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Book online «The Triumph of Nancy Reagan Karen Tumulty (motivational novels .TXT) 📖». Author Karen Tumulty

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Kelly’s radio speeches, 51

Davis, Loyal, 35, 70, 126, 335

abortion rights and, 41–42

army service of, 43–44, 50

atheism of, 33, 336

in call for smoking research, 42

conservatism of, 41

death of, 337–38

declining health of, 334, 335–36

in divorce from Pearl, 22

and Edie’s health issues, 334–35

Edie’s shipboard meeting with, 20

education of, 32–33

fee-splitting opposed by, 42

funeral forbidden by, 336, 338

generosity of, 34

happy marriage of Edie and, 24–25

health-insurance system criticized by, 42

on inadequate training of surgeons, 42–43

neurosurgery career of, 20, 22, 23, 24, 33

NR adopted by, 36–38

NR given poor parenting advice by, 124

NR’s close relationship with, 32, 36, 38–41, 103, 356

and NR’s engagement to RR, 102–3

NR’s insistence on funeral for, 338–39

perfectionism of, 32, 34, 38

politics disliked by, 41

referred to as “father” by NR, 20, 36

similarities in temperament of NR and, 39

as stern teacher, 34–35

two weddings of Edie and, 23–24

unhappy marriage of Pearl and, 20, 33

as Walter Huston’s doctor and friend, 48

working-class background of, 24, 32–33

Davis, Patricia (Dick’s wife), 248

Davis, Patti, 111, 131, 282

as absent from Edie’s funeral, 406

in affair with married teacher, 179–80

and assassination attempt, 278–79

birth of, 107, 116

on children of famous people, 355

drug use by, 181

Dutch praised by, 409–10

on effect of assassination attempt on NR, 284

elopement attempt by, 139

in GE commercials, 117

Grilley’s marriage to, 371

Home Front written by, 368–69, 372–73

in last visit with NR, 575

Leadon’s relationship with, 181

liberal activism of, 370

marijuana use by, 139, 242

media coverage of, 370

in meeting with RR and Caldicott, 370–71

Moore as godmother of, 46

My Turn portrait of, 520

name change of, 182

NR accused of physical abuse by, 118, 119, 139

on NR’s antidrug crusade and personal drug dependence, 321

on NR’s childhood, 14

NR’s difficult relationship with, 117–18, 139, 179–80, 182, 369, 371–72

at NR’s funeral, 577

NR’s reconciliation with, 547–48

NR’s warming relationship with, 373–74

rebelliousness of, 139

and RR’s 1980 election, 236

and RR’s Alzheimer’s disease, 373–74

on RR’s death, 561

RR’s emotional remoteness from, 182

on sale of ranch, 551–52

Secret Service protection rejected by, 369–70

strain of RR’s long absences on, 117–18

in visits with Loyal and Edie, 335

Davis, Pearl McElroy:

death of, 38

in divorce from Loyal, 22

Loyal’s unhappy marriage to, 20, 33

Davis, Richard “Dick,” 25, 27–28, 30, 38, 46, 47, 49, 124, 181, 192, 248, 320, 336, 398, 577

and assassination attempt, 277, 278

as envious of NR’s relationship with Loyal, 39

on Loyal’s response to NR’s engagement, 102–3

on NR as California first lady, 144

on NR’s engagement to White, 61

on NR’s friendship with Will, 310

and NR’s insistence on funeral for Loyal, 338

on NR’s relationship with Robbins, 18

unhappy childhood of, 38–39

Davis family:

financial difficulties of, 50–51

Hustons’ close friendship with, 48–49

Kellys’ friendship with, 49

Lake Shore Drive home of, 24, 29, 43, 49

Phoenix stays of, 56, 70, 106

Death Valley Days (TV show), 126

Deaver, Amanda, 507

Deaver, Carolyn, 505

Deaver, Michael K., 41, 76, 154, 241, 250, 309, 413, 560

alcoholism of, 321, 349, 505–6

and assassination attempt, 270, 271, 272, 274, 276

and Baker-Regan job swap, 388–89

and Baker’s appointment as chief of staff, 233–34

and Bitburg cemetery controversy, 390–91, 392, 393–94

blamed for 1984 debate debacle, 381

blamed for RR’s overscheduled European trip, 295

as California deputy chief of staff, 160

Clark’s clashes with, 443

death of, 573

in departure from RR White House, 388, 389–90, 396

expensive lifestyle of, 349–50, 385

honesty as hallmark of, 160, 161

legal problems of, 505–7

memoir of, 506

named assistant to the president, 235

in 1980 campaign, 222

1980 campaign rejoined by, 221

1982 tax hike supported by, 300–301

1984 reelection advertising overseen by, 378–79

as NR ally, 292, 295, 300, 301, 302, 314, 388, 475, 560

NR’s close relationship with, 160–61, 218, 394, 475, 506

on NR’s drug dependency, 320

NR’s image as priority of, 333

NR’s misgivings about lobbying career of, 504–5

on NR’s political astuteness, 161, 174–75

and NR’s reliance on astrology, 341, 347, 348–50, 351

perjury conviction of, 507

in power-sharing troika with Baker and Meese, 235, 300, 387

public relations firm of, 170

Reagans’ estrangement from, 507

Reagans’ reconciliation with, 526–27

in resignation from 1980 presidential campaign, 211–12

on RR’s 1976 presidential bid, 183

and RR’s letter to Brezhnev, 438

on RR’s openness, 409

RR’s success as priority of, 160

Sears’s conflict with, 210–11

and selection of Morris as RR biographer, 408

and Sinatra’s possible role in Reagan administration, 332

Stockman firing urged by, 264

DeBakey, Michael, 276

DeFazio, Peter, 518

DeFrank, Tom, 295

Delahanty, Thomas, 273, 279

Democratic National Convention:

of 1944, 49

of 1984, 381

of 1992, 431

Depression, Great, 28–29, 30, 258

Deutsch, Armand, 132, 163, 250

Deutsch, Harriet, 132, 250

Diana, Princess of Wales:

wedding of, 256, 284

White House dinner for, 314

Didion, Joan, 165

on NR, 147–48

Die Hard (film), 503

Dietrich, Marlene, 12, 343, 523

Diff’rent Strokes (TV show), 325

dime, proposal for replacing FDR’s likeness with RR’s on, 567–68

Dixon, Ill., Reagan family’s move to, 80

Dixon, Jeane, 344, 350

Dobrynin, Anatoly:

RR’s secret meeting with, 441

Shultz’s dialogue with, 440–41

Dolan, Anthony, 439

Dole, Bob:

in 1980 presidential bid, 213–14, 215, 216, 217, 221

in 1996 presidential race, 547

as possible 1980 presidential candidate, 204

Donahue (TV show), 372

Donaldson, Sam, 460

NR’s friendship with, 572–73

Donovan, Raymond J., NR on resignation of, 305–6

Donovan’s Brain (film), 109

Dowd, Maureen, 380

Douglas, Helen Gahagan, 98

Douglas, Stephen, 29

Drake, Joanne, 571, 573

Ryan replaced as RR’s post-presidency chief of staff by, 546

Drake Hotel (Chicago), 29

drug abuse:

AIDS and, 411

1980s decline in, 330

NR’s crusade against, seeantidrug crusade, of NR

popular culture blamed for glamorizing of, 322

RR administration law-and-order approach to, 321

“tough love” approach to, 324

Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), in war on drugs, 321, 323

Duberstein, Ken, 507

NR’s alliance with, 497–98

Dukakis, Michael S., 513

Dutch: A Memoir of Ronald Reagan (Morris):

poor reviews of, 409

Ron and Patti’s praise for, 409–10

Dwan, Allan, 110

Eagles, 181–82

East Side, West Side (film), 75

Ebsen, Buddy, NR’s crush on, 59–60

economics, supply-side, 263–64

economy, US, 1982 recession in, 5, 201, 300–301, 376

1983 recovery of, 378

NR’s naivete about, 251–52, 254–55, 258

Edwards, Anne, 39, 77

Edward VIII, King of England, 39

Eisenhower, Dwight, 290, 328

elections, US:

of 1974, 184

of 1978, 204

of 1980, 236, 249

of 1982, 376

of 1988, 510–13

of 1992, 538–39

of 1994, 527–29

elections, US, of 1986, 463–64

NR and, 464–65

Republican loss of Senate in, 465

RR’s campaigning in, 464–65

Elizabeth II, Queen of England, 193, 516

RR’s meeting with, 294

Eller, Carl, 328

Ellick, Tom, 152–53, 156

Ellis, Tom, 189–90

Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), 194, 195, 208

Maureen’s support for, 359

Erkenbeck, Jane, 299, 403

on NR’s reliance on astrology, 348

Esquire, 569

Ethics in Government Act (1978), 257, 505

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (film), 291

Eureka College:

Reagans’ bequest to, 553

RR at, 85, 86, 248–49

Factory Follies, NR in, 58–59

FALN, Fraunces Tavern bombing by, 357

Fast Lane, 500

Faubus, Orval, 328

Fauci, Anthony, 423–24

in early warning about AIDS crisis, 411–12

and Koop’s AIDS report, 419–20

on RR’s failure to address AIDS crisis, 412

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI),

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