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RR and Wyman as informants for, 91

Federal Election Commission, 215

Feminine Mystique, The (Friedan), 54

feminists, feminism, 194

NR disdained by, 5, 54, 147–48, 231, 251

Patti as, 180–81

Ferraro, Geraldine, as Mondale’s running mate, 381

Fielding, Fred, 257, 361

on NR as shrewd judge of people, 258

NR’s relationship with, 252, 257–58

and RR’s temporary transfer of power to Bush, 397–98

Sinatra’s possible role in Reagan administration thwarted by, 332

as White House counsel, 252

Fisher, Lucy, 427

in last visit with NR, 575

Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 46

Fitzwater, Marlin, 368

Folsey, George, 68

Forbes, Malcolm, 518–19

Ford, Betty, 193, 297, 330

contrasting approaches to drug problem of NR and, 330

controversial statements by, 194–95

drug and alcohol addiction of, 224

NR’s rivalry with, 194

Ford, Gerald, 381, 518

1976 reelection campaign of, 184–85, 186, 187–93, 199

as possible 1980 presidential candidate, 203

presidency of, 182–83, 184

as RR’s possible 1980 running mate, 224

For the Record (Regan), 352, 508

Forrestal, USS, 193

Fortune, 296

Foster, Jodie, Hinckley’s obsession with, 273

Foster Grandparents, 250, 331, 362, 403

NR’s championing of, 167–68

Fox, Michael J., 560

Frank, Anne, RR’s quoting of, 395

Franklin, Cory, 43

Fraunces Tavern bombing, 357

Friedan, Betty:

on NR as anachromism, 5, 54

on Smith College culture, 53–54

Frist, Bill, 547

Futterman, Myron, 88

Gable, Clark, 79

NR dated by, 65–66, 72–73

Gadhafi, Mu’ammar, 286, 414

Galanos, James, 143, 246

Galbraith, Charlotte, 14, 18

Galbraith, Virginia, 13–15, 18

Galesburg, Ill., 29, 32, 33

RR’s brief childhood stay in, 80, 83

Garden of Allah, 590

Garfield, James A., 284

Garin, Geoff, 528–29

gays and lesbians, seehomosexuals, homosexuality

gender gap, 359

General Electric (GE):

Reagan family featured in commercials of, 116–17

Reagans’ all-electric home built by, 114–15

RR as spokesman for, 113–14, 115

RR dropped by, 125–26

General Electric Theater (TV show), 117

canceling of, 125

RR as host and actor in, 113–14

Geneva, 1985 summit in, 448–51, 453

Georgetown University Medical School, NR’s commencement speech to, 499–500

George Washington University Hospital, 269, 276–77

Giniger, Kenneth, NR dated by, 65

Giordano, Joseph, 272

Gish, Lillian, 47, 65

Glaser, Ariel:

AIDS contracted by, 427

death of, 428, 430

Glaser, Elizabeth:

AIDS contracted by, 427

death of, 431

in decision to go public on AIDS, 429–30

Democratic National Convention speech of, 431

NR’s offer of help to, 430

in White House meeting with Reagans, 428–29

Glaser, Jake:

AIDS contracted by, 427

as AIDS survivor, 431

Glaser, Paul Michael, 427, 428

Glenn, John, 376–77, 443

Goldstein, Bettye Naomi, seeFriedan, Betty

Goldwater, Barry, 134, 149, 205

Ford endorsed by, 192

on RR’s first inaugural celebration, 247

Goldwater, Barry, 1964 presidential campaign of:

in loss to LBJ, 127, 184

RR’s TV speech for, 126–27, 190

Goodman, Ellen, 380, 495

Good Morning America (TV show), 325, 358, 372

Gorbachev, Mikhail, 310, 351

named Soviet general secretary, 447

Nobel Peace Prize awarded to, 462

NR on Raisa’s support for, 458

NR’s liking for, 453

overthrow of, 517

in Rancho del Cielo visit, 517

Ronald Reagan Freedom Award given to, 517

RR’s summits with, 321, 358, 448–51, 453–54, 456–57, 460–62, 501

Thatcher’s praise for, 447

Gorbachev, Raisa, 451

fashion consciousness of, 452

as husband’s closest adviser, 452

NR’s rivalry with, 452–53, 454, 457–61, 462

Gordon, Waddell, Jr., 85

Graber, Ted, 413

and NR’s White House renovation, 253, 254

Graham, Billy, 279, 346, 574

Graham, Katharine, 231, 240

Grant, Cary, on NR as good listener, 73

Gray, Nellie, 301

Great Depression, 28–29, 30, 258

Greatest American Hero, The (TV show), 280

Greene, Frances Hawley, 56

Greider, William, 264

Gridiron Club:

NR’s self-satire at, 315–19

RR’s self-satire at, 614

Griffin, Merv, 346, 373, 554

Grilley, Paul, Patti’s marriage to, 371

Gromyko, Andrei:

NR’s meeting with, 445–46

RR’s meeting with, 445

gun control, NR’s opposition to, 242

Gurtler, Peter, 309

Haffner, Fred, 171

Haig, Al, 294, 443, 444

NR’s distrust of, 275

in resignation as secretary of state, 306–7, 439

and RR’s letter to Brezhnev, 437–38

as secretary of state, 274–75

Halcion, NR’s use of, 549

Hall, Fawn, 468

Hannaford, Peter D., 170

Hanson, Karen, 156

Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 352

Harding, Warren G., 284

Hargrave, Homer, 46

Harris, Lou, 467

Harrison, Peter, 18

Harrison, William Henry, 284

Hart, Gary, in 1984 presidential campaign, 377

Hatch, Orrin, 558, 560

Hatfield, Mark, 407

Hellcats of the Navy (film), 74

Helms, Jesse, 189, 190

Helms, Richard, 505

Henderson, Lady Mary, 333

Henkel, William, 449, 508

and Bitburg cemetery controversy, 390–91, 392, 394

and NR’s reliance on astrology, 350–52

Hepburn, Katharine, 47, 49

NR’s friendship with, 65

Hezbollah, Buckley kidnapped by, 400

Hickey, Ed, 399

Higdon, Robert, 502, 509, 548, 550, 555

and NR’s funeral arrangements, 574–75

NR’s relationship with, 418–19

and partner’s death from AIDS, 419

and RR’s funeral arrangements, 561, 563

Hinckley, John W., Jr., in attempted assassination of RR, 273

hippies, 138

Hitler, Adolf, 55


Hodges, Joy, 91

Holden, Ardis (Brenda Marshall), 98, 130–31

at Reagans’ wedding, 106

Holden, William:

at Reagans’ wedding, 106

RR’s friendship with, 98, 102, 130–31

Hollywood, Calif.:

NR’s move to, 68

see alsomovie industry

Hollywood publicity machine:

NR and, 72–73

RR’s aversion to, 105

Hollywood Reporter, 75, 431

Home Front (Davis):

Ron’s reaction to, 372

as thinly disguised autobiography, 368–69, 372

homosexual rights, NR’s support for, 209–10

homosexuals, homosexuality:

AIDS seen as disease of, 411, 412, 414

NR’s friendships with, 62, 411, 412–13

RR’s beliefs on, 413

RR’s stereotypical imitations of, 413–14

Hoover, Herbert, 45

Hoover Institution, 502, 524

Hoovervilles, 28–29

Hopper, Hedda, 107

Houseman, John, 64

House Un-American Activities Committee, RR’s testimony before, 91

Huck, Janet, 430

Hudson, Rock, death from AIDS of, 415–18

Humphrey, Gordon, 426

Humphrey, Hubert, 174

Hunt, Albert R., 568

Huston, Anjelica, 48

Huston, John, 48

Huston, Walter, 12, 22, 24, 77

Loyal as doctor and friend to, 48

NR’s friendship with, 65

NR’s show business ambitions discouraged by, 49

Hutton, John, 291, 292–93, 418, 498, 537

in attempt to wean NR from sleeping pills, 320

and NR’s breast cancer, 401–2

and RR’s Alzheimer’s disease, 531, 532, 533, 546, 556

and RR’s colon cancer, 396–97

Inge, William, 17

Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, 456

Internal Revenue Service (IRS), in war on drugs, 321

International Best Dressed List, NR as regular on, 146

International Women’s Year Conference, 194

Iowa caucuses (1980), 212–14


Lebanon hostages and, 466, 472

US relations with, 399–400, 471–72

Iran-contra scandal, 304, 312, 352, 385, 400, 456, 463

Abshire as special counsel for, 480–84

Casey and, 473, 477–78

continuing fallout from, 501

hostage releases in, 465–66

impeachment possibility in, 473–74

Israel’s role in, 466

McFarlane in, 445, 466, 492

Meese’s investigation of, 467, 468

North in, 468, 473, 478, 501

NR’s blaming of Regan for, 469

NR’s fears about, 473

NR’s role in rescue of Reagan presidency from, 493–94, 495

NSC in, 467

Poindexter and, 468, 501

profits from arms sales funneled to contras in, 468, 501

Regan’s push for news conference on, 484–85

RR’s Alzheimer’s as possible factor in, 534

RR’s false statements in, 466–67

RR’s job approval affected by, 467, 473, 493

RR’s stubbornness in, 467, 473–74, 480

RR’s televised speech on, 489–93

Tower Commission investigation of, seeTower Commission

as violation of US policy on terrorism, 466, 472

Iranian hostage crisis, 206, 232, 247, 248

Islamic Holy War, 465


in Iran-contra deal, 466

Lebanon invaded by, 294

“I Wish You Peace” (song), 181

Jacobsen, David, 465

Jefferson, Eva, 180

Jennings, Peter, 540

Jews, in Soviet Union, 461

Joffrey Ballet, 200, 275, 356–57

Johnny Belinda (film), 90

John Paul II, Pope, 294, 395

attempted assassination of, 285

Johnson, Hiram, 162

Johnson, Lady Bird,

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