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May 24, 2018.

“I could just feel how it comforted her. It grounded her”: Wick, author interview, July 13, 2017.

“It’s Saturday… How are you going to get your car repaired?”: Revell, author interview, June 3, 2019.

“I had all these books… It’s a part of life”: Kenworthy, author interview, May 24, 2018.


A note about the index: The pages referenced in this index refer to the page numbers in the print edition. Clicking on a page number will take you to the ebook location that corresponds to the beginning of that page in the print edition. For a comprehensive list of locations of any word or phrase, use your reading system’s search function.

Page numbers beginning with 589 refer to notes.

1619 Project, the, 104–5, 107–11, 194

9/11, 35, 41, 115–16, 147, 200

Aaron, Benjamin, 274

Abernathy, Ralph, 228

abortion rights, 41–42, 208, 301–2

NR on, 167, 195, 302

RR’s signing of law on, 150–51, 167

Abshire, David:

administration overhaul urged by, 482–83

on need to restore presidential credibility, 481

NR’s alliance with, 480–84, 486, 490

on NR’s role in rescuing Reagan presidency from Iran-contra, 494

on possible effect of Alzheimer’s on RR’s job performance, 534

on RR’s Iran-contra speech, 489–90

as special counsel for Iran-contra investigation, 480–84

Academy Awards, 1981 delay of, 279–80

Afghanistan, Soviet invasion of, 435, 436

Aga Khan IV, 448

Agnew, Spiro, 180, 182

Agriculture Department, US, school lunch subsidies cut by, 259–60

Ahearn, Rick, 561

AIDS/HIV, 411–32

conservatives’ view of, 418, 420, 421, 422–23, 426

government spending on, 418, 419, 425

Hudson’s contracting and acknowledgement of, 415–18

intravenous drug users and, 411

Koop report on, 419–20

NR’s increasing awareness of seriousness of, 415

public ignorance about, 414

Reagan administration’s downplaying of, 412, 414, 418, 421, 429, 432

RR’s amfAR speech on, 421–25

RR’s presidential commission on, 425–26, 428, 429

seen as confined to homosexuals, 411, 414

transfusion recipients infected with, 424–25, 427

Ailes, Roger, 383

Ainslie, Michael, 267

Albritton Communications, 546

Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms Bureau, in war on drugs, 321

Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner, 262

Alicoate, Jack, 21

Allen, Richard V., 235, 275, 292, 439, 443, 541

NR’s role in ousting of, 263, 304

RR’s failure to recognize, 538

Allentuck, Max, NR dated by, 65

Al-Shiraa, 466

Altman, Lawrence K., 533

Alzheimer’s disease, 6, 112, 373–74, 532

of Edie, 25, 334–35, 404

of RR, seeReagan, Ronald, Alzheimer’s disease of

American Brotherhood, 45

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 324

American Express, Ron’s ad for, 358

American Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR), RR’s speech to, 421–25

American Independent Party, 236

Anderson, Annelise, 569

Anderson, John B., in 1980 presidential bid, 213, 216, 217, 221, 231–32

Anderson, Martin, 210, 221, 227, 323, 524, 525, 569

RR’s failure to recognize, 538

Andropov, Yuri, 438, 441

And the Band Played On (Shilts), 417

Angelo, Bonnie, 193, 195, 196

Angola, 435

Annals of Internal Medicine, 412

Annenberg, Lenore, 132, 237, 250, 539

Annenberg, Walter, 132, 237, 250, 254, 519

antidrug crusade, of NR, 395, 463, 500

as antidote to NR’s image problem, 319, 323–24, 325

Califano on, 330

doubts about effectiveness of, 330

drug abuse “summits” in, 326

“Just Say No” slogan of, 329–30

media coverage of, 325–26

media’s positive response to, 380

NR’s deeply felt commitment to, 319, 326, 499

NR’s UN speech in, 326–27

party-line response to, 327

and Phoenix House Center cancellation, 519

prescription medication abuse downplayed in, 321

RR’s social program cuts contrasted with, 321, 328–29

RR’s support for, 465

Turner as NR’s ally in, 322–24, 329

visit to Straight Inc. facility in, 324

antinuclear movement, Patti’s activism in, 370

antiwar protests, 138, 151

Apple, R. W., Jr., 188, 493

Architectural Digest, 255

Ariel Project, 431

Army Air Corps, RR in, 89–90

Asher, Jerry, 88

Ashley, Lady Sylvia, 73

Associated Press, NR’s speech to, 498–99

Astor, Brooke, 240


Hollywood reliance on, 110–11, 343

Reagans’ reliance on, 110, 143, 207, 341–42, 345, 346–54, 508

Atlantic Monthly,263–64

Baker, Howard, 213, 215–16, 217, 221, 275

NR’s relationship with, 497

NR’s support for, 488

Regan replaced as White House chief of staff by, 487–88, 491, 496–97

Baker, James A., 5, 253, 257, 274, 311, 348, 351, 443, 444–45, 506, 554, 577

appointed White House chief of staff, 234

and assassination attempt, 272

blamed for 1984 debate debacle, 381–82

on Bush as vice president, 312

in departure from Treasury to work for Bush campaign, 511–12

in move to Treasury department, 385, 388

1982 tax hike supported by, 300–301

as NR ally, 234, 300, 301, 302

and NR’s habit of “borrowing” designer dresses, 316

in power-sharing troika with Deaver and Meese, 235, 300, 387

in RR’s 1980 campaign, 232

Baldrige, Letitia, 243, 333, 523

Barletta, John, 550–51

Barnett, Etta Moten, 35–36

Barry, Marion, 256

Bassuk, Adrienne, 202–3

Battaglia, Phil, 171

fired as California chief of staff, 156–58

lobbying business of, 158

Bauer, Gary, 425

Baumgold, Julie, 231

Bay of Pigs invasion, 493

Beach Boys, 304

Beahrs, Oliver, 401

Beale, Betty, 363

Beatty, Warren, 555

Beckwith, David, 488

Begin, Menachem, 290

Behind the Scenes (Deaver), 506

Bennett, Doug, 185

Bennett, William J., 421

Benny, Jack, 164

Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, RR’s speech at, 393, 395

Berle, Adolf, 565

Berlin Wall, RR’s “tear down this wall” declaration at, 456, 516–17

Bernstein, Robert L., 408

Bethesda Naval Hospital, 396

Betty and Bob (radio show), 44, 50

Beyette, Beverly, 19

Birney, Frank:

NR dated by, 56–57

suicide of, 57

Bitburg, Germany, military cemetery:

RR’s visit to, 390–91

Waffen SS graves at, 391

Black, Charles, 211, 220

Black Women Oral History Project, 35

Blair House, 244

Blees, Robert, 110

Bloody Thursday, 151

Bloomingdale, Alfred, 132, 163, 237, 334

Bloomingdale, Betsy, 146, 163, 237, 317, 334, 347, 573

NR’s close friendship with, 132–33

at NR’s funeral, 577

Bohemian Grove, 538

Bolshoi Theatre, 462

Bonanza (TV show), 125

Bond, Rich, 538

Boorstin, Daniel J., 407

Boston Globe, 87, 380, 495

Boys Town, NR’s speech at, 16–17

Bradlee, Ben, 241

Brady, James, 227

shooting of, 272–73, 274

Brady, Sarah, 273–74, 279

“Brains Can’t Hurt You” (NR magazine article), 100

Brandon, Muffie, 317

NR’s image as priority of, 333

Smith honorary degree for NR broached by, 327–28

Breen, Jon, 217

Breen, Joseph, 97

Brezhnev, Leonid:

death of, 438, 440

RR’s letter to, 436–37

Briggs, John, 209

Brinkley, Anne, 571

Brinkley, David, 540

Brinkley, Douglas:

NR’s relationship with, 570–71

on RR’s Alzheimer’s disease, 536

RR’s diaries edited by, 570–72

Brokaw, Tom, 555, 577

Brother Rat (film), 87

Brown, Edmund G. “Pat,” 143, 154, 163

in California gubernatorial loss to RR, 141–42, 164

Brown, Jerry:

1974 election victory of, 170

old Governor’s Mansion renovated by, 165–66

Brown v. Board of Education, 328

Buchanan, Patrick J., 393, 396, 422, 538

as arch-conservative, 478

NR’s demand for firing of, 478–79

Buckley, Patricia, 130, 200

Buckley, William F., Jr., 200, 418

NR’s correspondence with, 130, 137–38

Reagans’ friendship with, 130

Buckley, William Francis, kidnapping of, 400

Busch, Cathy, 531

Bush, Barbara, 233, 267, 457, 524

mutual antipathy of NR and, 311–14, 511, 512, 513, 514, 539–40

NR’s insecurities triggered by, 312–13

on NR’s rivalry with Raisa Gorbachev, 459

Bush, George H. W., 188, 232, 462, 486, 518

and assassination attempt, 274

and Bitburg cemetery controversy, 392

inauguration of, 513–14

in 1980 presidential bid, 203–4, 213, 215, 217, 311

in 1988

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