martial on 8 July in Czernowitz (Sonderkommando 10b); the first shootings of Einsatzkommando Tilsit took place in a similar manner (Matthäus, in Christopher Browning,

The Origins of the Final Solution: The Evolution of Nazi Jewish Policy 1939–1942 (London, 2004), 254). On the change in practice for executions, see pp. 260–1. The new, more

effective procedures are explained in the so-called Jäger Report of Einsatzkommando 2 of 1

Dec. 1941 (OS, 500-1-25). See also the judgement of the District Court of Kiel of 8 Apr. 1964, which stresses the differences in execution procedures using the example of Einsatzkommando 8 (¼ Sagel-Grande, Justiz and NS-Verbrechen, xix. 773).

3. EM 19, EM 24, and EM 32.

4. EM 24, EM 73.

5. EM 73, EM 80.

6. EM 32, EM 47.

7. EM 46, EM 47.

8. EM 50, EM 67.

9. EM 58, EM 68.

10. EM 59.

11. EM 88, EM 90, and EM 94.

12. See above, p. 194.

13. See above, p. 195.


Notes to pages 208–214

14. EM 67.

15. EM 73.

16. EM 81.

17. EM 47.

18. For details see Krausnick, Truppe, 209 ff. The commandos sometimes urged that they be deployed not only in the Army Rear Area or the Rear Area of the Army Group but also in

the combat area (see for example the Stahlecker report, 180-L, IMT xxxvi. 670. ff., or

Activity and Situation Report no. 1, NO 2651, published in Klein, ed., Einsatzgruppen,

112 ff. and 113).

19. EM 111.

20. EM 27.

21. ADAP, series D, vol. 12, no. 207.

22. For details, see below, pp. 227 ff.

23. Gerlach, Kalkulierte Morde, 574 ff., which has various examples. Gerlach notes amongst other things that for the attitude of the central authorities the meeting of the General

Council of the Four-Year Plan on 19 Sept. 1941 meant a change of direction towards the

use of Jews for work details (ibid. 582; the invitation to this meeting and its agenda are in NG 1853).

24. Gerlach, Kalkulierte Morde, 583.

25. Ibid. 628 ff.

26. Ibid. 645 (in summary).

27. EM 31.

28. EM 111.

29. EM 94.

30. On the formation of ghettos, see above all Gerlach, Kalkulierte Morde, 521 ff. and 574 ff.

31. BAM, RW 31/11, cf. Aly, ‘Final Solution’, 190.

32. BAB, RW 12/189; cf. Aly, ‘Final Solution’, 192.

33. At the end of August or the beginning of September, the formation of ghettos in the

larger cities was specifically encouraged by the commander of Rear Army Area South

(BAM, RH 22–6, 28 Aug. 1941 and NOKW 1584). The commander of Rear Army Area

North described the formation of ghettos in an order dated 3 Sept. 1941 as not a priority (BAM, RH 26–285/45 and NOKW 2204). The commander of Rear Army Area Centre

had been issuing orders for the formation of ghettos since July (cf. Gerlach, Kalkulierte Morde, 524–5).

34. 1028-PS, IMT xxvi. 567 ff.

35. Gerlach, Kalkulierte Morde, 530 ff.

36. EM 19 and EM 21.

37. Published in Paul Kohl, ‘Ich wundere mich, dass ich noch lebe’. Sowjetische Augenzeu-

genberichte (Gütersloh, 1990), 218.

38. EM 31.

39. EM 43.

40. EM 63.

41. EM 106.

42. See below, Chapter 17.

43. 221-L, IMT xxxviii. 86 ff.

Notes to pages 214–218


44. BAB, R 43II/683a. Rosenberg had already been assigned the task of establishing an

‘Office for Eastern Questions’ by Hitler at the beginning of April. On Rosenberg’s

preparations for the war against the Soviet Union, see Yitzhak Arad, ‘Alfred Rosenberg

and the “Final Solution” in the Occupied Soviet Territories’, YVS 113 (1979), 265 ff.

45. NG 1688; published in, Führer-Erlasse 1939–1945, ed. Martin Moll (Stuttgart, 1997),

no. 99.

46. Cf. the letter from Stahlecker (leader of Einsatzgruppe A) to Heydrich dated 10 Aug.

1941 (Staatsarchiv (StA) Riga, 1026-1-3) in which he draws attention to the fact that ‘the handling of the Jewish Question is part of the police’s role in securing the newly

occupied Eastern territories so that, according to points I and II of the Führer’s decree on the securing of the occupied Eastern areas by the police of 18 July 1941, the Reichsführer SS is entitled to

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